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Topic: Neolithic (Agricultural) Revolution
The Agricultural Revolution was a change from hunting
gathering to systematic agriculture.
Farming led to the establishment of permanent settlements that
eventually developed into the world’s first civilizations.
Civilizations share common characteristics.
Vocabulary and Terms
Key Events and People
Systematic agriculture
pastoral nomads
Neolithic Revolution ( causes and results)
Change in weather, increase control of
Their environment, Domestication of plants and
Increase population, settlements and civilizations
Characteristics of a Civilization
Public Works
Economic Systems
Different jobs
Social Classes
Topic: River Valley Civilizations
Farming Communities often developed along river banks. As the
river banks flooded and carried silt onto the land, the land became
more fertile. The River also allowed for transportation and
communications. River valley civilizations developed in
Mesopotamia , Egypt, India and China
Vocabulary and Terms
Royal Road
Cultural diffusion
Key Events and People
Identify the contributions of various river
valley civilizations including:
Sumer- plow, wheel, number sys based on 60, sun
dial, pottery wheel, use of Bronze
Phoenicians-22 letter alphabet
Babylonians – Hammurabi (Hammurabi’s
code) – first written set of laws
Israelites- 10 commandments
Persians- expansion of trade, silk road : cultural
Egyptians- papyrus, mummies, pyramids,
Topic: Greece and Rome
Overview: The political and cultural beginnings of the classical societies of
Greece and Rome laid the foundations for future development. They left a large
imprint that other civilizations would copy or revise. Their influence on law, politics,
art, architecture and science are still seen today.
Vocabulary and Terms
Epic poem
Key Events and People
Establishment of early city states-independent
due to geography, Minoans, Mycenaean
Greek Philosophers-Socrates, Plato and Aristotle
Persian wars
Greeks v Persians, Greek city states
form alliance called Delian League- Leads to golden age
of Athens
Age of Pericles –expansion of arts and culture, Direct
The Great Peloponnesian War Sparta v Athens,
weakened the major Greek estates led to rise of
Hellenistic Era under Alexander-the Great Expansion
of Greek language and ideas the non Greek world in SW
Asia and beyond
Topic: Greece and Rome (continued)
Key Events and People
Greek influence-art, architecture, religion
The Republic –leader is not a monarch & citizens
have the right to vote
Roman Law- 12 Tables
Society –Paterfamilias (male dominated
society), patricians ( wealthy land owners) and
plebeians (less wealthy land owners)
Architecture- dome, arch, aqueducts road systems
Punic Wars- Rome v Carthage- Rome becomes
dominant power in The Mediterranean
First Triumvirate –fall of the Republic- Caesar
becomes dictator
Second Triumvirate- The Beginning of the
Roman Empire, Caesar Augustus declared imperator
Pax Romana (Roman Peace) – period of peace
and prosperity lasting almost 100yrs
Constantine- first Christian emperor, founded
Byzantium later known as Constantinople.
Influence on government
Branches of government
Rights and responsibilities of the citizens
Topic: India and China
Overview: Early civilizations in India and China were among the first to deal
with the problems of governing large populations. Both countries enjoyed rich cultural
traditions and many of their technological innovations were adapted by other peoples.
Hinduism and Buddhism are now practices by people around the world.
Vocabulary and Terms:
Caste system
Silk Road
Mandate of Heaven
Filial piety
Key Events and People:
Aryans-Indo Europeans nomads who will conquer
the Indian peninsula and created a new Indian
society based on their culture and traditions. They
are responsible for the Caste System
Siddhartha Gautama- Buddha
Asoka-Ruler of the Maurayan Dynasty: he ruled
using Buddhist ideals as a guide.
Huns- invaders from northwest who caused the
decline of the last Indian Kingdom
Shang-ancestor worship, division of classes, writing
system, use of bronze and silk
Zhou-Mandate of Heaven
Qin- (Qin Shinhuangdi first emperor) unify China,
money system, roads, great wall for protection
Han-Civil Service, cast iron, water mills
Tang-gun power
Song-movable type
Topic: World Religions
Overview: Integral to the growth of many civilization is the development of belief
systems that address questions of ethics, morality, spirituality, and the possibility of an afterlife.
Religions provide societies with a since of unity, pride, and inspiration. Missionary activity has often
led to dynamic and fruitful interactions across cultures. On the other hand, clashes between
different faiths have resulted in bigotry, persecution, and war.
Judaism: covenant with Yahweh (God) follow law and he will deliver them to promise
land , Prophets : Abraham, Moses. Holy Book: Torah, Ten Commandments
Christianity: believe in one God and that Jesus is the savior son of God, Prophets:
Peter and Paul, Holy Book: Bible, Ten Commandments and Cannon law
Islam: Allah (God) is all powerful. He created the universe and revealed his word to
Muhammad his prophet. Holy Book: Quran, 5 Pillars, Sharia’h (book of law)
Sikhism: spiritual union with God leads to salvation, combines Hindu and Muslim ideas
Based on the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev, 5K’s
Hinduism: Soul should seek ultimate reality, Believe in reincarnation based on karma
(peoples actions) in relation to Dharma (divine law), Vedas- book of ceremonies and
Buddhism: Once people let go of their worldly cares, pain and suffering will be
forgotten, goal is to achieve nirvana, Four Noble Truths ( message) , Eightfold Path ( rules
to live by), Siddhartha Gautama - Buddha
Confucianism: there is a assumption that the universe has an order, if we focus on
the five relationships ad do what is right we will preserve the order. Founder: Confucius,
Five Relationships, strong work ethic
Topic: Muslim World
Overview: The cultural, artistic, and scientific contributions of Muslims
continue to enrich our daily lives and more than one billion people around the world
are Muslims who follow the teachings of the Quran and Islam is one of the world’s
leading faiths.
Vocabulary and Terms:
Muslims – Those who worship Allah and
recognize Muhammad as the last Prophet
Mecca – The Holy City of the Islamic faith
Allah – Monotheistic deity; also recognized as
the God of Abraham (Yahweh)
Hajj – Pilgrimage to Mecca that each Muslim is
required (health permitting) to take within their
Jihad (Holy Struggle) – The expansion of the
Islamic state and control
Key Events and People
Muhammad – Born in or about 570 and is considered
the founder of Islam
Trade and spread of religion – Silk roads, European
exploration, slave trade
Development of Islamic caliphates
Abbasid caliphate: Baghdad
Fatimid caliphate: Cairo
Umayyad caliphate: Damascus
Shi’a movement begins as a reaction to Umayyad
Expansion of Islam into North Africa and Spain
Golden age in mathematics and science,
including chemistry, empirical scientific method,
and medical care
Mongol invasions
Topic: Byzantine Empire and The Middle Ages
Overview: The Byzantine Empire became the seat of the Eastern
Orthodox Church and developed its own unique civilization. During, the early
Middle Ages (age of faith), Europe experienced a revival of trade, and a
confident Catholic Church. However, it also saw tragic setbacks in the form of
plague, economic collapse, and war. Christianity remained a focus of European
life, but centuries of disagreements with the monarchies left the Church
Key Events and People
Feudalism – Reciprocal military obligations between members of the warrior nobility in Medieval
Characteristics – Lords grant parcels of land known as fiefs to lesser knights who are known as
vassals, who in turn, provide military service to the lord. Chivalry and fealty between a lord and the
vassal relationship Contributing factors – Fall of the Roman Empire leaves a gap in protection and
services to people, invaders overrun communities, people turn to lords for their protection
Manorialism – Smallest economic, social unit revolving around an estate, controlled by a lord, who
gives land and protection to his serfs, who in turn give him their services. Manors were self-sufficient
where serfs raised and produced nearly everything needed for that community. The open field system
allowed several families of serfs to farm strips of the same parcel of land. Living conditions for serfs were
generally harsh on manors. Contributing factors – Model of villas in the Roman Empire used to manage
rural economies; decline in overland and sea trade after the fall of the Roman empire as well as threats
from invaders also promoted the self-sufficiency of a manor
Topic: Byzantine Empire and The Middle Ages(continued)
Crusades – Series of religious expeditions to regain the Holy land
Failure lessened the power of the Pope
Casualties weakened the feudal nobility
Trade in spices and other goods from Southwest Asia lead to European desire for new trade routes
that begins the Era of Exploration
Black Death- Bubonic Plague: spread through out all of Western Europe and killed 38 million people
Collapse of manorial system as productivity ends and serfs leave in search of work; peasant
rebellions grow in response to nobles’ refusal to increase wages Church loses prestige as it is unable to
stop the plague through prayer and intervention
100 Years War- War between France and England. The kings of both countries claimed right to the French
Emergence of nationalism and monarchs as national leaders in England and France
Instability in England after the Hundred Years War leads to the War of the Roses, which
strengthens Parliament since it is called frequently by King Edward III to increase taxes to finance
this new war; democracy advanced as Parliament gains greater “power of the purse”
Great Schism: Split in the Catholic Church as two popes claim authority – one in Avignon and the other in
Rome;both excommunicate each other from the Church
Authority of the pope as head of the Church challenged by John Wycliffe, who believes that God is
sole authority, and Jan Huss, who believes the authority of the Bible is higher than the pope’s
authority. Beginning of challenges to the authority of the Catholic Church that leads to the
Topic: Renaissance and Reformation
Overview: The Italian Renaissance introduced Europe to a secular
worldview and a boom in artistic and intellectual development. Intellectual
change led to Christian humanism . The Reformation was a break with the
Catholic Church and the birth of Lutheranism.
Humanism focuses on human potential and achievements through the study of classical texts
Popular subjects from classical civilizations like history, literature, and philosophy revived and
known as the humanities
Secularism – less emphasis on religion with a more worldly view concerned with the here and now
Invention of the printing press spreads new ideas
New techniques in perspective make art and sculpture more three-dimensional than Medieval Art
Renaissance masters- Leonardo, Michelangelo and Raphael
Europe becomes politically fragmented along religious lines and nations align themselves as either
Catholic or Protestant
Unity in Europe as a Christian society was shattered by the different conflicts that erupted between
Protestants and Catholics
Catholic Counter – Reformation is a response to the Protestant Reformation
Vernacular translations of scriptures allowed ordinary people to read the Bible and explore the truths
of God for themselves.
Protestantism gave people a new sense of coming to God without the intervention of the Church and
Persecution of perceived heretics in both the Catholic and Protestant churches Use of the Inquisition
courts in Catholic Spain
Topic: The Enlightenment and The Scientific Revolution
Overview: The Scientific Revolution challenged how people view the universe using
experimentation, observation and scientific reasoning to gather knowledge about the physical
world. The Scientific Revolution also gave rise to an intellectual movement the Enlightenment
(Age of Reason). The Enlightenment thought provided the philosophical foundations for the
American Revolution. Britain lost its colonies in North America to the newly formed United
States, while Spain and Portugal held onto their profitable Latin American colonies.
Key Events and People
Copernicus proposed the theory that the Sun, not the Earth, was the center of
the solar system in 1507, and that the earth was really insignificant in the context of the universe.
Galileo developed and applied scientific principles that significantly increased
astronomical understanding. In 1613, he proved Copernicus’ theory that the Sun was the center of the
solar system.
Sir Isaac Newton - An English mathematician and physicist who devised principles to
explain universal gravitation, that all matter attracts other matter. He adapted the ideas of Galileo
Galilei into three laws of motion including “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”
Robert Boyle - English physicist and chemist who discovered the nature of elements and
compounds, the basis of modern chemistry
John Locke – Governments have a contract with the people, by a more positive attitude about the people’s ability to choose a
government. Hence, within Locke is the belief that governments must protect their citizen’s life, liberty and property; and should
they fail to do so they can and should be replaced.
Thomas Hobbes – Men should put their faith (or create a contract) in a government to provide stability
for their lives, since people have lives that are “cruel, nasty, brutish and short.”
Voltaire – Advocacy of civil liberties including tolerance, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech
Charles de Montesquieu – Power should be balanced between three branches of officials (separation of powers)
Jean Jacques Rousseau – The general will, usually defined as the majority, should determine the laws of the nation
Topic: Exploration & the Americas
In the fifteenth century, Europeans set out on a series of overseas voyages that would lead to the
establishment of European trading posts and colonies in both the Americas and the East. Religious zeal, a quest for personal and
national glory, and a desire for new wealth were the chief motives behind the European voyages. New technologies and the
growing power of the European monarchies made the voyages possible. The Spanish colonization of the Americas was extremely
rapid and devastated native American civilizations. Colonization of the globe led Portugal, Spain, the Dutch Republic, England, and
France to new economic heights. International trade increased, and a new economic theory—mercantilism—was born.
Vocabulary and Terms Key Events and People
Mercantilism prosperity of a nation depends on its
Supply of gold and silver
Encomienda system land granted by king
Mestizos european and indian decent
Columbian Exchange-exchange of goods between the
Americas and Europe
Middle Passage middle point of triangular trade,
journey of Africans to America
Causes of European expansion: God, Gold and
Effects of European expansion: colonization and
Hernando Cortes-conquest of Mexico: Aztecs
Francisco Pizarro – conquest of the Incas in Peru
Topic: Exploration & the Americas
Astronomy – Observe the movement of the sun, moon, and stars and relate these to the activities of
their gods
Mathematics – 260 day religious calendar, concept of zero
Architectural engineering – Elaborate pyramids, temples, and ball courts
Astronomy and Mathematics – Ceremonial calendar
Architectural engineering – Tenochtitlan designed as a planned city constructed on an island with
raised causeways to the mainland; aqueducts to bring fresh water to the city; elaborate temples,
palaces, and pyramids
Astronomy – Two separate calendars for the day and night
Mathematics – Accounting device known as a quipu (knotted strings); decimal system incorporated
in system of governing
Architectural engineering – Elaborate temples and palaces Machu Picchu, extensive road system,
uniform system of architecture for government buildings in the empire
Topic: Political Revolutions
American Revolution (1775-1783)
•Ideas from the Glorious Revolution –
limited monarchy, English Bill of Rights
•Ideas from the Enlightenment – all
people have rights and governments
are responsible for protecting these
rights; people have the right to remove
governments that fail to do so
•Desire to participate in parliament
•British polices related to the American
colonies, especially concerning the
imposition of taxes
•The Americans declared
independence in the Declaration of
Independence expressing ideas about
liberty, equality, and democracy.
America became independent
U.S. Constitution
The Bill of Rights
The success and ideas of the American
Revolution inspired the French Revolution
French Revolution (1789-1795)
Influences from the Enlightenment and the
American Revolution
Inequality in the class system (1st, 2nd,
3rd estates)
Abuses of the nobility and the kings
Debt and high taxes
Crop failures cause the price of bread to
rise beyond the ability of the peasants to
pay (starvation)
The “Declaration of the Rights of Man”
was published
A Parliament was established and
peasants were freed
King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were
beheaded along with others during the
Reign of Terror
Chaos in government resulted in
Napoleon and the army coming to power
and creating the French Empire
Topic: The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution began in the late eighteenth century and turned Great Britain into the first and
the richest industrialized nation. A series of technological advances caused Great Britain to become a leader in the production of cotton, coal,
and iron. After the introduction of the first steam-powered locomotives, railroad tracks were laid across Great Britain, reducing the cost of
shipping goods. The Industrial Revolution spread to the rest of Europe and North America. In the United States, the railroad made it possible
to sell manufactured goods from the Northeast across the country. The Industrial Revolution had a tremendous social impact in Europe. Cities
grew quickly, and an industrial middle class emerged. The industrial working class, meanwhile, dealt with wretched working conditions. These
conditions gave rise to socialism, a movement aimed at improving working conditions through government control of the means of
Agricultural Revolution – enclosure system that allowed for cultivation of larger fields, Jethro Tull’s seed
drill, crop rotation, new methods of breeding livestock – all lead to a population increase, less labor intensive,
and land displacement of smaller farmers who move to cities and begin working in factories
New inventions in the textile industry –flying shuttle, spinning jenny, spinning mule, water frame –
modernize the cotton and textile industry
Factory system that is used for the housing of large machinery
Steam engine as a source of power – James Watt
Steamboat makes water transportation easier – Robert Fulton (American)
Creation of the factory system that led to mass production of goods
Long work hours, low wages, and dangerous working conditions for industrial workers
Class tensions between the upper/middle classes and the working classes
Increase in child labor which later led to child labor reform laws
Poor housing conditions for workers that result in poor sanitary conditions and health epidemics
Topic: Imperialism
Overview: The search for sources of raw materials and markets for industrial
products spurred the European powers and the United States to colonize
large areas of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Resentment of abuses and
rising nationalism led native populations to demand independence.
Key Events and People
Vocabulary and Terms
Colony – governed internally by a foreign power
Protectorate – country with its own internal government
but controlled by an outside power
Sphere of Influence – area claimed by an outside power
for exclusive investment and trading
Economic Imperialism – independent countries
controlled by private interests
Indirect control – colonies with local government
officials with limited self-rule; laws based both on
European styles and local rules
Direct control – colonial governments with exclusive
use of foreign officials with no self-rule; laws based only
on European law; policies of assimilation to absorb
local cultures into European culture
Negative consequences
1. Native people lose control of their lands and
2. New diseases like smallpox reduce native
3. Resistance movements, famines resulting from
shifts to cash crop production, and harsh working
conditions also reduce native populations
4. Problems of identity as westerners
contemptuously view native cultures
5. Areas stripped of natural resources
Positive consequences
1. European military presence reduces local warfare
2. Humanitarian efforts improve sanitation and
education that leads to growth in life expectancy
and literacy
3. Colonial lands equipped with infrastructure to aid
in economic growth
4. Products from colonies valued in the international
Topic: World War I
Competition over trade and colonies led to the formation of two rival European alliances—the Triple Entente of
Great Britain, France, and Russia; and the Triple Alliance, consisting of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.
Austria-Hungary, as well as numerous other European governments, confronted challenges from minorities
who wished to establish their own national states. Strikes and violent actions by Socialist labor movements also
threatened European governments. Many European states responded with increasing militarism and
nationalism. The assassination of the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary by a Bosnian Serb militant set off a
chain of diplomatic and military decisions that led all of the great powers of Europe into World War I.
Vocabulary and
Trench warfare
Fourteen Points- President
Woodrow Wilsons plan for
peace, includes the League of
League of Nations-peace
keeping organization
Key Events and People
Imperialism: European nations compete for colonies
Nationalism – Competition for industrial dominance
develops between Great Britain and Germany; territorial
disputes over Alsace-Lorraine promote rivalry between
France and Germany; Austria-Hungary and Russia
compete for dominance of the Balkan Peninsula, where
independence movements of various Slavic people
Militarism – Increasing nationalism led to a European arms
Alliance System – Alliances between the great powers of
Europe were complicated and shifted constantly
Trench war fare and new weapons lead to millions of
Treaty of Versailles – sole responsibly for war placed on
Topic: World War II
Aggressive moves by Germany and Japan set the stage for World War II. In 1935, Adolf Hitler
began a massive military buildup in violation of the Treaty of Versailles. When Hitler signed the Nonaggression Pact with Stalin and
invaded Poland, Britain and France declared war on Germany. German forces swept through central and northern Europe early in
the war. Meanwhile, the United States followed a policy of isolationism. In the east, harsh weather and a resolute Soviet Union
defeated an invading German army. The Japanese conquered the Pacific but miscalculated when they attacked the U.S. naval base
at Pearl Harbor. The United States surprised Japan by abandoning its neutrality and entering the war to retake the Pacific. By the
end of 1943, the tide had turned against Germany, Italy, and Japan. After the invasion of Normandy, the Allies liberated Paris and
defeated Germany. The war in Asia continued until the United States dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima
and Nagasaki, causing massive casualties and bringing Japan's surrender.
Vocabulary and Terms
Axis Germany, Italy Japan
Allies U.S. Britain, Soviet Union
Blitzkrieg (“lightning war”) incorporates fast-moving
airplanes and tanks.
The Holocaust: Genocide of over 6 million Jews and
other groups throughout Europe considered by
Germany to be inferior. Known as “The Final Solution”
and resulted in the extermination of these people in
death camps.
After WW2 policy to contain or stop the spread of
communism in the world
Key Events and People
Japanese imperialism: Plans for a Pacific empire that
included China that would allow Japan to solve its
economic problems through the provision of raw materials
and markets for its goods as well as providing more room
for its growing population.
Attack on Pearl Harbor (December 7, 1941) by Japan
leads the United States to declare war on Japan. This
results in a declaration of war on the United States by
Germany and Italy.
Normandy landings (June 6, 1944 – “D-Day”) by Allied
forces on the coast of France lead to a German retreat.
As a result, France and the Low Countries are liberated
and Allied troops push eastward into Germany that leads
to German surrender in 1945.
Dropping of atomic bombs (August 6 and 9, 1945) by
U.S. on Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki leads
to Japan’s surrender.
Topic: Cold War Era
Tensions between western nations and Communist governments following WWII. In 1947,
America implemented a policy of containment that provided economic support to vulnerable countries as way to
prevent them from falling under communist rule.
Soviet satellites in Eastern Europe lead to the Iron Curtain (1945-1948)
Truman Doctrine (1947) – U.S. aid to Turkey and Greece to prevent spread of communism (containment)
Marshall Plan (1948) – U.S. aid to Western Europe for war recovery and prevention of spread of communism
Berlin Airlift (1948) – aid by air to Soviet-blockaded Berlin
Communist takeover of mainland China by Mao Zedong (1949)
Creation of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (1949) between Western European countries and the United
States as a defensive military alliance
Korean War (1950-1953) that leaves a divided Korean peninsula – North Korea (communist) and South Korea
Creation of Warsaw Pact (1955) between U.S.S.R. and Eastern European satellites as a military alliance
Arms Race- Development and testing of hydrogen bomb by U.S. (1952) followed by Soviet H-Bomb (1953)
Vietnam War (1953-1975) that results in communist-backed North Vietnam overtaking U.S.-backed South Vietnam
Launching of Sputnik satellite by Soviet Union (1957)
Cuban revolution led by Fidel Castro that leads to communist takeover of that country (1959-1960)
Berlin Wall is built to divide the city into communist East Berlin and free West Berlin (1961)
Cuban Missile Crisis between U.S. and U.S.S.R. that almost leads to nuclear war (1962)
Civil war in Nicaragua that leads to communist-backed Sandinistas taking over the government (1979)
Civil war in El Salvador that leads U.S. to back anti-communist forces known as the Contras (1980-1992)
Election of Mikhail Gorbachev in U.S.S.R. leads to political and economic reforms – Glasnost, Perestroika (1985)
Fall of Berlin Wall (1989) and end of communist governments in Eastern Europe (1989-1990)
Reunification of Germany (1990)
Yeltsin overthrows Gorbachev in a coup and U.S.S.R. breaks up (1991)