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Ahmet Varol, Berat Tuna Karlı, Kadri Onuk,
Sarp Saatçıoğlu, Yunus Ölez
• «Cochlear implantation started and developed thanks to society's demands which made
us to conclude that it started with SCOT. However, after implantation became
widespreaded, it started to act like a system growing with technological momentum.»
• What is a cochlear implant?
• It is an electronic device that works as inner ear.
• It passes sound signal to brain through several electrodes depends on the frequency of
the sound.
• Why is it important?
• Cochlear implantation is necessary for social development of individuals and civilizations
due to the fact that hearing disabilities affect not only hearing but also speaking in most
• Alessandro Volta (1745-1827)
He investigated how does mechanical vibration turns into electrical stimulation.
• Georg von Békésy (1899-1972)
The name Bekesy was first fame in the research on the inner ear as a person who
succeeded in cross-sectioning the inner ear without disturbing its function from the
• William House(1923-2012)
In 1961, with the help of brain surgeon John Doyle and physicist James Doyle, House
performed the first cochlear implant surgery in the United States.
• F. Blair Simmons (1930-1998)
Simons was the person who gave the first meaningful stimulation signal to the patient.
(Beginning of multi-channel implants)
• Patrick Mac Leod & Claude-Henri Chouard & Claude Fugain
The most important thing they learned from their research was the importance of
rehabilitation to enable an implanted patient to speak.
• Blake Wilson
In 1991, Blake Wilson reported a new speech-processing strategy that provides timeand place-coding information in a particularly clear way.
• Technological momentum in cochlear implant
• Australian and European scientists’ experiments & its relation with SCOT
• Inevitable growing of the technology and the usage of it
• Why is cochlear implant different from hearing aids?
• Who can advantage cochlear implant?
• In what ways does it affect a children’s mental development?
• How can cochlear implant advantage a deaf person’s speaking skills?
• A Socio-cognitive Model of Technology
Evolution: The Case of Cochlear Implants
This paper examines the social and
cognitive processes that unfold over time
as a technology develops. Includes sociocognitive model of technology evolution
such as: evaluation routines, beliefs,
artifacts and their connections.
• Deafness- Cross-modal plasticity and cochlear implants
Cochlear implants boost the low metabolic activity of the
auditory cortex, the region of the brain normally used for
• World Federation of the Deaf(Ethics)
It is estimated that there are approximately 70 million deaf worldwide, there are ethical
concerns mentioned in the text. They argue that calling deaf people such as “deaf- mute”,
“deaf and dumb” or “hearing impaired” are not acceptable terms, these terms should not be
used anymore.
• Effects of technological momentum (From NY Times)
It is explained that there are some people who are opposed to
cochlear implants, they believe that these implants threaten deaf people.
However, it is not possible to stop these surgeries. It could be an example
of technological momentum.
Ersin Oray, CEO at MEDers
• There are two main arguments in this reseach;
• Social Construction of Technology approach for the historical development of cochlear
• Cochlear implantation has features and behavior of a technological system nowadays,
which stands for Technological Momentum approach.
It seems that cochlear implantation will keep being an inevitable technological system
since society keeps demanding it and knowing that there is a solution to their hearing