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Solar System
and Joey
Do You Know How Many Moons
There Are?
• Well with all of the planets
moons there are I89 moons!
Can you believe it there are
189 moons and out of all
those moons we only have
Uranus, Saturn and Venus
It takes Uranus 30,684 days to orbit
the sun!
In astronomy mythology, Uranus was
the lord of the skies and husband of
Earth. He was also the king of goods
until his son Saturn overthrew him.
It takes Saturn 10.759.2 days to orbit
the sun.
Saturn’s beautiful rings are 169,800
wide, but less thick than a football
It takes Venus 224.701 days to orbit
the sun.
Venus was the Roman goddess of love
and beauty. In Greek her name was
There are 26 known asteroids
larger than 200 km across. We
probably know 99% of the
asteroids larger than 100 km
across. We've cataloged about
half of the asteroids in the 10
km to 100 km size range.
Scientists still don't know much
about the smaller ones. It's
thought there may be as many
as a million 1 km sized
asteroids may exist.
The Sun
The Sun
Like all the other planets in our
Solar System, the Earth
revolves around a mediumsized star. This star provides all
the energy necessary to
sustain life on Earth.
The Suns surface is warm
6,000 degrees Celsius. The
same temperature as the
Earths core.
Pluto, Neptune, Earth
It takes 365 days for Earth to orbit the
The Earths name in Greek was Gaea.
Earth was the mother of mountains,
valleys, streams and all other land
forms. She was married to Uranus.
It takes 60,190 days for Neptune to
orbit the Sun.
Neptune was originally the only god of
water, but was later extended to the
ocean when he became associated
with the Greek god Poseidon.
It takes 90,465 days for Pluto orbit the
Pluto was thought to be the god to
whom all men must eventually go.
Mercury, Mars, Jupiter
It takes Jupiter 4332.59 days to orbit
the Sun.
Jupiter has 63 moons!
It takes Mercury 87.969 days to orbit
the Sun.
If you moved to Mercury you would
way a lot less. If you wayed 70
pounds on Earth you would way 27
pounds on Mercury.
It takes Mars 686.98 days to orbit the
Mars excites because its mild
temperament is more like the Earth’s
than any of the other planets.
Jupiter's Moons
Jupiter has at least 63
moons. Most of these moons
are very small, and were
probably once asteroids that
got too close to
Jupiter. Jupiter's large size
means that it has very strong
gravity. This powerful gravity
sometimes grabs onto objects
that wander too close.
Pluto Is It a Planet?
Pluto is considered The Dwarf
planet these days since it is so
small compared to all the other
Pluto is a small, icy "dwarf
planet". Scientists are still
unsure as to exactly what it's
made of.
The Inner Planets
The Inner Planets are Earth, Moon,
Mercury, Venus and Mars.
Mars has permanent ice caps at
both poles made up mostly of solid
carbon dioxide. We know this as
"dry ice.“
Because Venus and the Earth are
almost the exact same size, you
would weigh almost exactly the
same on either planet. If you
weighed 70 pounds on Earth you
would weigh 63 pounds on Venus.
The Outer Planets
The Outer Planets are Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and
Neptune has 8 known moons; 7
small ones and a large moon
called "Triton.“
Uranus has 15 known moons.
Voyager 2 discovered 10 small
moons in addition to the 5 large
ones already known. It is likely
that there are many more tiny
moons within the rings.
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