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What is the case for nufact?
Hitoshi Murayama (UC Berkeley)
Intl Scoping Study Meeting of
Nufact and Superbeam
Boston University, March 8, 2006
The Question
Neutrino physics has been full of surprises
We’ve learned a lot in the last ~8 years
We want to learn more
New projects are more and more expensive
Is it really worth it?
Especially worth ~B$, B€, 100B¥?
ISS Physics WS Boston
Elevator Pitch
• If you happen to be on
an elevator with a
powerful senator, can
you explain why you
want to spend ~B$ on
your project in 30
ISS Physics WS Boston
What will NOT work
For politicians and taxpayers, these arguments
wouldn’t be convincing and/or interesting enough
Measurements as precisely as we can
Push limits on 13 as much as we can
Verify the three-generation framework of neutrino
Distinguish different flavor modles
Field needs another machine to sustain itself
ISS Physics WS Boston
Quantum Universe Report
What are neutrinos telling us?
• Of all the known particles,
neutrinos are the most
mysterious. They played an
essential role in the
evolution of the universe,
and their tiny nonzero mass
may signal new physics at
very high energies.
ISS Physics WS Boston
Quantum Universe Report
• Einstein’s Dream of Unified Forces
– Are there undiscovered principles of nature: new symmetries, new
physical laws?
– How can we solve the mystery of dark energy?
– Are there extra dimensions of space
– Do all the forces become one?
• The Particle World
– Why are there so many kinds of particles?
– What is dark matter? How can we make it in the laboratory?
– What are neutrinos telling us?
• The Birth of the Universe
– How did the universe come to be?
– What happened to the antimatter?
ISS Physics WS Boston
• Why Neutrinos?
• A few scenarios
sin2 213 ≪ 0.01
sin2 213 > 0.01
Mini-BooNE confirms LSND
LHC discovers new physics < TeV
• The Big Questions
– Scenario to “establish” seesaw/leptogenesis
• Conclusion
ISS Physics WS Boston
Why Neutrinos?
Interest in Neutrino Mass
• So much activity on neutrino mass already.
Why are we doing this?
Window to (way) high energy scales
beyond the Standard Model!
ISS Physics WS Boston
Why Beyond the Standard Model
• Standard Model is sooooo successful. But
none of us are satisfied with the SM. Why?
• Because it leaves so many great questions
 Drive to go beyond the Standard Model
• Two ways:
– Go to high energies
– Study rare, tiny effects
ISS Physics WS Boston
Rare Effects from High-Energies
• Effects of physics beyond the SM as
effective operators
• Can be classified systematically (Weinberg)
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Unique Role of Neutrino Mass
• Lowest order effect of physics at short distances
• Tiny effect (mn/En)2~(0.1eV/GeV)2=10–20!
• Inteferometry (i.e., Michaelson-Morley)
– Need coherent source
– Need interference (i.e., large mixing angles)
– Need long baseline
Nature was kind to provide all of them!
• “neutrino interferometry” (a.k.a. neutrino
oscillation) a unique tool to study physics at very
ISS Physics WS Boston
high scales
Ubiquitous Neutrinos
They must have played some
important role in the universe!
ISS Physics WS Boston
The Data
de Gouvêa’s classification:
• “Indisputable”
– Atmospheric
– Solar
– Reactor
• “strong”
– Accelerator (K2K)
And we shouldn’t forget:
• “unconfirmed”
– Accelerator (LSND)
ISS Physics WS Boston
Historic Era in Neutrino Physics
We learned:
• Atmospheric nms are lost. P=4.2 10–26 (SK) (1998)
• converted most likely to nt (2000)
• Solar ne is converted to either nm or nt (SNO) (2002)
• Only the LMA solution left for solar neutrinos
(Homestake+Gallium+SK+SNO) (2002)
• Reactor anti-ne disappear (2002) and reappear
(KamLAND) (2004)
ISS Physics WS Boston
Neutrinos do oscillate!
Proper time t
ISS Physics WS Boston
What we learned
• Lepton Flavor is not conserved
• Neutrinos have tiny mass, not very hierarchical
• Neutrinos mix a lot
the first evidence for
incompleteness of Minimal Standard Model
Very different from quarks
ISS Physics WS Boston
Typical Theorists’ View ca. 1990
• Solar neutrino solution must be small angle
MSW solution because it’s cute
• Natural scale for Dm223 ~ 10–100 eV2
because it is cosmologically interesting
• Angle 23 must be ~ Vcb =0.04
• Atmospheric neutrino anomaly must go Wrong!
away because it needs a large angle
ISS Physics WS Boston
The Invisibles
ISS Physics WS Boston
ISS Physics WS Boston
The Big Questions
What is the origin of neutrino mass?
Did neutrinos play a role in our existence?
Did neutrinos play a role in forming galaxies?
Did neutrinos play a role in birth of the universe?
Are neutrinos telling us something about
unification of matter and/or forces?
• Will neutrinos give us more surprises?
Big questions  tough questions to answer
ISS Physics WS Boston
Immediate Questions
Dirac or Majorana?
Absolute mass scale?
How small is 13?
CP Violation?
Mass hierarchy?
Is 13 maximal?
LSND? Sterile neutrino(s)? CPT violation?
ISS Physics WS Boston
• Available tools now:
– SuperK, SNO, KamLAND, Borexino, Mini-BooNE,
MINOS, Cuoricino, NEMO, SDSS, …
• Available soon (?):
– Opera, Double-Chooz, T2K, MINERnA, SciBooNE,
NOnA, reactor 13 expts, KATRIN, PLANCK, new
photometric surveys, more 0n expts, …
Do we really need more?
What do we need?
ISS Physics WS Boston
Do we really need more?
What do we need?
• The answer depends on
what we will find in the
near future
• Talk about a few scenarios
– sin2 213 ≪ 0.01
– sin2 213 > 0.01
– Mini-BooNE confirms
– LHC discovers new physics
< TeV
ISS Physics WS Boston
sin2 213≪0.01
Obvious case?
• Superbeams will not address 13, mass
hierarchy, or CP violation
• A clear case for neutrino factory and/or beam
• de Gouvêa: Will we get the funds to get a
neutrino factory even if all previous
investments end up “unsuccessful”?
ISS Physics WS Boston
sin2 213>0.01
sin2 213>0.01
• Reactor/T2K/NOnA finds sin2 213
This is my prejudice
• Upgrades (4MW J-PARC to HyperK,
Proton Driver+NOnA 2nd detector, etc)
– Measures sin2 213 precisely
– Determines mass hierarchy
– Discovers CP violation
What’s left then?
ISS Physics WS Boston
The source of CP violation
• Having seen
does not tell us what is causing it (in particular in
the presence of “matter effect background”)
• Is it due to the Dirac phase in the MNS matrix?
• Exactly the same question being addressed by Bfactories
– i.e., K can be explained by the KM phase, but is it?
– Cross check in a different system, e.g., B  Yes!
– Is there new interaction (e.g. SUSY loop)?  future
ISS Physics WS Boston
Testing MNS hypothesis
• One way I know is to use tau modes
• Consequence of CPT and three flavors
• Can they be studied at neutrino factory?
– I know it is tough even for a neutrino factory,
but other facilities will clearly not do it
ISS Physics WS Boston
Testing MNS hypothesis
• A simulation like this will make the case
with new neutrino interaction
w/o new neutrino interaction
ISS Physics WS Boston
Mini-BooNE confirms LSND
The hell breaks loose
• In this case, it is hard to understand what is
going on, because there is currently no
simple way to accommodate LSND result
with other neutrino data
Multiple sterile neutrinos?
Sterile neutrino and CPT violation?
Mass varying neutrinos?
Something even more wild and wacky?
ISS Physics WS Boston
What it takes
• We will need neutrino “oscillation” experiments
with multiple baselines, multiple modes
– E~10 GeV, L~10km, looking for t appearance
– Redo CDHSW (nm disappearance experiment with
L=130 & 885m, E=19.2GeV)
– E~1 GeV, L~1 km, looking for oscillatory behavior and
CP violation in nenm, or better, nmne
– Some in the air, some in the earth
– Probably more
– Muon source would help greatly
ISS Physics WS Boston
LHC discovers new physics <TeV
TeV new physics
• Whatever it is,
– SUSY, large extra dimensions, warped extra dimension,
technicolor, Higgsless, little Higgs
it is hard to avoid the TeV-scale physics to
contribute to flavor-changing effects in general
• Renewed strong case for, e.g., super-B
• Very strong case for lepton flavor violation, gm2
– Hence, for a muon storage ring
• Obvious competition with ILC and beyond
ISS Physics WS Boston
For example, SUSY
• High-energy data (LHC/ILC) will provide masses
of superparticles
– But most likely not their mixings
• Low-energy LFV experiments (e.g., me,
mAeA) provide rates (T-odd asymmetry if lucky)
– Combination of virtual particles in the loop and their
• Put them together
– Resolve the mixing
– Constrain models of flavor
ISS Physics WS Boston
What about the Big Questions?
What is the origin of neutrino mass?
Did neutrinos play a role in our existence?
Did neutrinos play a role in forming galaxies?
Did neutrinos play a role in birth of the universe?
Are neutrinos telling us something about
unification of matter and/or forces?
• Will neutrinos give us more surprises?
Big questions  tough questions to answer
ISS Physics WS Boston
Origin of Neutrino Mass,
our existence, even our universe
Neutrinos must be Massless
• All neutrinos left-handed  massless
• If they have mass, can’t go at speed of light.
• Now neutrino right-handed??
 contradiction
 can’t be massive
ISS Physics WS Boston
Two ways to go
(1) Dirac Neutrinos:
– There are new
particles, right-handed
neutrinos, after all
– Why haven’t we seen
– Right-handed neutrino
must be very very
weakly coupled
– Why?
ISS Physics WS Boston
Extra Dimensions
• All charged particles are on a 3-brane
• Right-handed neutrinos SM gauge singlet
 Can propagate in the “bulk”
• Makes neutrino mass small
mn ~ 1/R if one extra dim  R~10mm
• An infinite tower of sterile neutrinos
• Or anomaly mediated SUSY breaking
 (LH u N )
M 
ISS Physics WS Boston
Two ways to go
(2) Majorana Neutrinos:
– There are no new light
– Why if I pass a
neutrino and look
– Must be right-handed
– No fundamental
distinction between
neutrinos and antineutrinos!
ISS Physics WS Boston
Seesaw Mechanism
• Why is neutrino mass so small?
• Need right-handed neutrinos to generate
neutrino mass , but nR SM neutral
n L
n R 
 mD
mD   n L 
 
M  n R
mn 
 mD
To obtain m3~(Dm2atm)1/2, mD~mt, M3~1015GeV (GUT!)
ISS Physics WS Boston
Grand Unification
• electromagnetic, weak, and
strong forces have very
different strengths
• But their strengths become the
same at 1016 GeV if
• To obtain
m3~(Dm2atm)1/2, mD~mt
 M3~1015GeV!
ISS Physics WS Boston
Neutrino mass may be
probing unification:
Einstein’s dream
• You generate Lepton Asymmetry first. (Fukugita, Yanagida)
• Generate L from the direct CP violation in right-handed
neutrino decay
* *
(N1  n i H)  (N1  n i H)  Im(h1j h1k hlk hlj )
• L gets converted to B via EW anomaly
 More matter than anti-matter
 We have survived “The Great Annihilation”
• Despite detailed information on neutrino masses, it still
ISS Physics WSPlümacher)
works (e.g., Bari, Buchmüller,
Origin of Universe
QuickTime™ and a
Cinepak decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
– slowly rolls down the potential
– oscillates around it minimum
– decays to produce a thermal bath
• The superpartner of right-handed
neutrino fits the bill
• When it decays, it produces the
lepton asymmetry at the same time
(HM, Suzuki, Yanagida, Yokoyama)
Decay products: supersymmetry and
hence dark matter
Neutrino is mother of the Universe?
size of the universe amplitude
• Maybe an even bigger role: inflation
• Need a spinless field that
ISS Physics WS Boston
QuickTime™ and a
Cinepak decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
QuickTime™ and a
Cinepak decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
Origin of the Universe
• Right-handed scalar
neutrino: V=m2f2
• ns=0.96
• r=0.16
• Detection possible in
the near future
ISS Physics WS Boston
Can we prove it experimentally?
• Unfortunately, no: it is
difficult to reconstruct
relevant CP-violating
phases from neutrino
• But: we will probably
believe it if the
following scenario
Archeological evidences
ISS Physics WS Boston
A scenario to “establish” seesaw
• We find CP violation in neutrino oscillation
– At least proves that CP is violated in the lepton
• Ue3 is not too small
– At least makes it plausible that CP asymmetry
in right-handed neutrino decay is not
unnaturally suppressed
• But this is not all
ISS Physics WS Boston
A scenario to “establish” seesaw
LHC finds SUSY, LC establishes SUSY
no more particles beyond the MSSM at TeV scale
Gaugino masses unify (two more coincidences)
Scalar masses unify for 1st, 2nd generations (two
for 10, one for 5*, times two)
 strong hint that there are no additional particles
beyond the MSSM below MGUT except for gauge
ISS Physics WS Boston
Gaugino and scalars
• Gaugino masses test unification
itself independent of
intermediate scales and extra
complete SU(5) multiplets
• Scalar masses test beta
functions at all scales, depend
on the particle content
ISS Physics WS Boston
A scenario to “establish” seesaw
• Next generation experiments
discover neutrinoless double beta
• Say, mnee~0.1eV (quasi-degenerate)
• There must be new physics below
~1014GeV that generates the
Majorana neutrino mass
ISS Physics WS Boston
A scenario to “establish” seesaw
• It leaves the possibility for R-parity violation
• Consistency between cosmology, dark matter
detection, and LHC/ILC will remove the concern
0.756(n 1)x n1
 2 /(TeV)2
 1/ 2
2 
 ann
g  ann MPl 8H0
ISS Physics WS Boston
High precision even for ILC
= 1014GeV
seesaw Modified
New particles
Matt Buckley
ISS Physics WS Boston
A scenario to “establish” seesaw
• B-mode fluctuation in
CMB is detected, with
a reasonable
inflationary scale
 strong hint that the
cosmology has been
‘normal’ since
inflation (no extra D
ISS Physics WS Boston
A scenario to “establish” seesaw
Possible additional archeological evidence, e.g.,:
• lepton-flavor violation (me conversion, tm)
seen at the “reasonable” level expected in SUSY
seesaw (even though I don’t believe mSUGRA)
• Bdf KS shows deviation from the SM consistent
with large bR-sR mixing above MGUT
• Isocurvature fluctuation seen suggestive of N1
coherent oscillation, avoiding the gravitino
ISS Physics WS Boston
Revolutions in neutrino physics
Neutrino mass probes rare/subtle/high-energy physics
There is a very good chance for further big progress
Most likely, we will need superbeam, and also neutrino
factory and/or beta beam
• Neutrino physics is within the context of particle physics,
astrophysics and cosmology
• Big questions can be answered only based on collection of
experiments, not oscillation alone
What’s the elevator pitch?
ISS Physics WS Boston