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The Eve of War
Harper Dillard, Macy Beal, Stanley Shapiro
and Mary Neal
Election of 1860
● Picture portraying that the
election was like a baseball game
that Lincoln was winning.
Election of 1860
Abraham Lincoln (Republican)
Vice: Hannibal Hamlin
Stephen A. Douglas (Democrat)
Vice: Herschel Vespasian Johnson
John C. Breckinridge (Southern Democrat)
Vice: Joseph Lane
John Bell (Constitutional union)
Vice: Edward Everett
Election of 1860
● Lincoln was only republican in election
● Slavery was the large debate in election
● Shattered the delicate balance between southern
(slavery) and northern (free) states.
● Lincoln wasn’t even included in 9 of the southern states
● The Constitutional Union Party was a political party
made up of men who wanted to avoid secession over
the slavery issue.
Election of 1860
● There were several southern states where
Lincoln received 0 votes
● 81% of eligible voters cast their vote in for
the election of 1860
Electoral College and Votes
● The Electoral College was designed for ensuring the
selection for a president who was most qualified, but
wasn’t the most popular.
● Which ever candidate in a state gets the most votes,
gets all the electoral votes from that state.
● The number of electoral votes a state gets is the same
as the number of representatives in the House of
● Who ever gets the most electoral votes wins.
Lincoln’s Electoral College
● He received the majority of northern states
electoral votes.
● Lincoln received 180/303 votes.
● Won election with more than one half of
electoral votes so he emerged as clear
Lincoln’s Platform
● Didn’t want slavery to expand into new territory
● Didn’t call for it to be abolished
● This didn’t really appeal to the south
Douglas’s Platform
Believed in popular sovereignty (wanted
states to decide themselves if they wanted
● Most Northern Democrats supported him
Breckenridge’s Platform
● Liked slavery and wanted slavery
to expand into new territories
● Believed in the right of secession
Bell’s Platform
● Wasn’t for or against slavery.
He just wanted to keep the
Union in tact.
● Bell had trouble
getting votes from younger
people because he was over a
decade older than Lincoln
John Bell
● Carried total of 3 states.
● Those 3 states were all near the border and
soon became apart of the confederacy. So
much for keeping the union together…
Map of Votes
What is Secession?
● In the case of the South is when they
separated politically.
● They declared themselves a separate
● They create a government completely
separate from the North
Map Of Secession
Secession Dates
Date of Secession
South Carolina
December 20, 1860
January 9, 1861
January 10, 1861
January 11, 1861
January 19, 1861
January 26, 1861
February 1, 1861
April 17, 1861
May 6, 1861
North Carolina
May 20, 1861
June 8, 1861
Strongest Believers of Secession
● The Strongest believers of secession were
the states that produced the most cotton.
● This is because they felt their economy was
most threatened by the Union
● The largest cotton producing states had the
most to lose
● After Lincoln was elected 7 states seceded
● When Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers to
fight after Fort Sumter 4 other states
● When the South seceded they declared
themselves a separate country.
Reasons For Secession
● The South was afraid that Lincoln would
abolish slavery.
● The South was worried that the central
government was becoming too powerful
● The South wanted to keep states individual
States’ Rights
● States’ rights were the struggle between the
individual states and the government over
power. Southern States felt that the
government was getting too much power
and was going to take away slavery. This
was a cause of secession.
Facts about Secession
● Lincoln is against secession because it is
against the Constitution.
● When the South seceded they hoped that
the North would leave them alone
More on States Rights
● The main state right that the South wanted
to keep was slavery. When the South felt
that this right was in danger they seceded.
How Lincoln Tried to Unify the
● In his speech Lincoln uses the word union
whenever he describes America
● Lincoln never recognizes the Confederacy
● Speaks of having no blood shed or violence.
because he still talks as if seven states have
not already seceded.
Fort Sumter
About the Fort
● A man-made island located in Charleston,
South Carolina
● Owned by the federal government
● Then on December 20, 1860, South Carolina
seceded and controversy arose
● The Governor of S.C., Francis Pickens, said
he had an agreement with President
Buchanan, that Major Robert Anderson and
his men would stay at another fort
● The fort Anderson was supposed to stay at
he believed was indefensible and requested
authorization to go to another fort.
● Buchanan agreed and Anderson and his
men moved into Fort Sumter on December
26, 1860
● Gov. Pickens sent Col. J. Johnston
Pettigrew to request Anderson to surrender
● Anderson refuses and Pettigrew sets up a
battery unit on another island.
● Anderson requests
backup from Buchanan
● So, he sends an
unarmed merchant ship called The Star of
the West.
● It did not arrive for it was forced to turn
around and leave Anderson and men without
their necessities
● Pettigrew asked
Anderson to surrender
● Anderson refused
● Pettigrew established
another battery unit
March 1, 1861
● Jefferson Davis placed Gen.
Pierre Beauregard to
Pettigrew’s assignment
● Beauregard strengthened defensesJefferson
of Davis
the harbor’s entrance and the battery units
facing Fort Sumter
● Following Lincoln’s Inauguration, Anderson
asked for more supplies and reinforcements
like Naval Support
Lincoln’s Decision
● His Secretary of State and General Officer in
Commanding suggested the men to
evacuate the Fort
● That could ruin Lincoln’s reputation and
possibly humiliate him
● Lincoln decided he needed to learn more
April 6, 1861
● Lincoln told Gov. Pickens that he was
sending reinforcements in The Powhatan
● Then Leroy Pope
Walker heard this
● Walker told Beauregard to demand
Anderson to surrender the Fort
● If Anderson refused, which he did,
Beauregard was to get his men
and equipment to prepare for
an attack on Fort Sumter as
well as to prevent the
reinforcements and supplies
from landing at the Fort
● On the afternoon of April, 11, a last attempt
was made to get Anderson to surrender the
● Anderson once again refused due to an
unanimous vote by Federal officers
And the next day…..
At 4:30am on April 12, 1861
● The first shots of the Civil War were fired
Some citizens citizens arrived in carriages with packed
picnics and watched the battle
Some slaves believed this was a
chance to escape from slavery and
could escape to the front lines later
in what they hoped would become
a war
As Mary Chesnut said,
“Not by one word or look can we
detect any change in the
demeanor of these Negro servants…
profoundly indifferent. People talk
of them as if they were chairs and tables.
They make no sign. Are they solidly stupid?
Or wiser than we are; silent and strong, biding their time?”
Chesnut’s Diary
● It was known the reinforcement ships would
never make it past the Confederate
● Anderson knew it was time to surrender
● Beauregard let the men back to New York
As a result, Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers
Lincoln’s First Inaugural
Main Ideas in Lincoln’s Address
★ In the Reading Guide
● The idea of perpetuity
● Giving the states power to change the
● That justice will always win
● The South seceding is unconstitutional
● Containing slavery to the South
Lincoln's Job
● Lincoln’s job as president is to, "preserve,
protect, and defend," the Constitution
● He believes his other job is to preserve the
Union in perpetuity, meaning to prevent
further secession and bring back states
which had already seceded.
● An important principle Lincoln sees in the
Constitution is perpetuity
● Perpetuity means lasting forever or
● Lincoln believes this is “implied, if not
expressed, in the fundamental law of all
national governments.” Meaning all
governments are built to last forever
More on Perpetuity
● “The mystic chords of memory, strengthening from
every battle-field, and patriot grave, to every living
heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will
yet swell the chorus of the union, when again
touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels
of our nature.”
● He means that if they fought together in the
Revolutionary War, why would they fight against each
other now?
States’ Power
● Lincoln says that it is “In your hands,” to the
seceded states, meaning it is their decision
whether they want to use their existing rights
under the Constitution or to start a civil war.
● “The government will not not assail you.”
Justice Will Always Win
● Lincoln has confidence that things should
work out the way he wants them to and he
believes things will work out that way when
he says, “justice, will surely prevail.”
Lincoln’s Appeal
● Lincoln appeals to Free Soilers in his speech
● A Free Soiler is someone who wants to
abolish slavery but for their own benefit.
Slavery takes business away from their jobs.
They want land only for paid, white workers.
Lincoln’s Appeal (continued)
● This doesn’t appeal to abolitionists
● Abolitionists wants to end slavery
● Lincoln won’t interfere with “slavery in the
States where it already exists” so he isn’t
appealing to abolitionists
Lincoln’s Appeal (continued)
● “I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to
interfere with the institution of slavery in the
States where it already exists.” - Abraham
Lincoln (First Inaugural Address)
● This was an appeal to slave states as well
as to people against the expansion of
Lincoln’s View on Slavery
● Lincoln believes that the rights of slave
owners are clearly stated in the Constitution
with the ⅗ Clause, Fugitive Slave Clause
and more.
● For if there is a law concerning an institution,
that proves the legitimacy of the institution.
Thank you for watching