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Cochlear Implants
Glen T. Porter, MD
Arun K. Gadre, MD
Department of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery
Galveston, TX
History of Cochlear Implants
Djourno and Eyries
House, Doyle,
1972 Single-channel
1984 FDA approval
Scala tympani
Scala vestibuli
Cochlear duct
Basilar membrane
Vestibular membrane
Tectoral membrane
Hair cells (outer/inner)
Cochlear nerve fibers
Physiology of Hearing
Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Death of hair cells vs. ganglion
Otte, et al estimated we need
10,000 ganglion cells with 3,000
apically to have good speech
Apical ganglion cells tend to
survive better (?acoustic
Central neural system plasticity
Pathologic Anatomy
Anatomy of Sound
Anatomy of Speech
Mix of frequencies
Speech recognition is “top-down” process
Formant frequencies: frequency maximum
based on vocal tract
F0 is fundamental frequency
F1 & F2—contribute to vowel identification
F3—l,r (lateral and retroflex glides)
F4 & F5—higher frequency speech sounds
Some speech based on amplitude—k, f, l, s
Components of Cochlear Implant
Implant Components
External speech
Transmitter (outer coil)
Electrode array
Neural pathways
Types of Cochlear Implants
Single vs. Multiple channels
Audio example of how a cochlear implant sounds with
varying number of channels
Monopolar vs. Bipolar
Speech processing strategies
Spectral peak (Nucleus)
Continuous interleaved sampling (Med-El, Nucleus,
Advanced combined encoder (Nucleus)
Simultaneous analog strategy (Clarion)
Anatomy of a Cochlear Implant
Indication for Cochlear Implant
18 years old and older (no limitation by age)
Bilateral severe-to-profound sensorineural
hearing loss (70 dB hearing loss or greater
with little or no benefit from hearing aids for 6
Psychologically suitable
No anatomic contraindications
Medically not contraindicated
Indications for Cochlear
Implantation -- Children
12 months or older
Bilateral severe-to-profound sensorineural hearing loss
with PTA of 90 dB or greater in better ear
No appreciable benefit with hearing aids (parent survey
when <5 yo or 30% or less on sentence recognition
when >5 yo)
Must be able to tolerate wearing hearing aids and show
some aided ability
Enrolled in aural/oral education program
No medical or anatomic contraindications
Motivated parents
Incomplete hearing loss
Neurofibromatosis II, mental retardation, psychosis,
organic brain dysfunction, unrealistic expectations
Active middle ear disease
CT findings of cochlear agenesis (Michel deformity) or
small IAC (CN8 atresia)
Dysplasia not necessarily a contraindication, but
informed consent is a must
H/O CWD mastoidectomy
Labyrinthitis ossificans—follow scans
Advanced otosclerosis
CT Findings
General Workup
Audiologic exam with binaural
CT scan/MRI of temporal bones
Trial of high-powered hearing aids
Psychological evaluation
Medical evaluation
Any necessary tests to discover etiology of
hearing loss
Surgical technique
Surgical Technique
Surgical Technique
Postoperative Management
Complication rate only 5%
Wound infection/breakdown
Yu, et al showed good response to Abx, I&D
Facial nerve injury/stimulation, CSF leak,
CDC recommendations
Vertigo (Steenerson reported 75%)
Device failure—re-implantation usually
Avoid MRI
Postoperative Rehabilitation
Necessary part of implantation
Different focus depends on patient’s
previous experience with sound
Goal is to enable children to be able to
learn passively from the environment
Program addresses receptive as well as
expressive language skills
Multidisciplinary, dedicated group
Results of Implantation
Wide range of outcomes
Improvement is long-term (Waltzman, et al. 5-15 yr f/u)
Implantation is cost effective—even in the elderly
(Francis, et al)
Research indicates recipe for success includes:
Short length of time from deafness to implantation (Sharma
showed <3.5 years regain normal latencies within 6 mos. After 7
years, little plasticity remains)
Experience with language before onset of deafness
Implantation before age six for prelingually deafened children
(Govaerts, et al showed 90% of children implanted <2yo were
integrated into mainstream vs. only 20-30% if implanted after
age 4)
Aural/oral education
Highly motivated patients/parents
A Look to the Future
Partial implants with hearing aid
Those with residual low-frequency hearing
Intraoperative mapping
Bilateral implantation
One vs. two speech processors
Implantation for asymmetric SNHL
“Softip” array
Minimally invasive implantation