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Personality Disorders
• Excessively rigid behavior
patterns, or ways of relating to
others, that ultimately become
• Most people with Personality
Disorders, in contrast with
people who suffer from Mood
or Anxiety Disorders, see their
behaviors or feelings as
natural parts of themselves.
As a result, most are brought
to the attention of mental
health professionals by a
friend or family member.
• Odd or Eccentric Behavior:
– Paranoid Personality Disorder
– Schizoid Personality Disorder
– Schizotypal Personality
• Dramatic, Emotional, or Erratic
– Antisocial Personality Disorder
– Borderline Personality
– Histrionic Personality Disorder
– Narcissistic Personality
• Anxious or Fearful Behavior:
– Avoidant Personality Disorder
– Dependent Personality
Odd or Eccentric
Paranoid: undue suspiciousness of
other’ motives, but not to the point of
Overly sensitive to criticism (real or
Question the sincerity and
trustworthiness of friends
Hypervigilant, as though they are
under constant threat of betrayal or
Tend to be: argumentative, cold, aloof,
scheming, devious, and humorless
Not delusional (as in paranoid
Unlikely to seek treatment
Schizoid: persistent lack of interest in social
relationships, flattened affect, and social
Outer Appearance:
Loner or ‘eccentric’
Emotions normally appear shallow or dampened
Indifferent to praise or criticism
Inner Lives generally compensate (not
balance) for lack of outer emotion
Schizotypal: eccentricities of thought and
behavior, but without clearly psychotic
Have difficulty forming close relationships (lack
of interest)
Behavior, mannerisms, and thought patterns
seem peculiar, but not disturbed
May experience unusual perceptions or
illusions (“feeling the presence” of a deceased
family member)
Common among those who believe they have
a ‘sixth sense’ or can tell the future
Vague or generally abstract speech, unkempt
appearance, little emotion registered in facial
Anxious or Fearful
Avoidant: avoidance of social
relationships due to fear of
– Absolutely terrified of rejection
– Few relationships outside of family
– Have interest in, and feelings
toward other people (unlike
schizoid personalities)
– Severe form of social phobia
Dependent: difficulty making
independent decision and display
overly dependent behavior
– Seek advice in making even the
smallest decision
– Overly submissive and clinging in their
relationships, extremely fearful of
– Avoid positions of responsibility
– Often linked to other psychological
• Major depression
• Bipolar
• Social phobia
– Often linked to physical problems:
• Hypertension
• Cancer
• Gastrointestinal disorders (ulcers,
– **culture is important as many of the
‘symptoms’ of dependent disorder are
perfectly normal in some cultures
Dramatic, Emotional, or Erratic
• Borderline: abrupt shifts in
mood, lack of a coherent
sense of self, and
unpredictable, impulsive
– Alternate between extremes of
adulation and loathing
– Intense fear of abandonment
makes them clinging and
demanding in their
– View people as all good or all
bad, shifting abruptly between
• May show fleeting psychotic
behaviors when stressed, but are
not as dysfunctional as those
with psychotic disorders.
• Have difficulty regulating their
– May harbor intense
psychological pain, and exhibit
features such as chronic anger,
loneliness, or boredom
• Self-mutilation:
– Fairly common among borderline
– Men tend to show outward signs
of aggression.
– Often motivated by need to
escape from troubling emotions
or “numbness”
Dramatic, Emotional, or Erratic
• Histrionic: excessive
need for attention, praise,
reassurance, and
• Narcissistic adoption of
an inflated self-image and
demands for attention
and admiration
– Emotions seem shallow,
exaggerated, and volatile
– Often flirtatious and playful,
but are too wrapped up in
themselves to develop real
– Setback or lack of attention
result in depression
– Brag about
accomplishments and
expect praise, even when
‘accomplishment’ is
– Lack empathy for others
– Preoccupied with fantasies
of success and power,
ideal love, or recognition
for beauty or brilliance
Dramatic, Emotional, or Erratic
• Antisocial: antisocial and
irresponsible behavior and a
lack of remorse for misdeeds
– Often violate the rights of
others, disregard social
norms, and break the law
– Pattern of behavior begins in
childhood or adolescence
• Two dimensions:
– Personality: selfishness, lack
of empathy, callous and
remorseless use of others,
disregard for others’ feelings
or welfare
– Behavioral: unstable and
antisocial lifestyle, poor
employment history, unstable
• Not all criminals show signs of
psychopathy, and not all
people with psychopathic
personalities become
Film Clip: The Dark Knight
• Psychodynamic therapy
• Behavior therapy
• Cognitive therapy
• Explain, in a paragraph or two (complete
sentences please), how personality
disorders differ from other psychological