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Introduction to Artificial
Jerry B. Weinberg, Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
What is a Computer?
• Takes input
– Keyboard, mouse, camera, microphones
• Transforms it through a set of instructions
called a “program” (software)
– Central Processing Unit (CPU)
• Creates output
– Monitor, speakers
What is a Computer?
ALL programs are made up of only 3 kinds of instructions!
1. Sequential Instructions
Program to make chocolate mild
First put milk in a glass
next add two tablespoons of Nestle Quick
2. Conditional Instruction
If (you are out of milk)
then go to the store and buy a gallon of milk
3. Repetition
While you are still thirsty
Make chocolate milk
Artificial Intelligence
• Getting computers to do things that humans do
• Our Brains are process information like computers
– Input: eyes, ears, skin, tongue, nose
– Transformation: the brain is our CPU
– Output: hands, feet, mouth
Robots are Computers with a Body
• A mobile robot is a computer with wheels
(or legs or treads or other)
Human Intelligence
Insect Intelligence
• Thinking versus Reacting
– People think, insects react
Sensing: Feel
Sensing: sight
Sensing: sight
Meet Taz
The Tour Guide
How does Taz figure out where it is?
• Has a map in its memory.
• Measures how far it travels to get a rough
idea of where it is at on the map.
• Uses its laser and sonar readings to
recognize places on its map to get an exact