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Aquatic Ecosystems
Ch 7 & more
Note: slides 1-27 apply to the
Freshwater Unit
28-48 are for the Marine Unit
Aquatic Ecosystem
Food Webs
• plankton: tiny
organisms that drift
with the currents
• basis of all aquatic
– Phytoplankton
• Autotrophs
• Algae
– Zooplankton
• Tiny animals or protozoa
• Heterotrophs
• Eat phytoplankton
Aquatic Ecosystem Food Webs
• Nekton = Freeswimming organisms
– Fish, turtles, etc.
• Benthos = bottomdwelling organisms
– Mussels, worms,
barnacles, etc
– Often are attached to
bottom surfaces
• Decomposers
Freshwater vs. Saltwater
Salinity = the amount of salt in water
• Salt water = marine ecosystems
– Coastal ecosystems
Salt marshes
Mangrove swamps
Barrier islands
– Coral reefs
– Open ocean
• Freshwater = no salt
– Ponds, lakes & rivers
– Marshes and wetlands
Ponds and lakes
No current
Levels are divided horizontally
by amount of light
and proximity to shore
Littoral zone: (think light)
– Lots of life
– Near shore, rooted plants provide food
– Off shore, phytoplankton are base
• Benthic zone: Bottom
– Decomposers (bacteria)
– detrivores (eat small bits of organic matter on bottom)
– Filter feeders
• Shrimp, clams, sponges, crabs etc.
Threats to Ponds and Lakes
Eutrophication (review)
1. Excess nutrients
enter water
2. Algae bloom,
overcrowd and die
3. Bacteria decompose
algae, using up
4. Other organisms die
for want of oxygen
Prevention of Eutrophication (review)
• Buffer zones between farms and waterways
• Control of runoff in areas of high manure
• High tech fertilizer application (only as-needed)
Eutrophication Prevention
• Lawn-free landscaping
Eutrophication Prevention
• Buy phosphate-free products
Eutrophication Prevention
• Repair leaky sewer and septic systems
• Dissolved oxygen increases with current
• Dissolved oxygen decreases with temperature
Wastewater vs. Stormwater
Sources of wastewater:
• Dishwasher
• Washer
• Sink
• Shower
• bathtub
• Toilet
• In short, anything that goes down the drain
Wastewater goes down sewer lines to a
wastewater treatment plant
Wastewater vs. Stormwater
• Water that collects outdoors and gets sent
into storm drains
• Catch basins are design to collect this runoff
Catch basins take much more than storm
• Oils from cars
• Industrial chemicals
• Soil from construction sites
• Nonpoint-source pollution – cannot be
traced back to any single source
• Point source pollution: can be traced to
a specific source
Stormwater runoff
• Most stormwater goes directly to a waterway
Combined Sewer
• Stormwater and wastewater use same system
of pipes and get run to water treatment plant
Combined Sewer Overflow
• It works…until it rains hard
• In heavy rains, the combined stormwater and
wastewater overflow and go directly to the
waterways, polluting them
• CSO = combined sewer overflow
Combined Sewer Overflow Treatment
• Extra waste water treatment plant at point
where CSO runoff gets to waterway
• Stop-gap
Better solution:
• Separate sewers and stormwater systems
• The ability to allow substances flow through
• A permeable surface allows rain to percolate
(seep) into the ground.
– Examples:
Grass or other plants
Ground cover like pine straw or wood chips
• Rain washes/flows over an impermeable (or
impervious) surface and does not get
absorbed into the ground.
– Ex:
• Rooftops,
• roads,
• parking lots
The more impermeable surfaces we have, the more runoff goes straight into the
waterways and takes pollutants with it.
Areas of nearly constant moisture that contain great
Freshwater Wetlands
two main types
• Mostly non-woody plants
such as grasses, reeds and
• Dominated by trees and
Benefits of Wetlands
1. Filter pollutants
2. Control flooding
– Act as giant sponge, absorbing and slowing water as it
flows through
3. Buffer shorelines against erosion (absorb impact)
4. Spawning grounds, migration stop and habitat
– commercially important shellfish and fish
– Native species (some rare, endangered)
5. Recreation
Wetlands: Human Impact
• Less than ½ of original US wetlands remain
• Causes of destruction include
– Ports (remember, wetlands are usually in estuaries)
– Development (NYC, Miami, Shanghai, New Orleans…etc)
– Dams, levees, canals, channels
– Pollution from runoff and wastewater
– Non-native plants and animals
– Sanitary landfills
– Mosquito control (drainage, channelization, poisoning)
• Channelization: digging channels/canals to drain
Wetlands: Human Impact
• Draining wetlands results in:
– Loss of benefits stated earlier
– Subsidence: ground sinks due to drying out
– Salt water intrusion: as wetlands are drained,
saltwater seeps in from ocean
• This is also a cause of further destruction (positive
feedback loop)
Wetland Loss Solutions
• Mitigation program:
– Creating wetlands in new areas to replace their
destruction for development (1983)
– Mitigation bank: sells newly created wetlands to
developers who have to mitigate
• Disallow wetland destruction
for agriculture (1985)
Wetlands: Estuaries
• Wetlands are often found in
estuaries: “where rivers meet
the sea”
– Large mostly flat areas
– Salinity changes with tides
• As tide comes in (gets higher),
salinity ↑
• As tide goes out (gets lower),
salinity ↓
Nutrient mixing with tides
Salt water is ______ than fresh water
Due to tides and salt/fresh water mixing, nutrients
get “trapped” in estuaries.
Trees have “knees” or buttresses, probably for support in mushy ground
Saltwater swamps are mangroves
Freshwater swamp
Estuaries in Georgia
Estuaries in Gulf of Mexico
Barrier Islands
• Protect mainland and coastal wetlands
Barrier islands take the brunt of storms
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Superstorm Sandy: Tuesday
A Portion of Harvey Cedars on Long Beach Island, New Jersey is underwater Tuesday, Oct.
30, 2012, a day after Hurricane Sandy blew across the New Jersey barrier islands.
• Corals are invertebrate animals
– Heterotrophs
– Polyp = body of coral
– Stinging cells take in tiny organisms as they drift by
– Symbiotic relationship with algae called zooxanthellae
Corals and Energy
“autotroph” by day
• with help of zooxanthellae
Heterotroph by night
Because the corals rely on photosynthesis, they must live
in clear shallow waters
Corals – two types
• Soft Corals
– NOT reef building
– Include Sea fans and
• Hard Corals
– Reef building
– Add about ½ inch/year
– Uses calcium carbonate
from water
Coral Reefs
• Coral reefs are the limestone (Calcium Carbonate)
structures hard corals build
• Over thousands of years, each little animal’s
structure is added to the one below it
Coral Reefs: Locations
Concentrated in the tropical latitudes
Coral Reefs: Benefits
• On video
– Support wide biodiversity (40% of marine species)
• “tropical rain forest of the seas”
– Tourism & recreation
– Medicines and cancer drugs – still being explored
Coral Reefs: Threats
• On video
– Hurricanes (made worse by
– Boats
– Snorkelers/scuba divers touching corals
– Tropical fish pets
– Litter
– Water quality decreasing
• Pollution (bacteria, viruses, fungi causing diseases)
• Extra nutrients in water causing extra algae to grow,
blocking sunlight to zooxanthellae
– Changes in temperature due to global warming
– Ocean levels rising, blocking sunlight
Coral Bleaching
• Zooxanthellae provide the color in corals
• When the zooxanthellae get ejected from
corals, they are left colorless, “bleached”
Coral Reefs: Solutions
• On video
– Moorings for boats so that they don’t drop anchor
on reefs
– Education
• Instruct snorkelers and scuba divers on how NOT to
disturb reefs
• General Public awareness
– Beach cleanups
– Decrease burning fossil fuels
– Decrease use of fertilizers
– Decrease pollutants (litter & other)
– Repair and improve wastewater treatment
Ocean Acidification- cause and effects
↑ CO2 in atmosphere
↑ CO2 diffuses into water
↑ water acidity
↓ available carbonate ions
↓ reef building and health of pteropods and
other shell-building organisms
• PS This happens in large lakes too.
Ocean Acidification – bottom line
• Reefs are directly
affected by increased
CO2 in atmosphere
• Entire ocean food web
also in jeopardy due to
increased CO2
• ocean acidification film
clip: (21:35 minutes)
Biological Pump
– Algae use CO2 in photosynthesis
– This ↓ CO2 in the water
– That ↑ amount of CO2 diffusing into the water
from the atmosphere
– Which ↓ the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere
– Win-win!
Solubility Pump
• Which holds more CO2?
warm or
cold Coke?
• S.P. = The idea that warm water holds less
dissolved gas than cold water
• As ocean currents carry warm water to colder
regions, the water absorbs more CO2 from the
Other Threats to Oceans
• Overfishing
• Eutrophication
• Trash/litter
• Garbage TED talk (7:23 minutes)
• good Morning America ABC: (4:31 minutes)