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In pairs, look at these pictures and
discuss which ones are natural clones
and which ones are man-made. Think
about how they differ.
It’s the most famous
sheep in the world.
Do you know how
Dolly is different
from other sheep?
Dolly the sheep
She was cloned
while the others
were born naturally.
It is the copy of
another sheep.
What can you see
in the picture?
I can see a strawberry plant producing
runners in a natural form of cloning.
Who cut the stem
off the plant?
A gardener. And the gardener is going
to put it into a pot to produce another
plant. He is actually making a copy of
the plant.
What do you
know about twins?
There are twins of the same sex and those of
different sexes. The twins here are identical
in sex and appearance and are good
examples of natural clones. They carry the
same genetic information. The fertilized egg
has split into two while inside the mother,
and so produced two identical human babies.
Are the following clones the same?
If not, what is the difference?
NO. The first two are man-made clones,
the rest two are natural clones.
Questions about cloning:
1. What is a clone?
A clone is an animal or plant
produced naturally or artificially
from the cells of another animal or
plant and is exactly the same as it.
2. How is a clone produced?
The cloning of plants is simple and
relatively easy. It can be done by taking
cuttings (man-made cloning) or letting
the plant produce its own runners
(natural cloning). The cloning of
animals is more complicated. It was not
achieved until 1996 and is fully
explained in the first reading.
3. What benefits can humans gain from
1) Medical cloning can help cure
serious illnesses that ruin one’s
quality of life (such as Parkinson’s
disease帕金森症 or Alzheimer’s
2) It can help infertile people have
4. What problems may arise when
humans are cloned?
1) People may want to clone themselves
so they can live forever.
2) People may want to clone dead
3) People may want to clone their
favorite pets.
I. Find the main idea of each paragraph.
Para 1. Cloning is a way of making an
exact copy of another animal and
Para 2. Cloning has two major uses.
Para 3. The birth and death of Dolly.
Para 4. The effect of Dolly.
Para 5. It is forbidden to clone human
III. Choose the best answer.
1). The main idea of the text is____
A. animal cloning is very valuable and can
benefit the world.
B. animal cloning could be misused by bad
people so it must be forbidden
C. animal cloning is well developed
because Dolly the sheep was born.
D. animal cloning raised arguments and
scientists are not sure about its future.
2. ________ is used in the procedure
for cloning Dolly the sheep.
A. The nucleus of Sheep A
B. The somatic cell of Sheep A
C. The nucleus of Sheep B
D. The embryo of Sheep C
3). The cloning of Dolly the sheep
succeeded because____.
A. its easier to clone a sheep than other
B. the scientists were determined and
worked hard with patience
C. the scientists were rewarded and got
lots of money
D. many other attempts to clone
mammals failed
4). The lamb is the clone of the cell
from sheep because_____.
A. it provides the egg cell
B. it gives birth to the lamb
C. it provides the nucleus
D. it is a female sheep
5). Dolly the sheep
A. looked exactly like the sheep that
provides the egg
B. was the exact copy of the sheep that
provides the nucleus
C. looked like the sheep that gave birth to it
D. had the characteristics of all three sheep
6). It can be inferred from the passage that
a cloned animal.
A.usually lives as long as the original one
B. usually lives longer than the original one
C. usually dies earlier than the original one
D. is usually as healthy as the original one
7). Which of the following is wrong?
A. Cloned people would live forever.
B. Cloned people may be killed at will for
medical aid.
C. A woman would have difficulty
recognizing her real husband.
D. Men will die out because a woman can
give birth to a baby without a husband.
8). The sheep that donated the somatic
cell most probably lived ____ years.
A. 3
B. 6
C. 12
D. 13
9). Which of the follow is NOT a problem or
danger of cloning mentioned in the text?
A. Evil leaders may want to clone
B. Animal clones may develop the illness of
older animals and may die younger than
the donor animals.
C. There are moral objections to cloning
human beings.
D. Too much cloning may lead to the
destruction of the balance of nature.
10). Which of the following is not an
advantage of cloning?
A. Cloning can be used for medical
B. Large quantities of food can be
produced by cloning.
C. Famous persons who have passed
away can be cloned.
D. Cloning can help keep animals from
becoming extinct.
11). In the second paragraph, the
word “straightforward” means
A. uncomplicated B. honest
C. frank
D. difficult
12). From the last paragraph we can
infer that ____.
A. cloning will come to an end because
of the objections
B. cloned human beings will be
produced in the near future
C. many countries will use cloning in a
wise way
D. all the research into human beings
will be forbidden
Do you know about:
the procedure works of a
What do you think of human cloning?
What’s your opinion of cloned food?
Have you ever wished you could have a
clone of yourself to do homework while
you had a rest or went out with your
3. 克隆技术有可能被滥用,成为恐怖分
4. 从生物多样性上来说,大量基因结构
1. “不让我们克隆人,就是不让
我们修正我们的错误 ,人类
2. “当然应该‘克隆’人,如果
谁第一个掌握了这个技术 ,
3. “克隆人绝对是科学上了不起的进步,
煌。” —麻省理工学院生命工程教授
4. “人体商业化是人类经济活动中无与伦
市场。” —英国《经济学家》杂志。