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Chapter 16
The Civil War Begins
I. Find Out
A. How fighting began at Fort Sumter
B. The strengths and weaknesses of each
C. Each side’s basic strategy
D. The results of the first battle of Bull Run
Fort Sumter was located in the
harbor of Charleston, SC. under
the command of Major Robert
Anderson. Lincoln decided to
send supplies rather than give it
to the Confederates.
1. As they seceded from the
Union, the Southern states took
over most of the federal forts
inside their borders. President
Abraham Lincoln had to decide
what to do about the forts that
remained under federal control.
Major Robert Anderson and his
garrison held on to Fort Sumter in
the harbor of Charleston, S.C., but
they were running out of supplies.
II. First Shots at Fort Sumter
A. Southern states began seizing federal
forts inside borders once they seceded
B. Lincoln had to decide what to do with
those that remained under federal
C. Fort Sumter was located in the harbor
of Charleston, SC
D. Under command of Major Robert
E. Running out of supplies
E. Lincoln risked war if he supplied Fort Sumter
F. If he ordered the troops to leave, he was
giving in to the rebels
G. Lincoln decided to send supplies (2)
H. April 12, 1861, at 4:30 a.m. shore guns
opened fire on the island fort
i. Fired on the fort for 34 hours
j. Major Anderson surrendered (3)
k. Civil War had begun
The Bombardment of Fort Sumter
Fort Sumter Under Attack
Although there were no casualties during the bombardment, one
Union artillerist was killed and three wounded (one mortally) when a
cannon exploded prematurely when firing a salute during the
F. Lincoln Calls Out the
1. Asked for 75,000
militiamen to volunteer for
90 days to put down the
uprising (4)
2. Citizens of North
responded with
3. Robert E. Lee
resigned from Union
to fight for the
4. He could not turn his back
on his birthplace, home,
or children (6)
5. With Virginia on its side, the
Confederacy had a much better
chance for victory because it was
wealthy and populous. The
Confederacy moved its capital to
Richmond, Va., in May of 1861.
G. Choosing Sides
1. Four original border states played a key role in
the outcome of the war
2. Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky,& Missouri
3. They were states that bordered
states where slavery was illegal
4. Provided a buffer between US and
Confederacy (7)
Maryland was of critical
importance because losing it
would cut off Washington, DC,
the nation’s capital, from the rest
of the Union. (8)
Kentucky’s rivers made it
important because they provided
an invasion route for the North
and barrier for the South. (9)
10. How did West Virginia become a State?
• Federal troops helped a group of western
counties break away from Virginia in 1863 and
form the state of West Virginia
• People in Western Virginia felt disconnected to
wealthy aristocracy of Eastern Virginia
• Was going to be called Kanawha
H. Advantages of North (11)
1. Union has 22 million in population
2. South has 9 million (3.5 M in slaves)
3. 85% of factories in North
4. North has double the railroad mileage
5. Almost all naval power and shipyards
in North
6. Great leader in Abraham Lincoln
Confederate Advantages (12)
1. Able generals like Robert E. Lee
2. Fighting a defensive war
3. Defending their homeland
J. The Confederate Strategy (13)
1. Take a defensive position and not conquer
2. King Cotton
a. Hoped to win foreign support through
cotton trade
b. Withheld cotton from market
c. Wanted France and Britain to aid cause
d. Surplus in 1861 ruined plan
e. Began to take offensive and win big
K. The Union Strategy (14)
1. Bring Southern states back into Union
2. Called Anaconda plan
a. Smother South’s economy
b. Blockade southern coastline
c. Gain control of the Mississippi River
and split the Confederacy in two
The goal of the Anaconda Plan was to cut the South in
half by blockading Southern ports and capturing the
Mississippi River. This plan was devised by General
Winfield Scott.
First Battle of Bull Run (15)
1. Confederate troops stationed at
Manassas, Va., SW of Washington, D.C.
2. July 21, 1861, Union forces led by
General Irvin McDowell clashed with
Confederate troops led by Gen. Pierre
3. Little creek was called Bull Run where
battle was held
4. Stonewall Jackson’s nickname
5. “Rebel Yell”
6. First major battle of war
Bull Run was a small
creek that was located
north of Manassas,
Virginia, a railway center
southwest of Washington,
D.C. On July 21, 1861,
Union and Confederate
troops clashed in the first
real battle of the Civil War.
The battle turned into a
convincing Confederate
victory (15), and General
Thomas “Stonewall”
Jackson received his
famous nickname for
standing tall “like a
stonewall” in the face of
the battle (16).
Stonewall Jackson standing tall
during the first Battle of Bull Run.
After standing their ground in the face of battle
during the Union charge, the Rebels soon
Received 9,000 reinforcements which turned
the tide of the battle their way. The disorganized
Union retreat back to Washington meant defeat
for the Union troops.
Life in the Army
Find Out
1. Who joined the armies
2. Describe military training and
supplies of the era
3. Summarize the hardships of army
4. Identify changes in military
The North expected a quick victory when they clashed with
Confederates at the First Battle of Bull Run on July 21, 1861. Afterwards,
the North realized that the war was not going to be as quick as they
Those Who Fought
1. Most soldiers on both sides were between 18-30 (1)
2. Farmers made up largest group (2)
3. Many immigrants from other countries served.
German and Irish made up largest group. (3)
4. African Americans served for North later in war (4)
5. Native Americans served on both sides (5)
6. In all, about 2 million American soldiers served the Union,
and fewer than 1 million served in the Confederacy. The
vast majority were volunteers, seeking adventure and
C. Turning Civilians into Soldiers
1. Army camps looked like a sea of canvas
tents (7)
2. Grouped by company with 2-20 men in a
3. Men elected their company officers
4. Followed routine after roll call and
a. Drill sessions
b. Guard duty, cut wood, dug trenches,
cleaned up the camp (8)
Civil War camps often looked like a sea of canvas tents. Life in the camps
was often difficult and demanding.
Soldiers take time for a picture during a lull in the fighting.
Not all their time was spent fighting. This is a company of
5. Uniforms
a. Union soldiers wore
blue uniforms (9)
b. Confederatesgray or yellowishbrown (9)
c. Both sides faced
shortages of uniforms
of the right size was a
problem and
often traded (9)
d. Confederate troops
often marched over
frozen ground with no
6. Union clothing often poor quality because
contractors took advantage of the government’s
need and supplied shoddy goods (10)
7. Confederates differed from state to state
8. Needy soldiers often took clothes off the dead
soldiers (11)
9. Soldiers often went hungry because supply trains
couldn’t reach the battlefield (12)
10. Food consisted of beef or salt pork, flour,
vegetables, and coffee
D. Hardships of Army Life
1. Soldiers were often wet, muddy, or cold from
marching outdoors and living in crude shelters
2. Many camps were unsanitary and smelled from
garbage and latrines (13)
3. Soldiers as well as camps were filthy as they often
went weeks without bathing or washing their clothes,
and became infested with lice and fleas
4. Poor hygiene resulted in widespread sickness.
Most soldiers had chronic diarrhea or other intestinal
disorder. These disorders were caused by
contaminated water or food or by germ-carrying
insects. People didn’t know that germs caused
diseases. (15)
5. Unclean instruments of doctors caused disease
E. Changes in Military
Technology (16)
1. Rifles with
grooved barrels
allowed bullets to spin
and be more
accurate with longer
2. Rifles with minié
3. Ironclad ships
changed naval
warfare on both
sides as wooden
ships were clad with iron
Lead minié balls changed battle field tactics because
they could shoot more accurately than round balls.
When they entered the body they flattened out which
caused more serious damage to the body. More soldiers
died from infections after being shot than by the wounds
USS Monitor (Union) and the Merrimack (Virginia) squared off in the first ironclad
battle on March 9, 1862, off the coast of Virginia. The battle ended in a stalemate.
III. No End in Sight
A. Find Out
1. Analyze the Union victories in the
2. Explain how the fall of New Orleans
helped the Union
3. Analyze Lee’s victories in the East and
his decision to invade the North
4. Describe the Battle of Antietam
B. Union Victories in the West
1. February of 1862
2. Ulysses S. Grant moves on Tennessee
3. Uses ironclad gunboats
4. Captures two Confederate river forts(1)
a. Fort Henry on the Tennessee River
b. Fort Donelson on the
Cumberland River
5. Opened up river highway into the
heart of the South
6. Grant’s army moved into Nashville
and people fled the city in panic (2)
By taking Fort Henry and Fort Donelson, Grant opened the South for
Union victories through river travel. After Grant’s river victories,
Albert S. Johnston, Confederate commander on the western front,
ordered a retreat to Corinth, MS. Grant followed. By early April (1862),
Grant’s troops had reached Pittsburg Landing on the Tennessee River.
There Grant waited for more troops from Nashville. Johnston decided to
attack before Grant gained reinforcements. (3)
C. The Battle of Shiloh (Place of Peace)
Confederate commander Albert S.
Johnston moved troops to Corinth, MS
Grant moved his troops to Pittsburg
Landing in Tennessee
Johnston’s army surprised Grant’s
troops at the in fiercest fighting of the war in
the Battle of Shiloh in Tennessee (4)
Union Victory
a. 13,000 Union causalities, about ¼ who
b. 11,000 of 41,000 Confederates were
causalities (5)
5. Lincoln says he can’t replace Grant because
he fights despite heavy criticism (6)
D. The Fall of New Orleans
1. April 25, 1862, Union fleet led by
David Farragut captured New Orleans
2. Largest city in the South
3. Rebel gunboats tried to ram Union
warships, sinking one
4. Dodge burning rafts
5. Left only 150 miles of Mississippi in
Confederate hands, nearly cutting
South in two (7)
After capturing New Orleans in 1862, only 150 miles of the Mississippi
remained in Union hands.
E. Lee Claims Victories in the East
1. Spring 1862 Gen. McClellan (Union)
decides to capture Richmond
2. Took troops in stretch of land between
York and James Rivers, a few miles
within Richmond (8)
3. Robert E. Lee took command of Army of
Northern Virginia in June of 1862 (9)
4. Lee sent Jeb Stuart and Calvary of 1000 men to survey
Union army size (10)
5. Robert E. Lee attacked McClellan’s army
6. Seven Days’ Battles lead to Confederate victory
6. From June 25 to July 1, 1862
7. Forced McClellan to retreat and Richmond was saved
8. 2nd Battle of Bull Run in August, 1862
9. Another Confederate victory
F. Lee Invades the North
1. Crucial time with North at low point
2. Crossed Potomac and invaded Maryland
in early September of 1862
3. Hoped victory in the North might get
Lincoln to talk peace
4. Might convince France and Britain to
aid South if they won a victory (12)
G. Bloody Antietam
1. Union soldier finds battle plans
2. Gave McClellan a chance to stop Lee
3. McClellan moved slowly again (13)
4. Armies clashed on September 17,1862
5. Sharpsburg, MD, at Antietam Creek
6. Bloodiest single day battle in American
7. Neither side gained much ground
8. 25,000 casualties
9. Lee lost 1/3 of fighting force and
withdrew to Virginia (14)
10. McClellan didn’t follow and was later fired
7 Facts About Antietam
Antietam was the bloodiest single-day battle in American history, with about 23,000
This was a two to one battle with Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia having
approximately 45,00 troops to Union Army Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan’s 90,000
General Lee’s battle plans were known in advance. Two Union soldiers (Corporal
Barton W. Mitchell and First Sergeant John M. Bloss of the 27th Indiana Volunteer
Infantry) discovered a mislaid copy of Lee’s detailed battle plans-Special Order 191wrapped around three cigars. McClellan delayed acting on this knowledge 18 hours,
thus losing the opportunity laid at his feet.
McClellen was a poor leader during this battle, issuing isolated commands to each
unit, causing chaos during the execution of said plans.
The battle began at 5:30 AM (Dawn) on September 17, 1862, and lasted until 5:30
PM that day.
The Union had 12,401 casualties with 2,108 dead. Confederate casualties were
10,318 with 1,546 dead.
President Lincoln was disappointed in McClellan’s performance. He believed that
McClellan’s cautious and poorly coordinated actions in the field had forced the battle
to a draw rather than a crippling Confederate defeat. Lincoln relieved McClellan of
his command of the Army of the Potomac on November 7 after repeated demands
that he do his job effectively and bravely, effectively ending the general’s military
Lincoln was so fed up with McClellan failing to go on the offensive
that he fired him after the Battle of Antietam when McClellan didn’t
follow Lee’s army into Virginia.