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World History Syllabus
Mr. Tinucci
Social Studies
Room 453
Goals of the Course: This course is focused on a number of areas that
History of the World from Past to Present
To gain a working understanding of World Affairs
How various cultures and achievements impact their world today
It is the hope that ALL students will gain working knowledge and respect of
the history in different cultures.
Each student will be assessed as to his or her skill and understanding of the
ideas taught in class. These include…
Tests (there will be one for each unit or chapter depending on the
amount of material)
Quizzes (about 1 each week)
Homework (worksheets, readings, current events, etc…)
Projects (posters, papers, pamphlets, maps, etc…)
Historical videos: All are assigned with questions to answer
Grading Policy: All assignments are based on a point system. LATE
Classroom Behavior
It is imperative that the students work together with the teacher in a
manner that is acceptable to a proper learning environment. Unacceptable
behavior will not be tolerated and will be dealt with immediately.
Required Materials
Each student is responsible for his or her materials that are needed. Not
bringing the required materials is unacceptable and will only hurt the
student’s grade in that they will not be able to participate.
World History Book
3 ring binder is preferred (1")
Pens (black or blue)
Colored pencils or markers for some assignments such as map location and
Rules of the Room
Respect everyone and everything (especially in the room.)
Have respect in the work that you produce.
Allow others to speak without interruption. (Raise your hand)
Be prepared for every class period.
No passes are given except in case of a severe emergency.
Be on time for class.
Excessive tardiness will not be tolerated.
Class time is valuable. I expect that you are working when given time.
Restroom-You have 5 minutes to get to class. That is enough time to go to
the restroom before class begins. You may not go to the restroom when I
am teaching during class time.
You must have your PLANNER at all times if you out of the room
Units of Study
Unit 1: Early Civilizations (Prehistory, Africa, Asia, India, China)
A. Chapter 2-Early River Valley Civilizations, 3500-450 BCE
B. Chapter 3-Migration of Peoples and Ideas 1570-200 BCE
Unit 2: Greeks, Romans, the Rise of Christianity
A. Chapter 5 Classical Greece 2000 BCE-300 BCE
B. Chapter 6 Ancient Rome 500 BCE-500 CE-(Show Gladiator-R)
Unit 3: Regional Civilizations
A. Chapter 10 The Muslim World 600-1250
B. Chapter 11 Byzantines, Russians and Turks-(Show Kingdom of HeavenPG 13)
C. Chapter 12 Empires in East Asia 600-1350
Unit 4: The Middle Ages in Europe, The Renaissance and Reformation,
Expansion of the Islamic Empires, The Search for Spices, Age of
A. Chapter 13 The Middle Ages 500-1200
B. Chapter 14 Formation of Western Europe 800-1500
C. Chapter 17 European Renaissance and Reformation 1300-1600
D. Chapter 18 The Muslim Expands 1300-1700
E. Chapter 19 The Age of Exploration and Isolation
E. Chapter 20 The Atlantic World 1492-1800
Unit 5: The Age of Enlightenment and Revolution, Industrial Age
A. Chapter 21 Absolute Monarchs in Europe 1500-1800
B. Chapter 23 The French Revolution and Napoleon, 1789-1815
Unit 6: Nationalism, Western Democracies, and Imperialism
A. Chapter 25 The Industrial Revolution
B. Chapter 27 The Age Imperialism 1850-1914 (Four Feathers-PG 13)
Unit 7: WWI and WWII, the Russian Revolution, and Aftermath
A. Chapter 29 The Great War, 1914-1918
B. Chapter 30 Revolution and Nationalism
B. Chapter 32-World War II, 1931-1945 (Saving Private Ryan-R)
Unit 8: 1945 to the Present
A. Chapter 33-Restructuring the Postwar World, 1945-Present
B. Chapter 35-Struggles for Democracy, 1945-Present
Extra Help and Make up exams: I am available everyday from 7:30-8:15 in
the morning and I am also available after school on Mondays and
Wednesdays from 3:15-4 pm. Please do not hesitate to ask for help. All
make up tests are different from the classes that were assigned on that day
and much more challenging. I expect everyone to be present when we are
taking a test.
How to contact the teacher
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 704-799-8555 (Ext. 1453)
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