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Imagine living in a world where we turned
to personal robots for advice, helping us
with our daily tasks, or even depend on
them to be there for support just
like a friend. Many people fear this
type of future might lead to the
downfall of humans; they believe that
the robots will take over the world. Even
though that could be a possibility, imagine what
we could accomplish if we ensure our power over
such an intelligent machine.
“By far the greatest danger of Artificial
Intelligence is that people conclude too early
that they understand it.”
― Eliezer Yudkowsky
• General Problem
• Deep Blue (1996)
• Watson (2011)
The lasting impact:
• By 2025, its predicted
machines will be as smart
as us
• Faster/Smaller computing
• Recursive self improvement
within the machines
• Human progression at
extremely fast rates
By: Shane Calhoun