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Welcome to
Drama Club!
Please pick up a “Drama Club Resume”
form by the door and fill it out.
 Who we are
 Mrs. Lambert – Room 314
 Mrs. Wortham – Theatre Arts Room
 What we’ll be doing
 Fun theatre lessons
 Putting on productions
 Working onstage and backstage
 Fundraising
 Meetings every Wednesday from 3:45-4:30pm in the Theatre
Arts room
The Callboard
 Website
 Direct Link:
 Through KISD/School Website:
 Click on “Schools”
 Go to Middle Schools>Patterson to get to the CPMS
 Go to Fine Arts>Theatre Arts
 Cafeteria bulletin board
Expectations Agreement
 I will treat everyone and their belongings with kindness
and respect. I will never make fun of anyone, especially
when we are performing. If it isn’t mine, I won’t touch it!
 I agree to respect our meeting and rehearsal spaces. I will
never touch or play with CPMS’ and/or Mrs. Wortham’s
property, including props and costumes (unless given
permission). If it isn’t mine, I won’t touch it!
Expectations Agreement
 I will be “on time” (early) and prepared for all meetings,
rehearsals and events. If I’m on time, I’m late!
 I will attend all Drama Club meetings. If a conflict arises, I
will notify Mrs. Wortham or Mrs. Lambert as soon as
possible, with an excuse note from my parent/guardian.
Three unexcused absences = removal from the Drama
Expectations Agreement
 I will practice proper audience etiquette at all times.
 I will follow directions given by my Drama Club leaders,
and focus my attention on the tasks at hand. I will help
accomplish this by keeping my cell phone, iPod and all
other electronic devices out of sight and out of mind.
 I will never chew gum on stage!
“3 Strikes, You’re Out”
 If Mrs. Wortham and/or Mrs. Lambert have
to warn me about my behavior three times,
I understand I will be removed from the
meeting, rehearsal or event. If I am
removed three times, I understand I will be
removed from the Drama Club altogether.
 President
 Vice President
 Secretary
 Historian
President’s Duties
 To preside at all meetings using basic parliamentary
 To set agenda for all meetings.
 To appoint or eliminate committees and committee
 To vote on any matter that has ended in a tie.
Vice President’s Duties
 To run the meeting if the President is absent.
 To assist the President in setting the agenda.
 To assist the President in appointing or eliminating
committees and committee chairpersons.
 To act as an ex-officio of all committees.
Secretary’s Duties
 To keep an accurate written account of the club’s
 To take attendance.
 To assist the President in setting the agenda for the
 To help monitor assigned committees.
 To handle any written correspondence.
Historian’s Duties
 To take photos at all Drama Club activities.
 To maintain close contact with the journalism class to
make sure our activities are featured in the school
newsletter and yearbook.
 To maintain a Drama Club scrapbook.
 To assist the President in setting the agenda for the
Voting Process
 Voting will take place next week – Wednesday, 9/30
 If you want to run for an office, you must tell Mrs. Wortham or Mrs.
Lambert what officer(s) you are interested in by the end of the day
Tuesday, 9/29. That gets your name on the ballot. There will be no
last-minute nominations.
 Anyone wanting to run for an office needs to come prepared with a
short speech about why they would be a good candidate for the office.
 We will handle voting by secret ballot.
 Choose who you think would do the best job, not necessarily your
Thank you for coming!