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The U.S. in World War I
“The War to End All Wars”
• I. Causes of the War
– A. Nationalism-Patriotic and
prideful feelings for one’s
country. Example: Germans
were proud of their heritage and
felt like they were the dominant
European country during the
early 1900’s.
– B.Imperialism/ColonialismEuropean countries fought for
territory around the world and
eventually ended up competing
with each other for the same
land. Example: Africa
– C. AlliancesEuropean nations
signed alliances with
each other so that, in
the case of war, they
would come to the
others side.
• 1. Triple EntenteFrance, Great Britain,
Russia, Serbia and
eventually the U.S.
• 2. Triple AllianceAustria-Hungary,
Germany, Ottoman
Empire, and Italy
(which switched sides
once the going got
Last Picture taken of Archduke Franz
– D. Militarism- The
desire to acquire a large
military. European
nations felt like they
had to be the “top dog”
and spent their
resources developing
navies, armies, etc. to
keep up with each
– E. The AssassinationA Serbian man (Gavrilo
Princip) shot Archduke
Franz Ferdinand of
Austria-Hungary which
put into play all of the
previously mentioned
• II. New Technologies
and Military Advances
of WWI
British Tank
Mustard Gas Attack
– A. Tanks- Originally
invented by the British,
tanks become an
important factor in
World War I.
– B. Chemical WeaponsUsed by both sides
during WWI, this
weapon was banned by
most countries after
WWI. The most
common form of
chemical weapon used
was “mustard gas.”
– C. Airplanes- Used at
first for surveillance,
this new technology
increased in importance
as the war came to a
close. The most famous
air combat pilot was the
infamous “Red Barron”
Plane used for Reconnaissance
from Germany.
The Red Barron
German U-Boat
– D. Big Bertha- a
cannon that could fire
up to 9 miles away.
– E. Submarines-Used
extensively by the
Germans, U-boats
were important in
disrupting shipping
lines and supplies
coming to the Triple
• III. U.S. Involvement in
– A. Events leading up to
the U.S. entering WWI.
• 1. Woodrow Wilson wins
the election of 1916 on the
basis that he would keep
the U.S. neutral.
• 2. Sussex PledgeGermany promised not to
sink passenger ships after
several U.S. citizens lost
their lives in an attack by
German U-boats.
• 3. The Lusitania- A
German U-boat sinks the
ship Lusitania, in which 128
Americans lose their lives.
The Germans claimed the
ship carried contraband
(military weapons) and that
they had a right to sink the
ship. The incident infuriates
Americans, but they still do
not enter World War I.
• 4. The Zimmerman NoteThe U.S. enters the war after
the British uncover a secret
note sent from Germany to
Mexico. In the note,
Germany promises to help
Mexico get back all the
territory (California,
Arizona, New Mexico,
Nevada) that it lost during
the Mexican-American War.
• 5. The Russian Revolution- Started by Vladimir
Lenin, Bolsheviks or communists overthrew
Czar Nicholas II. Russians drop out of the
alliance with England and France. Importance:
Russia leaving the alliance puts pressure
on the U.S. to enter the war.
The Poster Reads: Beat up the Noble
– B. Social Impact of the War
on the U.S.
• 1. Selective Service ActThis law created a lottery
system that “selected” a
person for war
• 2. Victory Gardens- The U.S.
was in short supply of food
for troops in Europe, so
people began planting seeds
for food at schools, libraries
and other public buildings.
• 3. The Great MigrationAfrican-Americans left the
South for factory jobs in the
• 4. Immigrants,
especially Germans,
were attacked and
discriminated against
during WWI.
• 5. Influenza Epidemic
of 1919- The worldwide
flu killed an estimated
500,000 people in the
U.S. and over 40
million worldwide.
Doctors were desperate
for answers and cures.
Some even recommend
taking out teeth and
putting sulfur in
people’s shoes.
• IV. Effects of WWI
– A. The Treaty of Versailles
is signed in which Germany
is forced to give up territory
throughout the world and
Can you find Hitler?
forced to pay reparations
(payments made for starting
the war).
– B. Due to a depression and
reparations, Germany looks
for a strong leader to get
them out of their troubles
and turns to Adolf Hitler.
– C. The U.S. replaces Great
Britain, France, and
Germany as the dominant
world power.
– D. The U.S. becomes
isolationistic (e.g. they
wanted to separate
themselves from the rest of
the world).
– E. The League of Nations
is formed to prevent further
wars. However, the
organization fails because:
• 1. The U.S. fails to join.
• 2. All members had to
• 3. The LON army is not
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