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Rise of Hitler Timeline and
Pageant Ch 34 annotated
America and Totalitarian Rule
The London
* wanted to stabilize
currencies, exchange
rates and revive world
* Roosevelt wanted to
send an American
delegation but did not
want to limit his own
options in an international
ce of
London Conference continued
Roosevelt was
unwilling to sacrifice
domestic recovery for
conference adjourned
empty-handed and the
push toward extreme
nationalism continued
G20 Summit of 2009
Freedom for (from?) the
Filipinos and Recognition for
the Russians
The Great Depression ended Pres. McKinley’s imperialistic dream in the
Far East
Everyday Americans wanted to eliminate Filipino competition in wage
earners and Sugar Producers
Tydings-McDuffie Act in 1934- By 1946 America agreed to relinquish its
army bases, but naval bases were reserved for future discussion and
Japanese Militarists felt they had little to
fear after America relinquished the
Roosevelt recognized the Soviet Union in
Hoped to trade with Soviet Russia and
create an ally to the possible threat of
German power in Europe and Japanese
power in Asia
Becoming a Good Neighbor
Roosevelt wanted a Western Hemisphere
with Latin America
1933, Seventh Pan American Conference
in Uruguay the U.S. delegation formally
endorsed nonintervention
Acid-test of Mexico- Mexican Gov siezes
American oil properties in 1938
American investors demanded armed
intervention to repossess their
businesses-Roosevelt said no and
initiated a settlement-increased his
Popularity in LA
Re-cap: Treaty of Versailles
Germany was excluded from
Vengeance not reconciliation was the
dominant tone
German land was ceded to France,
Belgium, Denmark, Czechoslovakia,
League of Nations and Poland
Military reduced
Admit guilt, pay for damages caused
by war
All Germans angry
Storm-Celler Isolationism
Great Depression+ Chaos in
Europe spawned the spread of
The individual was nothing; the
state was everything
Joseph Stalin in USSR, Benito
Mussolini in Fascist Italy, and
Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany
Hitler most dangerous because he
combined tremendous power with
Used the Treaty of Versailles and
Germany’s depression-spawned
unemployment as political Capital
Benito Mussolini
German people saw no
other hope of escape from
the plague of economic
chaos and national
Hitler withdrew Germany
from the League of
Nations in 1933 and
began rearming
Italy and Germany
become allies
Mussolini and Hitler
July 1932:
NSDAP wins
elections with
37% of the vote.
March 1933: Nazis
pass legislation
giving Hitler the
right to make laws
without approval of
the parliament. The
Nazis influence all
aspects of German
Aug. 1934:
President Paul von
Hindenburg dies.
Hitler declares
himself president,
chancellor, and
Fuhrer of Germany.
He also begins
eliminating his
opponents in
1934-1938: Hitler
rejects the
Versailles treaty,
reoccupies the
Rhineland and
annexes Austria
(March 1938).
Japan pg 804
Japan considered
themselves a have-not
power like Germany and
Resented the Treaty of
Versailles and demanded
more space for its teeming
millions cooped up on its
crowded island nation
Terminated the 12 year old
Washington Naval Treaty
In 1940 Japan joined Italy
and Germany in the
Tripartite Pact
Hideki Tojo Japanese
Mussolini in Italy
Attacks Ethiopia in 1935
League of Nations could have caused Mussolini’s war
machine to creak to a halt if they had embargoed oil
But instead chose not to risk global hostilities
American Isolationism
1934 Johnson Debt Default Act prevented debt dodging
nations from further borrowing from the U.S.
Many Americans saw WWI as a disaster and did not
want to make the same mistake again
Congress Legislates Neutrality
Underlying belief that soulless business men caused WWI
to make money
The neutrality Acts of 1935, 36, and 37 explained that
when the president proclaimed the existence of a foreign
war, certain restrictions would automatically go into effect
No American could legally sail on a belligerent ship, sell or
transport munitions to a belligerent, or make loans to a belligerent
• Neutrality Acts were short sighted, America naively thought the
decision for peace or war was in it’s own hands, regardless of
world affairs.
• America missed an opportunity to use it’s power and curb
aggressors by making no distinction b/w brutal aggressors and
innocent victims
Spanish Civil War 19361939 Spanish Rebels led by
Francisco Franco vs Left
leaning Republican
Proved to be a “dress
rehearsal” for WWII
Hitler and Mussolini aided
Franco and Loyalist
Regime headed by
US refused to sell arms
to the desperate Loyalists
and the Dictator Franco
won the war
Francisco Franco
Appeasing Japan and Germany
1937 Japan invades
China- “Curtain Raiser
of WWII”
America’s isolationist
mood intensified
Hitler instituted a
compulsory military
1935 Hitler began
persecuting the Jewish
•Hitler occupies Germanspeaking Austria, March
•September 30, 1938 The
Munich Pact is signed by
Hitler and British PM Neville
Chamberlain. Hitler agrees
to cease expansion in return
for annexing the
Sudetenland. Chamberlain
proclaimed, “Peace for our
•October 1, 1938: Hitler
annexes the Sudetenland
(parts of Czechoslovakia)
countries hoped that
The Munich Pact
would quell Hitler’s
thirst for power and
bring peace
•March 1939 less
than six months later
Hitler erased the rest
of Czech from the
•August 1939 Stalin and Hitler sign a
nonaggression treaty, this gave Hitler the
Green Light because he would not have
to fight a war on two fronts
•September 1939: Hitler invades Poland
after Poland refuses to return areas of
Germany ceded to them after WWI,
WWII begins in Europe.
•America responds with Neutrality Act
of 1939 that stated European
democracies could buy American war
materials on a “cash and carry basis”
• Cash and Carry Bill: America could avoid loans, war debts, and
the torpedoing of American arms-carriers
• Overseas demand for war goods brought a sharp upswing
from the recession of 1937-1938 and ultimately solved the
decade-long unemployment crisis
• Destroyer deal with Britain US transfers 50 old model
destroyers left over from WWI to Great Britain in return for 8
defensive bases for 99 years
• FDR runs for a third term and wins
• Lend-Lease Bill would send a limitless supply of arms to the
victims of aggression, who in turn would keep the war on
their side of the Atlantic.
During preparation for WWII National Debt decreased
Lend Lease Bill was one of the most momentous laws ever to pass
Congress and marked the abandonment of neutrality
Hitler recognized this as a declaration of war
Fall of France in June 1940
Hitler invades Soviet Union one year later
Pearl Harbor December 7 1941
Forced Choices
A. No government should be allowed to endanger the life and safety of its citizens without their
B. The government should ensure that a person who is willing to work hard is able to acquire a
secure job, a nice home, and a comfortable lifestyle.
C. A citizen has the responsibility to obey and support the legitimate leaders of his or her
D. Being happy is the most important thing in life , and the government should not interfere
with individual happiness.
E. An individual should place the safety and well-being of his or her family above all else.
F. God’s laws are more important than man’s laws.
G. “I regret I have but one life to give for my country”
H. Being successful is the most important thing in life.
I. Individuals should be permitted by the government to express what they believe, regardless
of who disagrees with them.
J. All people have a duty to care for their fellow human beings.
K. Individual citizens should accept that the interests of the nation take priority over their
personal interests.