Download Species American Brook Lamprey

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American brook lamprey (Lampetra appendix)
Timothy Stewart
Identification: buccal
disk; 7 gill apertures;
no paired fins (to 26
Distribution: northeast
IA (e.g., Volga River);
mid-central IA?
Habitat: riffles/runs over
gravel/sand in streams;
ammocoetes burrow;
adults cling to rocks
Iowa DNR
Minnesota DNR
American brook lamprey (Lampetra appendix)
Diet: organic matter,
microbes (ammocoetes);
adults nonfeeding
Minnesota DNR
Reproduction: 1,000-5,000
eggs in sand depressions
in spring; adults die after
Conservation status: IA
status “threatened”; cool,
clear water with
gravel/sand critical?;
abundance unknown
American brook lamprey (Lampetra appendix)
value: unimportant to
Ecological importance:
probably unimportant in
IA due to rarity; process
organic matter; eaten by
Other: short adult life (fall
to spring – nonfunctional
digestive system); 4-7
years as ammocoetes
References: Lampetra appendix
Iowa Department of Natural Resources. 1994. IowaDNR Fish and Fishing.
Available at August 2004.
Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Iowa’s threatened and endangered
species. Available at
August 2004.
Mayhew, J. 1987. Iowa Fish and Fishing. Iowa Department of Natural
Resources, Des Moines, Iowa.
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Fishes of Minnesota. Available at August 2004.
Page, L.M. and B.M. Burr. 1991. Freshwater Fishes of North America North of
Mexico. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston.