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Review for the Physical
Science Final
By Samantha Pereira
Chapter 11- Introduction to
By Samantha Pereira
Chapter Summary
chapter tells
you more about
atoms, the
development of
the atomic
Lesson 1- Development of the
Atomic Theory
Lesson 1 Vocabulary
Atom- the smallest unit of an
Electron- a subatomic particle that
has a negative charge
Nucleus- an atom’s central region
Electron Cloud- region around the
nucleus of an atom where electrons
are likely to be found
Lesson Summary
thought that is
composed of
Dalton based his
theory on
observations of
how elements
electrons in
Lesson 2- The Atom
Lesson 2 Vocabulary
Proton- a subatomic particle that has a
positive charge
Atomic Mass Unit- a unit of mass that
describes the mass of an atom or molecule
Neutron- a subatomic particle that has no
Atomic Number-the number if the protons in
the nucleus of an atom
Isotope- an atom that has the same number
of protons as other atoms of the same
Mass Number- the sum of the protons and
neutrons in the nucleus of an atom
Lesson Summary
Atoms are
extremely small.
objects are made
up of very large
numbers of atoms.
The mass number
of an atom is the
sum of the atom’s
neutrons and
Science textbook
Chapter 12- The
Periodic Table
By Samantha Pereira
Chapter Summary
chapter will
teach you about the
periodic table and
how to arrange and
group the elements
on the periodic table.
Lesson 1- Arranging the
Lesson 1 Vocabulary
Periodic- something that occurs at
regular intervals
Periodic Law- the law that states that
the repeating chemical and physical
properties of elements change
periodically with the atomic numbers
of the elements
Period- a horizontal row of elements
in the periodic table
Group- a vertical column of elements
in the periodic table
Lesson Summary
developed the first
periodic table by
listing the
elements in order
of increasing
atomic mass.
Properties of
elements repeat in
a regular, or
periodic, pattern.
Lesson 2- Grouping the
Lesson 2 Vocabulary
Alkali Metal- one of the elements of
Group 1
Alkaline-Earth Metal- one of the
elements of Group 2
Halogen- one of the elements of
Group 17
Noble Gas- one of the elements of
Group 18
Lesson Summary
Alkali metals are
the most reactive
metals. Atoms of
the alkali metals
have one electron
in their outer level.
Groups 13-16
contain the
metalloids and
some metals and
Science textbook
Chapter 13- Chemical
By Samantha Pereira
Chapter Summary
 This
chapter will tell you
more about the three kinds
of chemical bonds. You will
also learn about how bonds
are formed.
Section 1- Electrons and Chemical
Lesson 1 Vocabulary
Chemical Bonding- the combining of
atoms to form molecules or ionic
Chemical Bond- an interaction that holds
atoms or ions together
Valence Electron- an electron that is found
in the outermost shell of an atom and
determines its properties
Lesson Summary
Chemical bonding is
the joining of atoms
to form new
substances. A
chemical bond is an
interaction that holds
two atoms together
A valence electron is
an electron in the
outermost energy
level of an atom.
Lesson 2- Ionic Bonds
Lesson 2 Vocabulary
Ionic Bond- a bond that forms when
electrons are transferred from one atom to
another atom
Ion- a charged particle that formms when
an atom or group of atoms gains or loses
one or more electrons
Crystal Lattice- the regular pattern in
which a crystal is arranged
Lesson Summary
An ionic bond is a
bond that forms when
electrons are
transferred from one
atom to another.
During chemical
bonding, the atoms
become oppositely
charged particles.
Lesson 3- Covalent and Metallic
Lesson 3 Vocabulary
Covalent Bond- a bond formed when
atoms share one or more pairs of
Molecule- the smallest unit of a substance
that keeps all of the physical and chemical
properties of that substance
Metallic Bond-a bond formed by the
attraction between positively charged
metal ions and the electrons around them
Lesson Summary
In covalent bonding,
two atoms share
A covalent forms
when atoms share
one or more pairs of
Covalently bonded
atoms form a particle
called a molecule.
Science textbook
Chapter 11 Powerpoint
 Chapter 12 Powerpoint
 Chapter 13 Powerpoint
 Science textbook