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Brain Development:
Primary vesicles
Secondary vesicles
Thalamus & Hypothalamus
Adult brain part
Medulla Oblongata
Pons & Cerebellum
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) - formed in choroid plexes of 4 ventricles:
2 lateral - one in each hemisphere
3rd - interventricular foramen connect with 3rd w/ both lateral vent.
4th - cerebral aqueduct connects 3rd and 4th vent.
Three openings (apertures) from 4th into subarachnoid space:
2 lateral, 1 median
Returns to blood via arachnoid villa
Internal hydrocephallus
External hydrocephallus
Blood-CSF barrier
Blood brain barrier (BBB)
Ascending and descending tracts
Inferior cerebellar peduncles - medulla to cerebellum
Decussation of pyramids
Reflex centers (nuclei)
Cardiac - CAC CIC
Medullary rhythmicity - respirations
Vasomotor - blood vessel diameter
Cranial nerves VIII* - XII
Ascending and descending tracts
Middle cerebellar peduncles - pons to cerebellum
Pneumotaxic - respiration
Cranial nerves V – VIII*
Cerebral peduncles - connect upper brain w/ brain stem and SC
Superior cerebellar peduncles - midbrain to cerebelum
Cerebral aqueduct
Corpora Quadrigemina:
Superior colliculi – reflex center for eyes, head, neck in
response to visual stimuli
Inferior colliculi – reflex center for head, trunk in response to
auditory stimuli
Substantia Nigra – control subconscious myo activity
Red Nuclei – coordinates myo activity w/ basal ganglia,
Cranial nerves III – IV
Reticular Formation:
gray matter among white matter in medulla, pons, midbrain
sensory and motor functions
RAS – consciousness and arousal
Involved with homeostasis, hunger, thirst, etc.
Secondary controller of emotional behavior
Receives and interprets all sensory input (Cranial Nerve I -Olfactory).
Relays information to sensory cortex of brain.
Thalamic Nuclei
Outer layer - cerebral cortex (gray), gyri
Inner layer - white
Longitudinal fissure - hemispheres (lobes), falx cerebri, corpus callosum
Central sulcus - separates frontal & parietal
Lateral cerebral sulcus - separates frontal & temporal
Parieto -occipital sulcus - separates parietal & occipital
Transverse fissure - separates cerebrum & cerebellum
Three sets of fibers:
Association - w/i same hemi
Commissural - between corresponding gyri in each hemi
Projection - Ascending and descending tracts
Basal ganglia - paired masses of gray matter
Corpus Striatum
Caudate Nucleus - controls large subconscious movement
Lentiform Nucleus
Putamen - same as Caudate
Globus Pallidus - regulates myo tone for specific
Limbic system - gray matter, primary controller of emotions
Basal Ganglia
Limbic system
Cerebral cortex:
Motor areas
Primary - controls groups of skeletal myo
Broca's - control myo for speech
Sensory areas
Primary somesthetic - locate point of stimuli
Association areas
Premotor - generates impulses to control complex, sequential
learned movements (writing)
Somesthetic association - integrates/interprets
Wernicke's - comprehension written & spoken language.
Fibers connect w/ Broca's
Cerebral asymetry
L hemi - verbal, math, analytical, etc.
R hemi - non-verbal, music, spatial, etc.
Motor Areas of Cerebral Cortex
Sensory Areas of Cerebral Cortex
Association Areas of Cerebral Cortex
Transverse fissure (Tentorium Cerebelli – cranial meninges in TF)
Vermis - constricted portion, divides into hemi (falx cerebelli)
Hemi divided into lobes
Anterior - controls large subconscious skeletal movement
Posterior - same
Flocculonodular - equilibrium, posture
Three sets of fibers
Inferior cerebellar peduncles
Cerebellar Peduncles
Levels of Motor Control
Low levels controlled by reflex arcs.
Complex levels walking/swimming (FAPs)
Segmental - CPGs
Projection - command nuerons
Program/instruction - Cerebellum and basal ganglia
Motor Areas of Cerebral Cortex