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World History
• Chapter Three
• India & China
• (3000 B.C. – A.D. 500)
• 1. Explain how geography
influenced the development
in India & China
2. Identify characteristics of
these civilizations
• 3. Explain political & social
structures in these countries
4. Describe the role of
5. List the contributions of
each civilization
Section One: Early
Civilization in India
I. The Land of India
• Indian subcontinent, located
along the southern edge of
Asia, shaped like a triangle
• Composed of mountain
ranges, river valleys, a dry
interior plateau & fertile
coastal plains
The Land of India
• Himalaya, the highest mountains in
the world
• Ganges River, located on a rich
valley, one of the chief regions of
Indian culture
• Deccan, a hilly & dry plateau that
extends from the Ganges Valley to
the southern tip of India
The Land of India
• Monsoon – a seasonal wind
pattern in Southern Asia the blows
warm, moist air from the
southwest during the summer,
bringing heavy rains, & cold, dry air
from the northeast during the
winter (p.72)
• Farmers depend on the rains to
grow crops
II. India’s First Civilization
• Between 3000 B.C. & 1500
• More than a thousand
settlements in this region
• Harappa & Mohenjo-Daro
A. Harappa & Mohenjo-Daro
• Planned cities
• Constructed of mud bricks
baked in ovens & were square
• Advanced drainage system
• Well organized government
B. Rulers & the Economy
• Divine assistance
• Religion & political power
closely linked
• Economy based on farming
Rulers & the Economy
• Trade with city-states in
• Trade was carried by ship
via the Persian Gulf
III. The Arrival of the Aryans
• Floods, earthquakes &
climate change weakened
the civilization
• Arrival of the Aryans
brought it to an end
A. Who Were the Aryans?
• Around 1500 B.C.
• Aryans, A group of Indo-European
nomadic peoples, who came out of
central Asia
• moved across the Hindu Kush mountain
• Created a new Indian society based on
Aryan culture & institutions
B. Aryan Ways of Life
• Pastoral people, with a
strong warrior tradition
• Became farmers, using the
iron plow & irrigation
• Developed irrigation
Aryan Ways of Life
• Had no written language
• Sanskrit - the first writing
system of the Aryans,
developed around 1000 B.C.
• Wrote down religious rituals,
legends & chants
Aryan Ways of Life
• Rajas - An Aryan leader or
prince (p.74)
• Carved out small states &
fought one another
IV. Society in Ancient India
• Set of social institutions &
class divisions
A. The Caste System
• Aryans social institutions & class
• Caste system – a set of rigid
categories in ancient India that
determined a person’s occupation &
economic potential as well as his or
her position in society, based partly
on skin color (p.75)
The Caste System
• Caste – on of the five
major divisions of Indian
classes in ancient times
• 1. Brahmans, priest class
• 2. Kshatriyas, warriors
The Caste System
• 3. Vaisyas, commoners
• 4. Sudras, peasants (darkerskinned natives)
• 5. Untouchables, trash
collector & morticians (5%)
of population
The Caste
B. The Family in Ancient India
• Basic unit of Indian society
• Extended family
• Patriarchal
The Family in Ancient India
• Ritual of suttee
• Required a wife to throw
herself on her dead
husband’s flaming funeral
V. Hinduism
• Hinduism – the major Indian
religion system, which had its
origins in the religious beliefs of
the Aryans who settled in India
after 1500 B.C. (p.77)
• Vedas, collection of hymns &
religious ceremonies
• Brahman, a form of ultimate
reality or God
• Individual self, or atman
• Reincarnation – the rebirth of
an individual’s soul in a
different form after death
• After many existences the
soul may unite with
• Final goal is a union with
• Karma – in Hinduism, the force
generated by a person’s actions
that determines how the person
will be reborn in the next life
(p.77) if they are reborn as a
• Dharma – in Hinduism, the
divine law that rules karma, it
requires all people to do their
duty based on their status in
society (p.77)
• Duties vary with one’s caste
• Justified the upper class &
gave hope to the poor
• Yoga – a method of training
developed by the Hindus that
is supposed to lead to
oneness with God (p.77)
• More than 33,000 deities
• Brahma the creator
• Vishnu the Preserver
• Siva the Destroyer
VI. Buddhism
• Buddhism – a religious doctrine
introduced in northern India in the
Sixth century B.C. by Siddartha
Gautama, known as the Buddha,
or “Enlightened One” (p.78)
• Siddhartha Gautama, founder of
A. The Story of the Buddha
• Witnessed death, disease & old age
• Ascetic – a person who practices
self-denial to achieve an
understanding of ultimate reality
• Abusing his body, did not bring
B. The Basic Principles of
• The pain, poverty & sorrow that
afflict human beings are caused
by their attachment to things of
this world
• The physical realm is illusion
• Desire’s attachments cause
The Basic Principles of
• Nirvana – in Buddhism,
ultimate reality, the end of
the self & a reunion with the
Great World Soul (p.78)
Four Noble Truths
• 1. Ordinary life is full of suffering
• 2. This suffering is caused by our
desire to satisfy ourselves
• 3. The way to end suffering is to end
desire for selfish goals & to see others
as extensions of ourselves
• 4. The way to end desire is to follow
the Middle Path
The Eightfold Path
• 1. Right
• 2. Right
• 3. Right
• 4. Right
• 5. Right
• 6. Right
• 7. Right
• 8. Right