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Our Lady of Lourdes High School
Religion 10
Mrs. Safford
Spring Semester
Questions to Think About…
• What does it mean to say that the Church is one?
• How does the image of the Church as a mystical body of
Christ help to understand the unity of the Church?
• What has wounded the unity of the Catholic Church?
• Video: What are the four marks of the Church
• Video: The Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic
• The Church is one meaning there is only one Church,
whose source of unity is the unity of Christ himself.
• One way of understanding this is that Jesus has not
forged multiple paths to salvation, only one way through
• The second meaning that the Church is one, is through
the unity and solidarity of the Church.
How does the image of the Church as
a mystical body of Christ help to
understand the unity of the Church?
• The unity of the Church can be seen in the unity of faith,
worship, and leadership of the Catholic Church as the
Mystical Body of Christ.
• In the Mystical Body of Christ, the many diverse members
are united to Jesus (our head) to form the whole Christ,
united and animated by the Holy Spirit, and the soul is the
Mystical Body.
What has wounded the unity of the
Catholic Church?
• Wounds to the unity of the Church have occurred over the
centuries due to heresy, apostasy, and schism.
Heresy-is the deliberate and persistent post-baptismal
denial of the Faith taught by the Church.
Apostasy-is the total rejection of the Christian Faith by
someone already baptized.
Schism-is the post-baptismal refusal unity of the Pope, or
the refusal of communion with the members of the
Video: The Great East-West Schism
• Define the following vocabulary words to hand in:
• Gnosticism
• Heresy
• Holy See
• Immutable
• Indefectible
• Indulgence
• Logos
• Marks of the Church
Vocabulary (continued)
• Monophysitism
• Neo-Platonism
• Nestorianism
• Protestantism
• Reformation
• Schism
• Separated Brethren
• Unicity
Questions to Think About…
• What error was Neo-Platonism prone to in regard to the
nature of Christ?
• What is a heresy?
What error was Neo-Platonism prone to in
regard to the nature of Christ?
• While the Greek language and the philosophy of Plato
and Aristotle were invaluable for interpreting Catholic
doctrine, the Neo-Platonic understanding of the logos
made Greek thought prone to misunderstanding the
nature of Christ.
• These non-Christian pagans held that there was a
Supreme Being, who created the world through lesser
beings, one of which was the logos.
• Neo-Platonists did not believe that Jesus was truly divine
since the Logos was inferior to God. They saw the created
world as an obstacle to contemplation and personal
perfection, so that Jesus could not be truly man.
The Heresies
• Gnosticism claimed a secret knowledge of Christ.
• Arianism denied the divinity of the Son, Jesus Christ.
• Apolinarianism denied that Christ had a human mind and
Nestorianism claimed Christ was two persons, one human
and the other divine.
Monophytism claimed Christ had one nature.
Video: Summary of the Major Heresies-part 1
Video: Summary of the Major Heresies-part 2
Questions to Think About…
• What was the Protestant Reformation?
• Why are there so many churches in the world?
• What is Ecumenism?
What was the Protestant Reformation?
• The Protestant Reformation was an interrelated series of
schisms that took place from 1517 to 1648 over the
teachings, worship, and structure of the Church, resulting
in national Protestant Churches and over 30, 000
separate denominations.
• Introduction to the Protestant Reformation
• Video: Why so Many Churches
What is Ecumenism?
• Ecumenism calls all Christian to unity through sincere
dialogue, prayer and discernment.
• Only the Catholic Church contains the fullness of
salvation, and all members of the People of God should
be incorporated into her.
• Video: Francis the Ecumenical Pope
Questions to Think About…
• In what sense is the Church holy?
In what sense is the Church holy?
• The Church, although made up of sinful members on
earth, is holy because of the Holiness of Christ, her head.
• The Church on earth, and each of her members,
participate in a hidden way in Christ’s holiness.
• The Church will be perfected at the end of time in the
glory of Heaven.
The Effect of Sin on Individual Members
• Our sins obscure the Church’s holiness in the eyes of the
• Because people tend to notice other sins, but are blind to
their own, they may accuse the Church of hypocrisy or
• The antidote for the sins of individual members of the
Church is purification, penance, and renewal.
Qualities the Church possesses because
of holiness
The Church is:
• Immutable-meaning she will never change in her essential
• Indefectible-meaning she will never perish or go astray
• Perennial-meaning it will exist until the end of time.
• According to Saint Paul, “If Christ did not rise from the
dead, then our faith is futile, and we are still in a state of
sin.” However, Christ rose from the dead.
• Christ’s resurrection is different than the resurrections
Christ performed on earth, because the people Christ
rose from the dead, later died. Christ risen body
possessed new properties, which reflected the glory of his
divinity, and was not limited to time and space.
• At the end of history, our bodies will be like Christ, which
is intended for heaven, after the Final Judgment.
• Video: The Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic
Questions to Think About…
• What does it mean to say that the Church is Catholic?
• What does it mean to say that the Church is Apostolic?
What does it mean to say the Church is
• The Church is Catholic because she has a universal
authority to fulfill the universal mission.
• The Church is catholic because:
1. She is whole and complete
2. She has received universal authority from Christ to fulfill
her universal mission.
• The Church possesses a rich diversity of external
expressions of faith and worship, according to the culture
in which she has taken root.
What does it mean to say the Church is
• The Church is apostolic because it is built on the teaching
of the Apostles, whose authority she possesses through
apostolic succession.
• Christ gave the Apostles the authority to teach, sanctify,
and govern his Church.
• The true Church of Christ on earth can be recognized by
the Church being led by shepherds (Popes) whose
mission and powers can be traced from the Apostles
through an uninterrupted chain of succession.
• Video: The Four Marks of the Church: The Church that
Jesus Built
• From You Tube
• The Four Marks of the Church: The Church that Jesus Built Posted by Junmeskie on 4/13/09
• The Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Posted by The Catholic Guy777 on 10/13/12 at
• Francis the Ecumenical Pope Posted by Catholic News Service on 3/18/13 at
• Why so Many Churches? Archdiocese of Milwaukee with Bishop Hying on 1/18/13 at
• Summary of the Major Heresies-part 1 Posted by Petrus Josephus on 10/07/12 at
• Summary of the Major Heresies-part 2 Posted by Petrus Josephus on 10/07/12 at
• The Great East-West Schism Posted by Cavetroll on 4/9/13 at
• What are the four marks of the Church Archdiocese of Milwaukee with Bishop Hying on
4/19/13 at
• The Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Posted by The Catholic Guy on 10/13/12 at
Book: Haun, Scott. The Church: Sacrament of Salvation. 1st ed. Woodridge: Midwest
Theological Forum, 2009.
Pictures were taken from various sources via Google images