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What makes up our solar system?
Where is our solar system
• In the Milky Way Galaxy about 2/3 of the
way down on one of the arms
• 1 star-Our Sun
What were the earlier views of the
solar system?
• Geocentric vs. Heliocentric
• “Earth Centered Model”
• Aristotle & Ptolemy believed that Earth
was the center of the system of the
• They thought everything revolved around
• “Sun-Centered System”
• Nicolaus Copernicus proposed the idea of
that the sun was the center of the system
• Galileo (100 years later) agreed with
Copernicus’ idea
– Discovered Venus went through phases like
our moon
– Discovered Jupiter’s moons revolved around
it & not the Earth
What keeps the planets in motion?
• Gravity: attractive force between two
• Inertia: tendency of an object to in
motion/at rest to remain in motion/at rest
until acted upon by an outside force
• Discovered by Issac Newton
What is an ellipse?
• Ellipse: elongated circle or oval shaped
• Johannes Kepler discovered that the
planets had elliptical orbits not round!
What is a rotation & orbital
• Rotation period describes the time it takes
the planet to spin around 1 time on its axis
• Orbital period describes the time it takes
the planet to revolve around the Sun 1
Inner Planets
What do all of these planets
have in common?
• Small
• Rocky
• Orbit paths are close together
1st planet
36 million miles from the Sun
58 days rotation period
88 days orbital period
Mercury Fun Facts
Looks like “Our Moon”
No atmosphere
Extreme temperatures
700°F(Day) & -300°F(Night)
Mercury SUPER Fact
• Fastest orbiting planet at 29 miles per
2nd planet
67 million miles from the Sun
243 days rotation period
224 days orbital period
Venus Fun Facts
• Called “Earth’s Twin” or our sister planet
• Thick CO2 cloud covers the planet
• Hottest Planet at 900°F
Venus SUPER Fact
• Has Retrograde Rotation-spins backwards
on its axis
3rd Planet
98 million miles from the Sun
24 hours rotation period
365 days orbital period
Earth Fun Facts
Ongoing plate tectonics
Oxygen rich atmosphere
Oceans of water
1 moon
Earth SUPER Fact
• Variety of living things
4th planet
142 million miles from the Sun
24 hours rotational period
687 days orbital period
Mars Fun Facts
• Called the “Red Planet” due to the iron in
its surface
• Polar ice caps
• 2 moons-Phobos & Deimos
Mars SUPER Fact
• Surface is marked with its own “grand
• Largest volcano in the solar system”Olympus Mons” towering at 17 miles
above the surface
Outer Planets
What do the “First Four” outer
planets have in common?
• Large
• Have Rings
• Gaseous-75% Hydrogen & 24% Helium
What about Pluto?
• Pluto is much more like the 4 inner planets
• Some speculate that it may have been one
of Neptune’s moon at one time
5th planet
484 million miles from the Sun
10 hours rotational period
11 years orbital period
Jupiter Fun Facts
Largest Planet
Dark narrow rings
63 moons
4 largest moons-Io, Europa, Ganymede,
Jupiter SUPER Fact
• “Great Red Spot” that is an ongoing storm
much like a hurricane
6th planet
888 million miles from the Sun
10 hours rotational period
30 years orbital period
Saturn Fun Facts
• Called the “Ringed Planet”
• Rings measure 600,000 miles from edge
to edge
• Rings are made from ice & rocks
• 60 moons
• Titan is the largest-larger than Mercury
Saturn SUPER Fact
• It floats! It’s density is actually lower than
water! If we could place Saturn in
water…it would float!
7th planet
1.8 billion miles from the Sun
17 hours rotation period
84 years orbital period
Uranus Fun Facts
• Blue in color…due to the methane in the
• 20+ moons
• Has Rings
Uranus SUPER Fact
• Rotates from top to bottom…on its side!
8th planet
2.8 billion miles from the Sun
18 hours rotational period
165 years orbital period
Neptune Fun Facts
• “Blue Planet”due to the methane in the
• 13 moons
• Largest moon-Triton
Neptune SUPER Fact
• “Great Dark Spot”…ongoing storm
Recently demoted to “Dwarf Planet” status
2.9 billion-4.6 billion miles from the Sun
6 days rotational period
248 years orbital period
Pluto Fun Facts
• Made of rock & ice
• Thin methane atmosphere
• 1 moon-Charon
Pluto SUPER Fact
• It has an unusual orbit…it sometimes
crosses Neptune’s orbit
What other objects are floating
around the solar system?
• Comets
• Asteroids
• Meteoroids
Comet Fun Facts
• “Dirty Snowball”
• Made of dust & ice…as it passes the Sun,
the ice turns into gas
• Have long, narrow, elliptical orbits
• Rarely pass by Earth
• Can only be seen briefly
Comet SUPER Fact
Halley’s Comet
Discovered by Edmond Halley in 1705
Orbits Earth every 76 years
1986 was the last time it appeared in the
Asteroid Fun Facts
• Small objects that orbit the Sun between
Mars & Jupiter
• Over 10,000 have been discovered
• Some are over 250km across
Asteroid SUPER Fact
• Asteroid Belt
• Chunks of rock & dust that comes from a
comet or asteroid
What are meteors &
• Meteor: is a meteoroid that burns up in
Earth’s atmosphere producing a streak of
• Meteorite: is a large meteoroid that did not
burn in Earth’s atmosphere & hit the