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Anatomical Terms Practice
The first part of this activity will be done online. Use the links listed below to access the tutorials.
Part 1: “Relative Body Positions” Complete the activity on directional terms.
Part 2: “Body Sections and Divisions of the Abdominopelvic Cavity” Complete the activity on body
planes, quadrants, and regions.
Part 3: Give the opposite of the following terms.
1. Deep – __________________________
4. Dorsal – _________________________
2. Proximal – _______________________
5. Superior – _______________________
3. Medial –_________________________
6. Anterior – ________________________
Part 4: Select from the following medical terms to complete the sentences below.
1. The left lung lies ____________________to the heart.
2. The __________________ end of the thigh bone joins with the knee cap (patella).
3. The _____________________plane is a vertical plane that divides the body into an anterior and a
posterior portion.
4. The diaphragm lies _______________________ to the organs in the thoracic cavity.
5. The ___________________ plane is a vertical plane that divides the body into right and left
6. The ______________________ end of the upper arm bone is at the shoulder.
7. The _____________________ plane is a horizontal plane that divides the body into upper and lower
portions, like a cross section.
8. The liver lies _____________________ to the intestines.
Part 5: You are hired as an editor of a major newspaper. The paper, unfortunately, has hired an
investigative reporter who minored in anatomy while in college. One of your jobs is to translate his
anatomical terms into plain English so that most people can understand his reporting. Under each
number, rewrite the sentence using more common words to replace those in bold print. You may need
to rearrange the words in the sentences in order for them to make more sense. You may use your
online textbook or any other online resources to help determine the meanings of the words in bold.
1. The superior part of the cephalic region was injured.
2. A superficial wound in the brachial area was treated at the scene.
3. After the injury there was too much medial-lateral motion in the basketball player’s knee.
4. The injury was where the distal part of the upper arm meets with the proximal part of the lower
5. After the accident the victim’s foot was no longer inferior to the knee.
6. After the fight his nose was no longer medial to the eyes.
7. The window fell from the high building and cut the passerby along the mid-sagittal plane.
8. The victim had a transverse cut just posterior to the ribcage.
9. The bullet penetrated lateral to the sternum and inferior to the collarbone.
10. The wound is located in the right thorax just lateral to the mid-sagittal plane.
11. The patient reports numbness and tingling proximal to the ankle, but distal to the knee.
12. The patient reports sharp right lower quadrant pain just lateral to the umbilicus.