* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Louisiana Rocks and Minerals An LSU Museum of Natural Science presentation to accompany the activity Mining for MMM…Minerals Objective: Students will gain an understanding of where minerals come from and the environmental impact of mining. Materials For teacher: Stop watch, scale, bucket of pennies For student: 4 chocolate cookies, toothpicks, pencil, data recording sheet, small weigh boat Investigating the layercake earth What is stratigraphy? Study of sediment layers and the relationship between rocks and fossils with time. Rules of Stratigraphy • Steno’s Principle of Superposition Lower layers are older than higher layers • Original Horizontality Layers are deposited in (near-) horizontal manner • Principle of Lateral continuity Layers extend laterally in all direction • Cross-Cutting Relationships Layers intruded by other rocks are older than the intruding rocks Sediment layers are Lost….. Unconformitiesrepresents a gap in deposition – lost time! • Nonconformity • Angular • Disconformity …..And Moved Faults - Surfaces where rocks have fractured and been displaced (move relative to one another). Rules apply across Space and Time! Classroom assessment activity Deposition 2 Deposition 2 Tilting Erosion Tilting Intrusion Deposition 1 Deposition 1 Given the diagram, list the order (oldest to youngest) in which the following 1. Deposition 1 2. Tilting events happened: 3. Erosion A. Faulting 2 4. Deposition C. Erosion B. 5. Tilting Intrusion D. Deposition E. 6. Intrusion Faulting Illustration of example cake set-up. Note different cake layers (different colors) and fault.