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Broglie and Schrodinger
Atomic Model
Louis de Broglie and Erwin Schrodinger, both winners of the nobel prize for
physics. Focused on the development of quantum theories and electron waves.
Information and images of the Atomic model by Louis de Broglie and Erwin Schrodinger
This atomic model was created by Erwin Schrodinger, but not
all the credit goes to him. Schrodinger used many of De Broglie’s
theories and thesis's on electron matter waves. This information
was used by Erwin Schrodinger for his own development of wave
mechanics. Through this model and information by previous
scientists Schrodinger proved that electrons are waves that are
actually stationary but seem like they are in a orbital movement.
This orbital movement doesn't exist but it seems like it does and it
also helps the scientists determine the amount of energy in an atom.
This atomic model worked on by Louis de Broglie focusing
on the wave natures of electrons. Broglie was the creator of the wave
particle duality theory of matter, this was also with the help of
research that Albert Einstein had found. Broglie’s hypothesis was
“Any moving particle or object has an associated wave”. His
discovery of wave mechanics which merged the physics of light and
matter earned him the nobel prize.
Information about Louis de Broglie and Erwin Schrodinger (Brief Biography)
Louis de Broglie (Aug, 16,
1892 - March, 19, 1987) was a
French man and studied in the field
of physics mainly focusing on the
quantum theories and wave
mechanics. He studied at Sorbonne
University of Paris and is known for
his Nobel Prize award and his
Kalinga Prize presented to him by
UNESCO (United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization). To help understand
Broglie’s theories and ideas better
this is Broglie’s theory of quantum
physics. “Thus I arrived at the
following general idea which has
guided my researches: for matter,
just as much as for radiation, in
particular light, we must introduce at
one and the same time the
corpuscle concept and the wave
concept. In other words, in both
By Taylor Lab Science 9 Block D
cases we must assume the
existence of corpuscles
accompanied by waves. But
corpuscles and waves cannot be
independent, since, according to
Bohr, they are complementary to
each other; consequently it must be
possible to establish a certain
parallelism between the motion of a
corpuscle and the propagation of the
wave which is associated with it.
(Quantum Theory, Louis de Broglie)”
To summarize Broglie is describing
his discoveries about the
relationships between light, matter
and the wave mechanics.
institutions such as University of
Oxford, Zurich, Berlin, Graz, and
Ghent and more. Schrodinger was
also offered a permanent position at
Princeton University. Erwin
Schrodinger was also focused on
the wave mechanics and quantum
physics. He was awarded the Nobel
Prize for Physics in 1933 similar to
Broglie. The difference is that
Schrodinger elaborated on Broglie’s
discoveries and proving important
information such as the waves are
stationary and also discovering that
the apparent orbital movement
determines the energy of the atom.
Erwin Schrodinger (Aug, 12,
1887 - Jan, 4, 1961) was from
Austria and attended University of
Vienna. His focus and development
on physics allowed him to work at