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Marine Pollution
Pollution in coastal waters
Coastal waters are highly affected
by pollution because they are:
Heavily used
Close to sources of pollution
Shallow-water bodies
Not as well circulated as the
open ocean
Marine pollution: A definition
The introduction by man of substances or
energy into the marine environment, which
results in harm to marine life, hazards to
human health, hindrance to marine
activities, including fishing and other
legitimate uses of the sea, impairment of
quality for use of sea water and reduction of
amenities. (WHO)
Main types of marine pollution
Sewage sludge
DDT and PCBs
Nuclear Radiation
Non-point-source pollution
Petroleum (oil)
Marine pollution: Sewage sludge
Sewage sludge is the
semisolid material that
remains after sewage
Much sewage sludge
was dumped offshore
until laws restricted
sewage dumping
Marine pollution: DDT
DDT was a widely used pesticide that
became concentrated in marine fish
DDT caused brown pelicans and ospreys
to produce thin egg shells
Worldwide, DDT has been banned from
agricultural use but is still used in limited
quantities for public health purposes
Marine pollution: PCBs
PCBs are industrial chemicals used as
liquid coolants and insulation in industrial
equipment such as power transformers
PCBs enter the marine environment
through leaks and from discarded
PCBs can accumulate in animal tissues and
affect reproduction
Mercury and Minamata disease
Mercury has many industrial uses but
is extremely toxic
A chemical plant released large
quantities of mercury into Minamata
Bay, Japan
Residents who ate highly contaminated
fish suffered neurological disease and
birth disorders (Minamata disease)
Nuclear Radiation
Caused by leaking of containment structures
The severity of this contamination depends
on the life of the radioactive isotopes that
would be released if a meltdown were to
occur. Some like iodine 131, would only
affect humans if plants and vegetables were
consumed immediately after contamination
because they quickly degrade. Others, like
caesium, are more dangerous because they
remain radioactive for about 28 years.
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant
went into a meltdown after an earthquake
and 49 foot tsunami destroyed the plant,
cooling pumps, and generators on March
11, 2011
Core reactor temperatures reached over
The saga continues as workers try to contain
the continually leaking reactors.
Radiation’s Effects
Non-point- source pollution
pollution comes from
material washed down
storm drains as
“poison runoff”
Includes fertilizers,
pesticides, road oil,
and trash
Law regulating ocean dumping
The only substance that is illegal to dump anywhere
in the ocean is plastic
Plastic in the marine
Does not
Has high strength
Is ingested by and
entangles marine
Marine pollution: Petroleum
Oil spills can be
caused by:
Tanker accidents
Marine pollution: Petroleum
Petroleum is biodegradable
Many pollution experts
consider oil to be among
the least damaging ocean
Data from the 1989 Exxon
Valdez oil spill shows the
recovery of key organisms
Exxon Valdez
Prince William Sound, Alaska
Hit a reef
Ship leaked 11 million gallons of oil from a
Some oil still left after 22 years
BP Deepwater Horizon Rig
April 20, 2010
Drilling rig exploded
Gulf of Mexico
(48 mi. from Mississippi River)
Over 6 million gallons so far
Huge reservoir of oil that is leaking (not as
limited as ship leak)
Has entered Loop Current
Examples of damage…
11 workers are presumed dead
187 turtles stranded
18 dead dolphins
Hundreds of bird nests
Pelican covered in oil, Associated Press
Dangers to Wildlife
Damage to sea grasses that hold wetlands
Over 70% of US water birds use Lousiana’s
wetlands for rest or nesting
Danger for fisheries (oysters & trout are
spawning this time of year)
Harm to Florida coral reefs
Ways to Clean Up Oil Spills
Bacterial breakdown
Kevin Costner’s centrifuge
Various processes break up and degrade oil in the
marine environment
Marine pollution: Petroleum
When oil washes
up at a beach, it
can negatively
affect the marine
Oil can coat
marine organisms
and render their
insulating fur or
feathers useless
Oil on the beach from the
Exxon Valdez oil spill, Alaska