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You say you want a revolution II
From an economic &
historical perspective,
what's wrong with this joke?
Industrialization: Political
• Liberal reforms still hadn't enfranchised the
urban working class, so radicalism remains.
• Artisan classes fear for their trades as
machines replace skilled labor. Luddites most
• Chartist movement: push in Britain for a
democratic government that would regulate
new technology (future shock?) and promote
education for the masses.
1848: A Year of
• Parisian revolts; French monarchy abolished
for good.
• Wider swathe of social reform demands:
socialism, feminism, democracy.
• Achievements of French Revolution sought
by other Europeans: Germans press for
liberal constitutions and end of manorialism.
1848: Widespread Failure
Conservatives and liberal middle-class suppress socialism
Prussian King Wilhelm IV rejects a liberal constitution. In
Austria too the army defeats revolutionaries.
Sure, the French now had their democracy, only to have
Napoleon III rise to power and rule essentially as a king until
Abolition of serfdom everywhere (even Russia) satisfies most
Reformers realize that revolution won't work; they'll need to
promote gradual changes.
• Basically, governments learned to avoid what
had provoked and allowed the revolts:
• Poor harvests in 1846 and 1847 had led to
high food prices (and thus urban unrest), so
governments improved transportation
infrastructure to prevent future food crises.
• Most governments trained police in how to
put down riots.
The main villain, the aristocracy and aristocratic
privilege, had declined substantially. Industrialization
had undercut their economic dominance, and liberal
reforms had stripped them of most of their legal
Conservative and middle class groups protected their
self-interest from more radical reforms.
The old thesis/antithesis (to use Marxist lingo) was
gone. No more Aristocrat v. Peasant. Socialists begin
to lay the framework for a new conflict: middle-class
property owners (bourgeoise) v. property-less workers
(proletariat). More on this in a few moments.
Getting Used to
• Industrialization and urbanization had transformed where and
how people lived. Initial problems were met and resolved:
• Sanitation improved; death rates fall below birth rates in cities,
and for the first time ever, in Britain initially, the urban
population surpasses 50% of overall population.
• Parks and museums improve city life.
• Improvements in food preparation, housing construction, and
policing make life safer.
Life at Home in the Industrial Age
Birth rates drop: no benefit of large families.
Parents enjoy their children more. Adolescence becomes a
recognized stage of development (kids aren't just to share in
the work)
New attitudes toward women and their family duties: some
elevated positions, some increased demands.
Material life improves: by 1900 2/3 of the Western population
lived above the subsistence level. Better diets and leisure
activities promote health. Higher literacy rates spur
newspaper readership. After 1880, child death rates fall below
10%. Pasteur discovers germs, so people clean up better,
especially doctors. Fewer women die in childbirth, so
women's life expectancy exceeds men's.
Rise of Corporations
• Built by investors to pool risks and cover high
start-up costs.
• Less "personal," workers have little or no
connection to the "bosses."
• Hampered by the rise of organized labor.
New Politics, and the
Rise of Nation-States
By asserting that their monarchs were responsible to
their people moreso than the other way around,
England and France were the first real nation-states.
Old political issues largely irrelevant by mid-19th
Few resist the idea that constitutions should temper
governments. In general, greater participation of the
people, or at least reforms aimed at settling the
people's grievances.
Change Sans Revolution
• The French Revolution both inspired and scared the heck out of people.
• After the failed revolutions of 1848, many liberals seek alternate methods
of change. They cooperate with conservatives to spur reforms while
preserving some elements of the monarchy.
• Benjamin Disraeli extends the franchise to working-class men, 1867.
• Count Camillo di Cavour of Piedmont (Italian state) supports industrial
development and reforms.
• Otto von Bismarck's approach: hijack liberal and radical reformers by
promoting moderate reforms--universal manhood suffrage (with
restrictions on certain groups' influence to suppress democracy), religious
freedom (even to Jews), state-sponsored mass education, free-er press.
But all kinda tricky.
Using Nationalism
Conservatives appeal to nationalism in order to court popular support.
Expansion/extending the empire makes foreign policy overshadow
domestic affairs. "We've always been at war with Eurasia..."
Nationalist rebellions unite Italy and Germany.
Italy had been fragmented and dominated by foreigners (Austria
controlled northern Italy). Cavour unites most of Italy, reduces political
role of Catholic Church, which had opposed liberalism and nationalism.
Bismarck orchestrated a series of conflicts to consolidate the German
states under Prussian control. Buddies with Austria against Danes over
Schleswig und Holstein, then war against Austria (led by a powerful
German dynasty) for domination of the German states (1866). War
against France (1871) solidifies a united Germany. Imagine that. The
French didn't want a united Germany!
• German political organization: Der Kaiser,
and a bicameral parliament. Upper house
was conservative, members selected for
interests of state; lower house more liberal as
it was elected by universal male suffrage.
• Add nationalist pride, and you've got a
dynamic country.
American Civil War
• Nationalist--The United States or These
United States?
• Abolition of slavery
• The first really industrial war.
Western Bureaucracies Evolve
• Civil Service Examinations: it's about talent
now, not bloodline.
• Increased regulation (work-safety, labor,
sanitation, health care, passports, even
• Use of public schools to promote civic values,
specialized skills, and control ideas. Even
girls had schooling, but in the domestic
Welfare Reform
• Bismarck implements moderated socialist
ideas in order to undercut socialism.
• "Social insurance" in case of accident, illness,
or old age.
• Unemployment relief
• No more peasants can say that the state
does nothing for them.
Marx and Socialism
A new society of rapid genesis, future-shock, the desire to
understand the new order.
Dialectical-Materialism (a variation of Hegel's Dialectic):
history shaped by conflict between those who control
capital/the means of production, and those exploited by the
Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis (becomes the new Thesis) and
so on.
Landed aristocracy-landless commoners-Bourgoise (middle
Bourgoise-proletariat (urban working poor)-?
Marxist Progress
Capitalism is evil and exploitative in that the few profit
immensely from the labor of the many, who in turn receive
little in compensation.
Revolution of the proletariate to seize control of the means of
production. Abolition of religion (the opiate of the masses and
an instrument of oppression)
Dictatorship of the proletariat, abolition of private property (no
more classes at all).
From each according to his means, to each according to his
True freedom; government-useful only to exploiters-withers
A New Socialism
• Much greater in scope and intended to
organize globally.
• Attractive to labor unions and the
disenfranchised (women, minorities).
• Starts in Germany but spreads despite
Bismarck's attempts to be proactive.
• Revisionists try to downplay need for violent
revolution, seeking instead a progressive,
democratic method.
• Led by middle-class women.
• Reduction to domestic roles--ugh.
• Times had changed, so...
Cultural Transformations:
Emphasis on Consumption and Leisure
Better wages by end of 19th century and fewer working hours.
Massive increase in white-collar jobs (clerical, secretary,
office, sales, bureaucrats) need physical outlet.
Marketing goods creates product crazes. Be the first to own a
new and improved X!
Ride your bicycle for fun, healthy, and freedom!
College sports, popular theater, camping and hiking...
Scientific Advances
Belief that science and technology=progress toward perfection.
Chemicals, electricity and gadgetry.
Darwin and the Origin of Species.
New physics (Newton was great but not perfect) lead to new
technologies. Note: everything high-tech that you love is because of
The sciences become too complex for laymen. People more reliant upon
experts. Interesting: new knowledge and new ignorance.
Freud and psychology.
New Artistic
• Popular and realistic novels--less of the
fantastic or idealized.
• Romanticism embraces emotion, impression,
and nature. Passion is not bad.
• Poetry's walls broken down. Free verse,
innovative structure, abstractions.
• Less Christian across the board.
Western Settler
Africa, Asia, America, Australia and New
• United States flexes its muscles, first
Manifest Destiny, then Latin American
"Banana Republics," Alaska, Hawaii,
Philippines. Fueled by immigration and
industrialization, especially post-Civil War.
• Britain relaxes but retains some control over
Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
about Nothing
Nationalism leads to rivalries. Population growth and
colonial competition complicate matters.
New Alliances: Triple Entente (Britain, Russia, France)
v. Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy)
Thought that war might unify people (German
socialists would shut up; British feminists and labor
unionists would sit down)
Starts in the Balkans
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• You're a great student.
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