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Sustaining Coastal Observatories
Bring together groups engaged in developing and
running coastal observing and forecasting systems
How to sustain coastal observing systems
Bring together operators and users
Foster exchange of information and experiences
Forge liaisons and collaborations
1: Research: Predicting the response of shelf
seas to change
2: Management : Water quality; coastal
defence. Central / local government
3. Management: Applied: Navigation, fishing,
offshore construction, SAR
4. Public, education (schools & universities)
Three workshops
1. Best practice in the synthesis of long-term
observations and models - Liverpool
Workshop 1
Session 1. Results from long term
Session 2. Utilising long term
measurements in model hindcasts
Session 3. Data assimilation
Session 4. Design of observing /
modelling systems
Session 5. Application of observatories
to the management of shelf seas
Special Issue of Journal of Marine Systems
10 papers, due to appear soon
2. The Status Of European Coastal Observing And
Forecasting Systems, Mallorca
Workshop Discussion Sessions
Can we identify how the
coastal zone is affected
by climatic and
anthropogenic factors?’
Can we forecast, to
sufficient accuracy for
marine management
purposes, the physical
and ecosystem response
in the coastal zone?’
Talks on web site
Session 1
Tea / coffee
Session 2
Session 3
Tea / coffee
Session 4
• Informal
• Talks max length 30 minutes + question
• Discussions important
• No fire drill
• Phones off
• Travel expenses – see Cathy
• Layout?
• Apologies
Appropriate scale
Theme 1: Research: Predicting the response of shelf seas to
Joaquín Tintoré, IMEDEA, Mallorca: OceanBIT: an International Coastal Ocean
Observing and Forecasting System based in the Balearic Islands
Tim Smyth, PML, UK: The Western Channel Observatory: a synergistic
approach to in-situ, remotely sensed and modelling "observations"
Tim Smyth & Matt Frost, Plymouth, UK: Marine Environment Change Network
Rajesh Nair, Trieste; A. Primero, Palmanova, Italy: Managing an embedded
wireless sensor network for coastal marine environmental monitoring: our
experience, and lessons learnt
Carlos Barrera, M.J. Rueda, M.D. Gelado, Eduardo. Azevedo and O. Llinás: Nonconventional aspects from a multidisciplinary real-time monitoring coastal
network in the Macaronesian region: Red ACOMAR Canarias
E.B. Azevedo, C. Barrera, M.J. Rueda, M.D. Gelado and O. Llinãs
CLIMAAT and CLIMARCOST Projects (Climate and Meteorology of the
Atlantic Archipelagos) (Climate and Coastal Weather)
Lennart Funquist, SMHI, Sweden: Plan for a new infrastructure for
environmental monitoring and operational oceanography in Swedish waters.
Emil Stanev, Franciscus Colijn, GKSS, Germany: Coastal Observing and
Forecasting System for the German Bight: Status and Perspectives
Patrick Farcy, Jacques Legrand, IFREMER, France: MarinERA
Theme 2: Management : Water quality; coastal defence.
Central / local government
Andy Bradbury, Channel Coast Observatory, UK: Improving strategic
and operational beach management with a long term large scale
coastal observation network.
John Howarth, POL, UK: Irish Sea Observatory
Dave Mills, CEFAS: The European Marine Ecosystem Observatory
(EMECO): reducing uncertainty in assessments of ecosystem health
Jacques Legrand, IFREMER, France: PREVIMER
Henning Wehde, NIVA, Norway: tba
James O'Donnell, Connecticut, USA: The Role of an Observing System
in the Management in Long Island Sound, an Urbanized Estuary in
Southern New England
Theme 3. Management: Applied: Navigation, fishing, offshore
construction, SAR
Scott Glenn, Rutgers, USA: The Mid-Atlantic Regional Coastal Ocean Observing
System (MARCOOS): Implementation of a Sustainable Real-Time Ocean
Observing and Forecasting System for Coast Guard Search And Rescue
Art Allen, US Coast Guard, USA: The Environmental Data Server (EDS) Support
of the U.S. Coast Guard’s Search And Rescue Optimal Planning System
Antonio Baptista, Oregon, USA: SATURN/CORIE: vision, decade-long
experience, and recent developments of an end-to-end observatory for the
Columbia River coastal margin
Ed Casillas, NOAA Fisheries, USA: Ocean conditions, salmon, and climate
change: Linking coastal observations to fishery
Neal R. Pettigrew, Maine, USA: An Operator’s View of the Ocean Observing
System in the Gulf of Maine
Kathleen Reardon, Maine Department of Marine Resources, USA: Eyes on the
water: Use of the Gulf of Maine Ocean Observing System by the lobster
fishing industry and the fisheries research and management communities.
Cesar González-Pola, A. Lavín, A. Bode, M. Ruiz-Villareal, D. Cano, G. Diaz del
Río , J. M. Cabanas, C. Rodriguez and R. Somavilla, IEO, Spain: The
Spanish Institute of Oceanography Observing System around N and NW
Juan Carlos García Hernández, Spanish Maritime Safety Agency (SASEMAR):
Using Operational Oceanography data by the Spanish Maritime Safety and
Rescue Agency
Theme 4. Public, education (schools &
Conclusion & future