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Path to The Civil War
► Lincoln elected – has to decide what to do
with Forts in the South
► Lincoln resupplies Ft. Sumter – south doesn’t
want it to happen
► North cannot hold the fort
► Lincoln calls for volunteers
After Fort Sumter
► Americans
begin choosing sides
► For
Sumter was a Federal outpost in
Charleston, South Carolina.
► Confederate
► Lincoln
forces asked for its surrender.
refused and sent ships with supplies.
► Confederate
12, 1861.
cannons began firing on April
► Fort
Sumter fell 34 hours later.
► The
Civil War began. – This started the War.
Reaction of Lincoln’s Call
Lincoln declared the South was in rebellion and asked state
governors for 75,000 militiamen; Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and
states north of them rallied.
Slave states of the Upper South—North Carolina, Tennessee,
Virginia, and Arkansas—seceded.
Border states—Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri—
were slave states that did not join the Confederacy, but people
were divided on the war.
Western Virginia supported the Union and set up its own state
government as West Virginia in 1863.
► 1861
representatives from 6 of the 7
Southern States met to form the
Confederate States of America
► Confederacy = South
► North views this as a traitorous act of
rebellion against the US
► No one could be neutral in this war
Intro Cont.
► Virginia,
Arkansas, Tennessee and North
Carolina (border slave states) join
► Western Virginia (how we got W.Virginia)
and Maryland, Kentucky, Delaware and
Missouri remain in the Union
► This war would divide friends, states and
even families
Preparing for War
► Jefferson
Davis- President of the South
► Lincoln (North) calls for 75,000 volunteers
to come forward to preserve the Union
► Both sides were confident that their side
would win
Strengths and Weaknesses of the
► 22 million population
► Richer, more technology
– manufacturing and
banks in the north
► Had more small farms to
provide food
► Had iron, coal, gold
► Controlled the seas as
► Military Leadership
► Start of war 1/3 of
nation’s military
leaders resigned
and returned to
their homes in the
Strengths and Weaknesses of the
► South was bigger in
land size
► North would need
larger navy to seal off
southern coastal lines
► Could win simply by
defending its territory
► Military leadership –
Robert E. Lee
► If Union controlled
Mississippi the South
would be split in 2
► Economy could not
support long war
► Had few factories to
produce supplies
► No railroads to haul
► Not a lot of money
Lincoln Vs Davis
► North’s greatest strength
► Born in KY in 1809
► Poor, did not have much
► Loved to read; had many
► Lawyer
► Patient, thoughtful,
► Good sense of humor
► Born in KY like Lincoln
► Attended West Point
► Fought in Mexican War
► Firm believer in State’s
Rights; left Senate
when south seceded
► Did not enjoy politics,
did it out of sense of
North’s Strategy
► Surround
the South by land and sea to cut
off its trade
► Divide Confederacy into sections so that one
rebel region could not help another
► Capture Richmond, Virginia (capital of
Confederacy) and destroy the rebel
► “Anaconda Plan”
Rose Greenhow
► Most
northerners thought that simply
capturing Richmond would win the war
► Rose Greenhow watched these northerners
closely and used her friendship with
government officials to learn of the Union’s
► She then tried to sneak these plans to the
Women in the Civil War
Bull Run
► July
1861 troops march from Washington to
► South knew North was coming and stopped
them at Manassas – small town on way to
► At first a Union win looked certain but the
South did not waiver
► Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson was in charge
► South ended up smashing the North
Bull Run
► 1st major land battle
► 25 miles from DC
► Union troops are raw – may not be ready
► Terrible Union defeat
► People thought this would end quickly
► This battle proves it will not
Main Idea 1:
Union and Confederate forces fought for
control of the war in Virginia.
• First major battle of Civil War in Virginia, in July 1861
– Union army of 35,000 under General Irvin McDowell
– Confederate army of 22,000 under General Pierre G. T.
• Clashed at Bull Run Creek near Manassas
– Additional 10,000 Confederates arrived
– Confederate troops under General Thomas “Stonewall”
Jackson held against Union advance
• Confederates counterattacked
– Union troops retreated
• Confederates won First Battle of Bull Run, also known as the
first Battle of Manassas
More Battles in Virginia
General George B. McClellan was placed in charge of 100,000
soldiers, called the Army of the Potomac.
McClellan launched an effort to capture Richmond called the
Peninsular Campaign. Stonewall Jackson launched an attack
towards Washington, preventing Union reinforcements.
Confederate army in Virginia was under the command of
General Robert E. Lee. Lee attacked Union forces in series of
clashes called Seven Days’ Battles and forced Union army to
retreat in June 1862.
Lincoln ordered General John Pope to march to Richmond.
Jackson’s troops stopped Pope’s army before it met up with the
other Union army. The Second Battle of Bull Run, or Second
Battle of Manassas, was fought in August 1862; Confederates
again forced a Union retreat.
Robert E. Lee
• Born into wealthy Virginia family in 1807
• Graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point
• Fought in Mexican-American War
• Lincoln asked Lee to lead Union army at start of Civil War.
• Lee declined and resigned from the Union Army to become
a Confederate general.
Robert E. Lee
Women Support The War
► Men
went off to war, women would take their
places at home
► Went to work on farms and factories or found jobs
as nurses, teachers, and gov. workers
► Helped military by being messengers, guides,
scouts, smugglers, soldiers and spies
► Dorthea Dix – trained nurses
► Greenhow – seen as hero in the South
► Clara Barton – founded the Red Cross, cared for
soldiers on the battlefield
Now Complete Page 154 section 3 in
your ISN
Engineers of the 8th N.Y. State Militia, 1861.
Union Blockade
► 1861
Union launched blockade of southern
ports – by end of year most southern ports
were closed to foreign ships
► As blockade continued, south asked Britain
for support but the British refused.
► South could not sell cotton to Europe nor
could it import supplies
► North goal in the west was to control the
Dividing the Confederacy
► 1862
Union tries to control Mississippi
► David Farragut led 46 Union troops up the
Mississippi and captured New Orleans
► City surrendered without firing a shot
► Grant lead troops from Illinois to Mississippi
– he was able to gain most of Kentucky and
► Would not accept anything than
unconditional surrender
Attacking Richmond
► George
McClellan sent 100,000 men by ship
to capture Richmond
► Confederate forces stopped the Union
► Richmond is saved again
► Lee
(Confederate) sent his troops to
Maryland (slave state that remained in the
► Lee wanted to show the strength of
Confederacy and try to win on Union soil to
convince Europe to support the south
► 1862 met at Sharpsburg along Antietam
Antietam Cont.
► McClellan
(north) pounded Lee (south) troops who
were outnumbered
► Following day Lee pulled back to Virginia
► Union victory but could be a defeat for both sides
► 2,100 Union troops killed and 10,300 wounded
► 2,770 Confederate Troops killed and 11,000
► Single day of fighting more Americans lost their
lives than the 1812 War and Mexican War
► Bloodiest Day of the War
New Realities of War
► Improved
weapons made killing at a
distance easier
► Rifles had replaced muskets
► Cannons and artillery made it easier to “rain
down death” on opponents
► Soldiers often refused medical care because
how terrible hospitals were
► More soldiers died of diseases than wounds
Civil War Technology
Medical Care
► Not
as advanced as weapons
► No understanding of cause of disease
► Operated in tents with basic instruments
► Most did not wash hand between patients
► Hospital death rate was so high, many
soldiers refused medical care
► More soldiers died of diseases than wounds
Emancipation Proclamation
► Initially
Lincoln said “Purpose of War was to
save Union not to either save or destroy
► Felt that freeing slaves would deprive the
South from their workforce
► Jan 1, 1863 issued Emancipation
► Freed slaves, initially had no impact though
because South ignored it
Proclamation and Reaction
Emancipation Proclamation
• Democratic Party opposed
• Abolitionists said war was
pointless without freedom
for African Americans.
• Some predicted it would
anger voters.
• On September 22, 1862,
Lincoln issued
Proclamation, freeing
slaves only in areas
controlled by Confederacy,
effective January 1, 1863.
• African Americans gave
• Abolitionists rejoiced.
• Some noted that system of
slavery still existed.
• Encouraged many enslaved
African Americans to
escape when Union troops
came near.
• Loss of slaves crippled the
South’s ability to wage war.
Emancipation Proclamation
The Draft
► Both
sides began running out of volunteers to fill
their armies
► 1862 Confederate passed Nation’s first draft law
► All white men 18-35 could be called for 3 years of
military service
► North passed same law in 1863 drafting men 2045
► Could avoid the army by paying a sub to take
place ”rich man’s war but a poor man’s fight”
► 1863
Lee wanted to capture a Northern city
to seek peace
► Met on July 1, 1863 west of Gettysburg, PA
► Union, 90,000 led by General Meade
► Union occupied Cemetery Ridge – 4 miles of
high ground
► Mile to the west 75,000 Confederates
gathered on Seminary Ridge
Gettysburg, Cont.
► July
2, 1863 Confederate try to find weak
spot in Union lines but couldn’t
► July 3, 1863 Lee ordered attack at center of
Union lines
► Pickett leads charge up to Cemetery Ridge
(farthest North the South gets) but are
gunned down quickly
► Lee withdrew to Virginia
Gettysburg, Cont.
► Loses
are staggering: 17.500 Union are
killed and 23,000 Confederate killed in 3
► Lee would not attack the Union again.
► Turning point of war – north knew they
could win
Battle of Gettysburg
First Day
• Lee’s forces were
gathered at
Pennsylvania, on
July 1, 1863.
• Ran into Union
forces under
General George G.
Meade, beginning
the Battle of
• Union took up
defensive positions
Second Day
Third Day
• Lee ordered
attack on Union
troops on Little
Round Top.
• Lee planned
attack on center
of Union line.
• Both sides
fought viciously
for control.
• Union forces
held off
• General George
Pickett led
15,000 men in
Charge, a failed
attack on
Cemetery Ridge.
• Lee began
planning retreat
to Virginia.
Aftermath of Gettysburg
Turning Point
• Gettysburg was turning point of war—Lee would never again
attack in the North.
• Some 23,000 Union and 28,000 Confederate casualties
• Victory came the day before the Union capture of Vicksburg.
• Britain and France refused to aid South after Gettysburg.
Gettysburg Address
• Lincoln gave speech called Gettysburg Address at
dedication of battlefield cemetery.
• He praised bravery of Union soldiers and renewed
commitment to winning the war.
► Pickett’s Charge:
Opposition on the Union Home Front
group of northern Democrats were more
interested in restoring peace than in saving
the Union or ending slavery
► Some opposed war because they were
sympathetic to the Confederate cause
► Lincoln suspends right of habeas corpus (no
longer have right to trial before jail)
► Northerners were becoming disloyal
Draft Riots
► Some
northerners resented being forced to
end slavery
► Riot in NYC over the draft laws
► NYCers burned draft offices and battled
► Went on for 4 days and ended when troops
from Gettysburg were able to restore order
Main Idea 4:
Life was difficult for soldiers and civilians
• Civil War armies fought in ancient battlefield formations that
produced massive casualties.
– Endless rows of troops fired directly at one another.
– Many men died to gain every inch of ground.
• Doctors and nurses saved many lives.
– They did not have medicines to stop infections.
• The biggest killer in the war was disease, such as typhoid,
pneumonia, and tuberculosis.
• Military prisoners on both sides lived in misery.
– They had little shelter, food, or clothing.
– Starvation and disease killed thousands.
Gettysburg Address
► Lincoln
goes to help dedicate a new
cemetery to those who died there
► Spoke of the bravery in the war
► He was not the keynote speaker and many
could not hear his speech but it is forever
Gettysburg Address:
Vicksburg: A Besieged City
► War
of many technological 1sts – railroads
to move troops, telegraphs, photographs,
armor plated steamships
► Merrimac and the Monitor: early in war the
Union left the Merrimac in a naval yard in
► The Confederacy takes the Merrimac and
restores it with iron plates covering the
Merrimac and the Monitor
► The
US Navy builds iron clad ship called the
► Flat deck with 2 heavy guns in a revolving turret
► Merrimac was renamed the Virginia and these two
ships meet and exchange shots for hours
► Neither claim victory but neither is harmed
► Proves wooden ships cant compete with iron clad
► South is never able to add enough to their navy to
break the Union Blockade
Control of the Mississippi
► Union
wants to divide the south by taking
Control of the Mississippi
► The Union control both cities on either end
of the Mississippi: New Orleans and Baton
► Confederates continued to control one key
location – Vicksburg, Mississippi
► Located
on a hairpin turn in the Mississippi
► Easy to defend and difficult to capture
► Needed an army to get up the hill to combat
the Confederates
► Grant had an army they took to Vicksburg
and the Union bombarded them from the
► Took over a month but soon the
Confederacy surrenders Vicksburg
Problems on Confederate Home
► Life
becomes grim
► No new imports; what was available was
very expensive
► Farmers couldn’t sell their cash crops so
they planted food crops
► Soldiers were dressed in rags by the end
► People at home were starving
Civil War Food
Fort Wagner: African Americans Join
the War
► 1862:
Congress opens the door to black
► About 186,000 African Americans enlisted in
the Union Army
► Another 30,000 African Americans joined
the Union navy
► Mass.
was one of the 1st states to organize an all
black regiment
► Most famous was 54th regiment lead by Robert
Gould Shaw
► Men were paid less than white soldiers and when
they learned this they refused to keep working
and eventually Lincoln authorizes equal pay
► Fought at Ft Wagner in SC – faced fear of death or
slavery if they were captured
African Americans At War
► To
reach the fort troops had to cross 200
yards of sandy beach
► Impossible mission, after losing half of their
troops the men pulled back – their bravery
was praised
► 166 regiments fought nearly 500 battles
► Soldiers received little training, poor
equipment and less pay than white solders
African Americans At War
► Lincoln
finally found a leader to fight the
Confederates. General Grant.
► Grant mapped out a plan for ending the war
► He would send a large force to capture
► Sherman would lead troops to Georgia to
take Atlanta
On To Richmond
► May
1864 Grant invades Virginia with force
of 100,000 men
► Loses a lot of men at first but keeps fighting
► At one point he Grant lost more men than
Lee had in his whole army
► Kept fighting until they got to Petersburg
and there Grant was able to get more
troops and Lee was not
Total War
► Grant
wanted to launch total war on the
enemy’s ability to fight and their ability to
support an army
► Ordered Philip Sheridan to wage total war in
► At the same time Sherman left Tennessee
for Georgia and set all of Atlanta on fire.
Reelection of Lincoln
► McClellan
runs against Lincoln and promises
an immediate end to the war if he is elected
► Lincoln did not think he would be re-elected
► Sheridan’s success in Shenandoah Valley
and Sherman’s capture of Atlanta came just
in time
Sherman’s March Through Georgia
► Marched
to destroy any last supply bases
► Fields were trampled and burned
► Houses broken into and destroyed
► 60 mile wide path was destroyed
► 1864 Captures Savannah, Georgia
► Marched through North Carolina by 1865
and destroyed everything in his path
► April
1, 1865 Union forces break through
Lee’s army at Petersburgh to Richmond
► Grant’s soldiers moved quickly to surround
Lee’s army
► April 9- Lee arrived at Appomattox
Courthouse to surrender to General Grant
Terms of Surrender
► Confederate
Soldiers could go home if they
no longer fought
► Take with them what they needed for spring
► Officers keep their swords and weapons
► Grant sent food to Lee’s men
► Grant was gracious and realized the war
was over and they were again 1 country
“Touched by Fire”
► Intense
experience – everyone was touched
by the war
► Forged a new country; country was
different than the one before
► Billions spent on conflict
► Every family had lost a family member or
► South’s crop lands and livestock had been
Civil War
► First
truly modern war
► Rail roads, telegraphy, armored ships, more
accurate and destructive weapons
► Secession and slavery were gone but
conflict over state’s rights and future of
African Americans would continue into the
Effects of the War
• Civil War had deep and long lasting effects.
– Almost 620,000 Americans killed
• The South’s defeat ended slavery.
– Majority of former slaves, however, had no homes or
• Southern economy was in ruins.
• Tremendous amount of hostility remained.
– Questioned how the United States could be united
Civil War Myths
► Myth: This was not a war about slavery. Some
argue it isn’t.
► It was both about states rights and slavery. If
there was no slavery, would there have been a
Meaning of the Civil War