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Causes of the Civil War!
What to Do With Slavery?
Most Americans were to busy to worry about issues such as
slavery. By the 1840s travel was mostly east-west, not north- south, so
few Georgians had ever met a New Yorker, and few from Vermont had
ever met a Mississippian. Most northerners didn’t care much about
slaves and had no desire to either free them or have more blacks
moving to the North. As a matter of fact, some northerners wanted to
return Africans to Africa and deny American citizenship. It was the
frontier expansion that caused Congress and the people to wrestle
with the slavery question!
American Ideas
Manifest Destiny – A belief shared by many Americans in the mid1800s that the United States was meant to expand across the
continent to the Pacific Ocean.. (USA= Ocean to Ocean)
State’s Rights- State’s have the right to create their own laws and disregard the federal government, if necessary
Popular Sovereignty-would allow voters in a territory to decided whether they wanted to ban or allow slavery.
Sectionalism – A devotion to the interest of one part of the country rather than the entire country as a whole.
Missouri Compromise
Debate: 1819, Missouri
wanted to enter the U.S as a
slave state.
Congress consisted of 11 free, 11
slave states
Missouri would throw off the
balance of power.
Henry Clay’s resolution:
– 1. Missouri would enter the
U.S as a slave state.
– 2. Maine would join the U.S as
a free state.
– 3. Slavery not allowed in any
new territories or states formed
north of the 36’ 30’ latitude line(Missouri’s southern border)
Slave Codes
• According to the Constitution,
each slave counted as 3/5 a
• Slaves escaped to the Northern
States, and Canada
• In 1850 stricter laws were
passed making it mandatory
for federal marshals to assist in
recapturing runaways.
• The Fugitive Slave Act -1850
made it a federal crime to help
runaway slaves.
• Penalties for helping a slave
included fines and
imprisonment for up to 6
Dred Scott Decision
Debate: Dred Scott, a slave of an army surgeon
from St. Louis, Missouri, who first sued for his
freedom in 1847.
His proposal: he became free when he lived in a
free territory.
Court ruled (1857):
– 1. African Americans are not citizens under
the U.S. Constitution (3/5)
– 2. Missouri Compromise unconstitutional.
– 3. Slave status depends on home state.
– 4. Slaves were property!
– Southerners cheered, Northerners were
– childhood friends of Scott, had helped pay
Scott's legal fees through the years.
– After the Supreme Court's decision, the former
master's sons purchased Scott and his wife and
set them free.
Dred Scott died nine months later.
Abolition – To end slavery
Quakers: 1st Abolitionists, challenged
slavery (sin) on religious grounds
William Lloyd Garrison: published
The Liberator, an abolitionist
Harriet Beecher Stowe: wrote a book
called “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”
John Brown: believed that violence
was the only way to end slavery
Harriet Tubman: created and
maintained the Underground
Frederick Douglass: was an escaped
slave, and brilliant speaker He
published his autobiography and an
abolitionist newspaper, The North
Compromise of 1850
• Debate- Admission of
California to the Union.
• Henry Clay’s resolution:
• To please the North:
California would be a free
state, and the slave trade
would end in Washington
• To please the South:
Congress would not pass
laws regarding slavery in
the territories won from
Mexico, and would pass
the Fugitive Slave Act
Kansas- Nebraska Act
Kansas – Nebraska Act:
1854 law that created Kansas
and Nebraska and gave
residents the right to vote for
for/against Slavery
John Brown – and 5 sons killed 5
pro-slavery men. 200 other
people killed in the months that
Stephan Douglas’ Resolution:
1. Divide the land into two
territories- Kansas and Nebraska.
2. Popular sovereignty would
decide the issue of slavery
3. Remove the Missouri
Violence in Congress
• In 1856, abolitionist Senator
Charles Sumner was beaten in
the Senate chamber
• He had called S.C. Senator
Andrew Butler names during a
speech to the Senate
• 3 days later, Butler’s nephew,
Preston Brooks, beat Sumner
with a metal-handled cane
• Sumner was beaten unconscious
until the cane shattered
• Head wounds kept him out of
the Senate for 3 years
• North outraged, South sent
Brooks canes, Senators now
armed for work!
Preston Brooks
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
1858 U.S. Senate Seat not President
7 Debates on the issue of slavery
and its future out West.
Lincoln = republican & “slavery
shall grow no more”
Douglas = democrat and slavery!
Douglas won the senate seat BUT
the debates established the
reputation of Abraham Lincoln for
future political interests:
The Presidency! 1861-1865
*Lincoln won the presidential
election of 1860! Southerners
*Many Southerners believed
that once in power, Lincoln
would move to abolish slavery.
They feared this would upset
their economy and society.
*December 17, 1860 South
Carolina voted to secede (leave
the Union).
*They figured that the states
voluntarily joined the United
States and they could
voluntarily leave!
Ft. Sumter
• Ft. Sumter is located just outside of
Charleston, South Carolina, which
controlled the entrance to the
Charleston Harbor
• Before sunrise on April 12, 1861,
Confederate soldiers fired the first
shots of the Civil War!
• Fort is shelled for 34 hours before
Union surrenders
• No casualties until Union fires a
salute as they lower the flag –
cannon explodes killing one and
wounding three others
Ft. Sumter
The Fall of Fort Sumter
• Crisis at Fort Sumter
– Commander Robert Anderson sent the message to Lincoln that
Confederate leaders were demanding surrender or would attack.
– Low on supplies, Fort Sumter remained in Union hands. The fort was
very symbolic to both sides.
– Lincoln would not surrender the fort, but would send food and other
nonmilitary supplies.
– Jefferson Davis would decide whether to attack and go to war or allow
the symbol of federal authority to remain.
• The attack on the fort
– Davis ordered a surprise attack before the supplies could arrive.
– On April 12, 1861, the Confederate artillery opened fire on the fort, and
an outgunned Fort Sumter surrendered the next day.
The Rush to War
Response in the North
Reaction in the South
• Lincoln calls for 75000
• 90 days’ service to put down the
• Lincoln’s political enemy Stephen
Douglas supports the action,
“There can be no neutrals in this
war, only patriots—or traitors”
• Northerners rush to enlist
• With call for volunteers, the eight
remaining Union slave states now
forced to choose a side
• Union slave states refused to
provide troops to fight against
fellow southerners
• Confederate states ready to call
up men
• First Virginia, then Arkansas,
Tennessee, and North Carolina
Goals and Strategies
Union Goals
• Needed to be carefully
• War could not center around
the dispute over slavery—
border states pushed to
• Fight for patriotic reasons—
to save the Union
Confederate Goals
• South wanted to be left
alone with slavery
• Prepared to defend
themselves against invasion
• Felt northerners would soon
tire of war and withdraw
Choosing Sides
Label the States (only the states on the map in folder)
Choose 3 light colors and color the North, South, and Border States.
Make a key to explain the colors
Choosing Sides
• North
Nevada (became free state in 1864)
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island
West Virginia (free state in 1863)
• South
North Carolina
South Carolina
• Border States
Slave states that didn’t secede
Civil War
• North
Yankees, Federals, Union
Billy Yanks
Battle tune: Battle Hymn of
the Republic
• South
Rebels, Dixie, Confederacy
Johnny Rebs
Battle tune: Dixie
North Vs. South
Population- 22 million (about 4
million of combat age)
About 2,000,000 join the Union
Army/Navy (about 46% of eligible
Economy based on manufacturing
100,000 factories with about one
million workers
20,000 miles of railroad and 96% of
the nation’s railroad equipment
The majority of coalmines and canals
(needed for industry)
$189,000,000 in bank deposits
$56,000,000 in gold
Federal income tax started!
• North’s Strategy: divide and conquer
(preserve the Union)
Population- 9 million (5.5 million
whites/3.5 million slaves)
About 850,000 join Confederate
Army/Navy (about 90% of eligible
Economy based on farming
20,000 factories with about 200,000
9,000 miles of railroad
$47,000,000 in bank deposits
$37,000,000 in gold
South taxed and had to give portion of
its crops to fund war
• South’s Strategy: survive until North
quits (outlast)
Making Soldiers
After the firing at Ft. Sumter, Lincoln calls for 75,000 militiamen
After Ft. Sumter, four more states join the Confederacy
Northerners were usually “cityboys”
Southerners knew the woods, how to shoot and ride
Most of the best generals left the Union Army to return to their
homeland in the South
• Entire towns had their men volunteer together to go to war
• They came in their own uniforms with a variety of weapons
• Later, both sides use conscription (draft) to get soldiers
• Men from ages 18-35 were drafted; some paid people to take their
place;Southern planters with many slaves didn’t have to go
• Boys volunteered- tricked officials (18 in shoe); some women
disguised themselves as men to fight
• Blacks not able to fight at first, Lincoln didn’t want problems with border states and
others; “White man’s war”; about 200,000 Blacks eventually fight on both sides,
some 37,000 die in battle
• Frederick Douglass said, “Men of color to arms! Liberty won only by white men
would lose half its luster.”
• In 1863, Lincoln lets War Dep’t form Bureau of Colored Troops; commanded by
whites they fought bravely; 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment was
famous- “Glory” w/Denzell Washington
• The average Yank or Reb was a "white, native-born, farmer, Protestant,
single, between 18 and 29." He stood about 5 feet 8 inches tall and weighed
about 143 pounds. Most soldiers were between the ages of 18 and 39 with an
average age just under 26.
• Union Army was made up of 1/5 immigrants – they were happy to fight for a
country that had given them so much
• They included 200,000 Germans; 150,000 Irish; 45,000 English; 15,000
Canadians, and lesser numbers of French, Norwegians, Italians, Mexicans,
and Poles
• Exact figures for the South are sketchy, but tens of thousands of Irish,
Germans, British, French, Canadians, Dutch, and Austrians entered
Confederate ranks.
• Indians fought on both sides of the battle (Ely Parker)
Army Organization
• Cavalry- mounted soldiers on horseback; the “eyes and ears”
• Artillery- the firepower of the battle; often towed behind
• Infantry- soldiers on foot fighting in close combat with
guns, bayonets, and bare hands if necessary
• Quartermasters- provide everything the unit needs to
fight- food, supplies, medical equipment, telegraph, etc.
About 25 wagons per 1,000 men
• Engineers- build roads, bridges, and fortifications; make
• Soldiers used breech loaders,
muzzle loaders, carbines, shotgun
• Pistols were made by
Remington, Colt, and others
• Ammunition included the Minie
ball, gunpowder flasks, caps
• Blades included sabers,
bayonets, and cutlasses
• Guns more powerful, accurate
than ever before
Big Guns
• Three categories: field artillery,
guns strapped to carriages, and
big guns
• The Napoleon howitzer was the
most common field artillery
• The Rodman was huge; guarded
• Cannonballs filled with lead slugs
or iron balls
Specialized Weapons
• The Gatling gun was hand
cranked and could shoot 600
rounds per minute from six
barrels;it saw limited action
• The grenade was ceramic and
packed with explosives to be
thrown at enemies
• Balloons were used as
observation platforms. One
left from a Confederate ship
making one of the first
aircraft carriers
New technology
• The portable telegraph was
used to transmit troop
• Photography was used to
record gruesome images
from the Civil War
• Confederacy has few
chemicals needed to process
photos;North has most
Anaconda Plan
• The Anaconda Plan was proposed in 1861 by Union General Winfield Scott.
• He suggested that the Union should blockade Confederate ports and send
gunships down the Mississippi river to divide the South in two.
• The South would run out of resources and surrender. This would take time,
but have the minimal loss of life.
• "Anaconda" is taken from the way an anaconda constricts its prey.
“Cotton Diplomacy”
• South looks for European allies- Britain, France
• England decides to stay neutral
• South threatens to withhold cotton from England
• England has cotton supply from India, Egypt
• South’s plan backfires
Naval blockade
• Lincoln decides to blockade (patrol the coast letting nothing
through that would help the enemy) the South
• Union only had 26 usable ships and 7600 sailors to maintain
blockade on entire east coast around Florida to Texas
• Blockade runners were ships built to sneak through blockade
Battle at Sea
• Union controlled sea and blockaded the South,
hurting the economy
• South made an ironclad called the Virginia, which
is a ship heavily armored with iron
• The North already had an ironclad called the
• The Monitor forced the Virginia to withdraw after
a minor fight at sea and kept the blockade strong
Who is Wilmer McLean?
• The Civil War began on Wilmer McLean’s farm in Manassas Junction,
Virginia, with the First Battle of Bull Run. A Union shell exploded in
his kitchen. Wilmer McLean moved his family to get away from the
• Almost four years later his new home, near Appomattox Court House,
Virginia, was the agreed location for General Robert E. Lee to
surrender to General Ulysses S. Grant on APRIL 9, 1865.
• The war began in Wilmer McLean’s front yard and
ended in his front parlor (living room).
• The Civil War resulted in approximately 258,000 Confederate deaths
and 360,000 Union deaths. General Lee took off his sword and handed
it to General Grant, and Grant handed it back.
Wilmer McLean Journal Entries
(5 or more sentences for each entry)
• Journal Entry #1 – July 21, 1861
Write about McLean's experience and why he
is moving.
• Journal Entry #2 – April 9, 1865
Write about McLean’s feeling about the war
ending, and people plundering his house after
Battle of Bull Run
1st real battle of the war is south of Washington D.C.
Union troops inexperienced – pick berries on way to fight!
Washington socialites pack picnic lunch to watch the battle
Union holds early advantage, take break, Rebels reinforce
Stonewall Jackson stands firm, Union defeated
Yankees run home, Rebels don’t take advantage and follow
• Confederates hoped for victory in North to gain
European aid
• Unknown to the South, the North found plans of
attack and planned a counterattack
• The bloodiest single-day battle in the war and a
victory for the Union
Confederates initiated this battle
Pushed Grant’s army back
Union soldiers arrived/Grant began counterattack
Confederates retreat
Union won greater control of Mississippi River
Emancipation Proclamation
• In September of 1862, the
Union army won a major battle,
defeating Confederate forces at
Antietam in Maryland.
• Five days later President
Lincoln first discussed freeing
enslaved peoples in the
Confederate states.
• On January 1, 1863 Lincoln
issued an order that has come to
be called the Emancipation
• The Proclamation allowed
Americans who had been
enslaved to serve in the Army
and Navy.
• About 200,000 African
Americans eventually served.
Emancipation Proclamation
Lincoln called for all slaves in Confederate States to be freed
This encouraged southern slaves to escape
This hurt the southern economy
African Americans and Abolitionists praised this
Changed the focus of the war from preserve Union to include
freeing the slaves
The Emancipation Proclamation applied only to states that had
seceded from the Union.
•Slavery remained untouched and still legal in the loyal Border States
(Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware).
Emancipation Proclamation
Find the Evidence
Read the second paragraph of the Emancipation Proclamation:
• “That on the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, all persons held as
slaves within any State or designated part of a State, the
people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United
States, shall be then, thence forward, and forever free; and the
Executive Government of the United States, including the
military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain
the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to
repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may
make for their actual freedom.”
• The Emancipation Proclamation applied only to states that had
seceded from the Union, leaving slavery untouched and still
legal in the loyal Border States (Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland,
and Delaware).
The Road to Gettysburg: 1863
July 1-3, 1863 - Gettysburg, PA
Gen. George G. Meade [US]; Gen. Robert E. Lee [CS]
Lee took offensive and led an attack in the north
The South pushed the North lines back until Union stands firm at Cemetery Ridge
Pickett’s Charge (day 3): Gen. George Pickett saw more than half of his 15,000 men die
in failed attempt at Cemetery Ridge…”General Lee, I have no division.”
On July 4, Lee began withdrawing his army. His train of wounded stretched more than
fourteen miles!
Grant captures Vicksburg, MS on same day July 4th – Union now controls entire
Mississippi River!
Gettysburg was TURNING POINT in war – South never led another attack in the North
•South never in North again
• South is on the defensive with North in
•South never has the same troop strength
•South loses great officers at Gettysburg
•Lee loses his invincibility
Gettysburg Casualties
Gettysburg Address
• Lincoln gives short, moving speech after battle
• Reminds crowd of ideals of liberty, equality, and
• Dedicates himself and North to winning war and
preserving the Union
African-American Recruiting Poster
• African Americans were not able to fight at first, Lincoln didn’t want problems with
border states and others; “White man’s war”; about 200,000 African Americans
eventually fight on both sides, some 37,000 die in battle
• Frederick Douglass said, “Men of color to arms! Liberty won only by white men
would lose half its luster.”
• In 1863, Lincoln lets War Dep’t form Bureau of Colored Troops; commanded by
whites they fought bravely; 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment was
famous- “Glory” w/Denzell Washington
The Famous 54th Massachusetts
Black Troops Freeing Slaves
Sherman’s March to the Sea
Sherman took Atlanta in Sept. 1864, Sherman’s success helps Lincoln win reelection
In Nov. 1864 Sherman burned Atlanta, and started the march
Sherman’s March to the sea – Union army cut a path of destruction 60 miles wide and 300 miles
60,000 troops, 25,000 horses, 2,500 wagons, 600 ambulance carts
His troops burned crops, tore up train tracks (Sherman neckties), burned/looted homes and towns.
He led his troops over 650 miles in less than 100 marching days, losing only 600 men
19,000 former slaves followed the Union army to freedom!
war against the enemy troops, and everything
that supported the Confederates - all military
and civilian resources
Sherman’s March to the Sea Map
Label States
Draw the Union
Advance (Sherman’
March) Blue or purple
Draw the Confederate
retreat: orange or red
Add explosions and
dates of battles
Color Confederate
States (any light color)
Don’t forget to add the
symbols to the key or
to the
Appomattox Courthouse
• Lee’s army trapped between Sherman and Grant
• Facing starvation he decides situation is hopeless and
surrenders to Grant on April 9, 1865 at Appomattox
• Grant’s terms were easy – Rebels must not turn against
country again, can keep horse and sidearms (swords)
• After 4 years of battle and 620,000 deaths, war is over
• Bitterness between North and South would linger
Surrender at Appomattox
April 9, 1865
Civil War Casualties
in Comparison to Other Wars
Ford’s Theater (April 14, 1865)
Lincoln’s Assassination
• On evening of April 14, 1865 President Lincoln goes to
Ford’s Theater with his wife to see a play
• John Wilkes Booth, an unemployed actor and southerner
sneaks into Lincoln’s theater box and shoots him in head
• Booth escapes, but is later caught and shot
• Lincoln dies next day, and VP Andrew Johnson is sworn in
The Assassination
The Assassin
John Wilkes Booth
• Reconstruction was the plan for reuniting the nation and
rebuilding the South without slavery (planned by Lincoln)
• Once 10% of a state’s voters pledged loyalty and a ban on
slavery, they could form gov’t/be readmitted to statehood
• 13th Amendment of Dec. 18, 1865 made slavery illegal in US
• Freedmen’s Bureau provided relief to poor blacks and whites
in South; distributed food, built schools, provided teachers
Black Codes
• Southern states began to pass laws to limit the freedom of
African Americans – Black Codes
• Blacks without jobs could be arrested and sentenced to
forced labor without pay (sounds like slavery!)
• President Johnson vetoes bills that gave rights to Blacks –
was impeached by Congress; not convicted by one vote
• Ku Klux Klan was a secret organization to spread terror to
newly freed slaves
• Jim Crow Laws were designed to segregate, or separate,
blacks and whites in the South
• Poll Tax was designed to deny
Blacks the vote by making them
pay, some places made African Americans
pass a literacy test to vote!