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September 10, 2015
1. PowerPoint “What is Energy?”
2. Possible Video “Exploring Heat”
Subject Area: What is Energy?
EQ: What are the different types of energy?
Side Questions:
1. How is potential energy different from kinetic
2. What is thermal energy?
Please enter the class, get your
Science Notebook out, and sit
quietly writing your Essential
Question and your side questions.
You might get tickets!!!
When you put a pizza into the oven, it was
just soft dough covered with cold tomato
sauce, cheese, and uncooked vegetables.
Now, the dough is crisp and golden, the
sauce is hot, and the veggies are toasted.
What caused these changes?
What is Energy?
All the changes around you are caused by
Energy. Energy is the ability to cause
change. There are different forms of
Kinetic Energy
Kinetic Energy is the energy an object has
because it is moving. The amount of
energy an object has depends on two
things. The objects mass and the objects
The kinetic energy of each vehicle
depends on its mass and speed. The
truck has more kinetic energy than the
blue car because it has more mass. The
blue car has more kinetic energy than
the green car because it is moving faster.
Units of Energy
Energy is measured in units of joules (J). If
you dropped a softball from a height of
about .5 meters, it would have about 1J of
kinetic energy before it hit the floor.
Potential Energy – Stored Energy
An object can have energy even when it is
not moving. Stored energy is called
Potential Energy. There are different forms
of potential energy.
The block is the
Potential Energy, the
energy is stored.
When the line is cut the
potential energy is
changed into kinetic
energy falling and
smashing the post.
Gravitational Potential Energy
A rock hanging above the ground is an
example of gravitational potential energy.
Elastic Potential Energy
If you have ever stretched a rubber band
and let it go then you have discovered
another potential energy. Elastic Potential
Energy is the energy stored when and
object is squeezed or stretched. When you
stretch a rubber band the potential energy
is increased.
Elastic Potential Energy
A spring has elastic potential energy when it
is compressed or stretched.
Chemical Potential Energy
Chemical Potential Energy is the energy
stored in bonds between the atoms that
make up matter.
Light Energy
Sunlight causes plants to grow because
sunlight contains a form of energy called
light energy. Light Energy is the energy
carried by light waves.
Thermal Energy
Thermal Energy is the energy that moves
from one place to another because of
differences in temperature. Thermal
energy is sometimes called heat energy.
Thermal energy always moves from
warmer objects to colder objects.
Thermal energy
causes your hands
to feel warmer
when you hold a
cup of hot cocoa.
“Energy Work and Power”
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