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The Basics of Life: Chemistry
Chapter 2
Levels of Organization of Life
• Cellular Organization
atoms The cell is the basic unit of life.
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Life Requires Matter and Energy
Matter is anything that has mass and occupies
Energy is the ability to do work.
Matter is composed of atoms
Energy organizes atoms to form higher levels of
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Life Requires Energy
Energy is the ability to do work.
There are two types of energy:
1. Potential energy
Stored energy, available to do work
2. Kinetic energy
Energy of motion
Potential energy can be converted to kinetic
energy to do work.
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Law of Conservation of Energy
Energy is never created or destroyed.
Energy can only be converted from one form
to another:
The first law of thermodynamics
An object at the top of a hill has potential energy,
as the object rolls down the hill, the potential
energy is converted to kinetic energy.
Cells convert chemical energy into energy used
for life processes
The sum total energy remains constant.
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Forms of Energy
There are five forms of energy:
1. Mechanical energy
Energy of movement
2. Nuclear energy
Energy from reactions involving atomic nuclei
3. Electrical energy
Flow of charged particles
4. Radiant energy
Energy in heat, light, x-rays and microwaves
5. Chemical energy
Energy in chemical bonds
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Life Requires Matter
Matter is anything that has mass and
occupies space.
Matter is composed of atoms.
The smallest units of matter that can exist
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Atoms are composed of:
Protons – positively charged particles
Neutrons – neutral particles
Electrons – negatively charged particles
Protons and neutrons are located in the
center of the atom (atomic nucleus)
Electrons are found in orbits surrounding the
nucleus (electron orbitals)
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Elements are chemical substances
composed of the same kind of atoms
The elements are listed and organized on
the periodic table
i.e. atoms with the same numbers of protons and
each element is represented by a symbol of one
or two letters.
The principal elements that comprise living
things are: C, H, O, P, K, I, N, S, Ca, Fe, and Mg.
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The Periodic Table of the Elements
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Atomic Structure
Atoms are composed of:
A. The atomic nucleus
Protons - positively charged
Neutrons – particles with no
charge (neutral charge)
B. Electrons
Negatively charged particles
Orbit the nucleus in energy
The more energy an electron
has, the larger its orbit
in motion
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Atomic Structure
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Atomic Structure: Atomic Number
Atoms of every element have a characteristic
number of protons in the nucleus.
Atoms with the same atomic number have
the same chemical properties and belong to
the same element.
Atomic Number = number of protons in the
nucleus of an atom
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Atomic Number
• Elements on the
periodic table are
organized by atomic
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Atomic Structure: Atomic Mass Number
Mass Number = The sum of protons and
neutrons is the atom’s atomic mass.
Each proton and neutron has a mass of
approximately 1 AMU (atomic mass unit).
Electrons are very small in comparison to
protons and neutrons
mass of an electron is approx. 1/1,800 of an AMU
electrons are negligible to the atomic mass
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Atomic Number
• Elements on the
periodic table are
organized by atomic
mass number
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Atomic Structure: Isotopes
Must all atoms of the same element have the
same atomic number?
Must all atoms of the same element have the
same atomic mass?
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Atomic Structure: Isotopes
Atoms of the same element that have different
numbers of neutrons.
The atomic weight on the periodic table is the
weighted average mass of all of the isotopes of an
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Isotopes of Hydrogen
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Isotopes of Carbon
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The Periodic Table of the Elements
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Atomic Structure: Atomic Charge
Atoms of the same element have equal
numbers of electrons and protons.
Stable atoms have an overall neutral charge.
Atoms that gain or loose protons will become
charged atom
Atoms that gain or loose electrons will become a
charged atom
Charged atoms are known as ions
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Neutral atoms have the same number of
protons and electrons
Ions are charged atoms
Cations – have more protons than electrons and
are positively charged (+)
Anions – have more electrons than protons and
are negatively charged (-)
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Oxidation - when an atom looses an electron (e)
Reduction - when an atom gains an electron (e-)
forms cations
forms anions
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Atomic Structure: Electrons
Electrons occupy specific areas around the
nucleus called orbitals.
Electrons constantly move around the
nucleus within the orbital
Orbitals are areas around the nucleus where
an electron is most likely to be found
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Atomic Structure: Electron Orbitals
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Atomic Structure: Electron Levels
Electrons occupy specific energy levels around the
Energy levels hold specific numbers of electrons.
Electrons closest to the nucleus have the lowest energy.
Electrons further from the nucleus have higher energy.
The first energy level can have up to 2 electrons.
All other energy levels can have up to 8 electrons.
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Atomic Structure: Electron Levels
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Fig. 2.5
• Electrons release energy
as they fall from a high
energy level to a lower
energy level
• Electrons climb from a
lower energy level to a
higher energy level as
they absorb energy
Valence Electrons
The electrons in the outermost energy level
of an atom are known as valence electrons
Atoms seek to have a full outer energy level.
Atoms that have full outer energy levels are
Octet Rule: Atoms prefer to have 8 valence
 Atoms will gain, loose, steal, or share
electrons to fulfill the octet rule
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Valence Electrons
• Elements on the
periodic table are
organized by
number of valence
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Valence Electrons
H has 1 e-
O has 6
Valence e-s
C has 4
Valence e-s
Na has 1
Valence e-
Ca has 2
Valence e-s
Valence Electrons
Become Familiar with the Valence Electron
Configuration for the Elements:
Hydrogen (H): 1
Carbon (C): 4
Oxygen (O): 6
Nitrogen (N): 5
Chlorine (Cl): 7
Sodium (Na): 1
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Valence Electrons
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The Formation of Molecules
Atoms will gain, loose, steal, or share
electrons to fulfill the octet rule
Atoms can fulfill the octet rule by loosing,
gaining or sharing electrons with other atoms
This creates chemical bonds between atoms
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The Formation of Molecules
Molecules consist of two or more atoms
joined by a chemical bond.
A compound is a chemical substance made
of two or more different elements combined
in chemical bonds.
O2 , H 2 O
The formula of a compound describes the nature
and proportions of the elements that comprise the
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Molecules and Kinetic Energy
Molecules are constantly in motion.
Temperature is a measure of the average speed of
the molecules in a substance.
Heat is a measure of the total kinetic energy of
Measured in calories (amount of heat that will raise 1g of
water 1 degree Celsius).
Heat and Temperature are related.
The greater the speed, the higher the temperature.
Measured in Fahrenheit or Celsius
Add heat energy to a substance and the molecules will
up, ©and
the temperature will rise.
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Physical Changes and Phases of Matter
Three phases of matter
The phase in which a substance exists depends on
its kinetic energy and the strength of its attractive
Solids strong attractive forces, low kinetic energy, little to
no molecular movement.
Liquid enough kinetic energy to overcome the attractive
forces; more molecular movement.
Gas high kinetic energy, little to no attractive forces;
maximum movement.
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Chemical Changes—Forming New Kinds of Matter
Chemical reactions
Creating different chemical substances by
forming and breaking chemical bonds.
There are several types of chemical bonds.
Ionic bonds
Covalent bonds
Hydrogen Bonds
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Ionic Bonds
An ionic bond
Example: NaCl
The attraction between oppositely charged ions
Sodium (Na) has one electron in its outer energy level.
Chloride has seven electrons in its outer energy level.
Sodium donates an electron to chloride, each achieving stability.
The positively charged sodium is attracted to the negatively charged
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Ionic Bonds
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Ionic Bonds
Na easily gives up its single valence electron
to fulfill the octet rule
Because Na lost an electron it now has a
positive (+) charge
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Ionic Bonds
Cl, with 7 valence electrons, easily picks up
the extra electron to fulfill the octet rule
Because Cl gained an electron it now has a
negative (-) charge
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Ionization: Ion Formation
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Ionic Bonds
Cation Na+ and Anion Cl- attract
Ionic Bonds form crystals
Ionic Bonds dissociate in water
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Covalent Bonds
Covalent bonds form when atoms share 2
or more valence electrons
Covalent bond strength and length depends
on the number of electron pairs shared by
the atoms
Single Covalent Bond - one pair of e-’s is shared
Double Covalent Bond - two pairs of e-’s are shared
Triple Covalent Bond - three pairs of e-’s are shared
Covalent Bonds are the strongest bonds and
do not dissociate in water
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Covalent Bonds
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Covalent Bonds
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Chemical Bonds: Electronegativity
Electronegativity is an atom’s affinity for
electrons - how badly an atom wants e-’s
Atoms of each of the elements differ in
Atomic size, mass, nuclear charge, electron
configuration attribute to differences in electronegativity
Based on what you know about the Na atom, do
you think Na has a high or low electronegativity?
What about Cl?
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Chemical Bonds: Electronegativity
Electronegativity(EN) Trend in the Periodic Table
Increasing EN
Electronegativity(EN) Trend in the Periodic Table
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Covalent Bonds: Polar Covalent Bonds
A covalent bond is formed by a sharing of electrons,
but electrons are not always shared equally
Differences in electronegativity dictate how electrons
are actually distributed in covalent bonds
In a covalent bond between a highly electronegative
atom and a weakly electronegative atom, electrons
will be pulled more towards the highly
electronegative side of the bond
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Covalent Bonds: Polar Covalent Bonds
The water molecule is an important example of a
covalent bond between a highly electronegative
atom and a weakly electronegative atom
As a result of this unequal sharing of electrons, one
side of the molecule (the highly electronegative
oxygen side) has a partial negative charge and the
other side (the hydrogen side) has a partial positive
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Covalent Bonds: Polar Covalent Bonds
A covalent bond with an unequal sharing of electrons
is known as a polar covalent bond
Polar because it has two ‘poles’, a partial positive
pole and a partial negative pole
A covalent bond with an equal sharing of electrons is
known as a nonpolar covalent bond
A Carbon to Carbon covalent bond is an example of
a nonpolar covalent bond
 C
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Hydrogen Bonds
The positive hydrogen end of one polar molecule is
attracted to the negative end of another polar
Hydrogen bonds hold molecules together.
Since they do not hold atoms together, they are not
considered true chemical bonds.
Hydrogen bonds are very important in biology.
This attraction is a hydrogen bond.
They stabilize the structure of DNA and proteins.
Water molecules can “stick” together with hydrogen bonds.
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Hydrogen Bonds
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Hydrogen Bonds
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Water and Life
The following properties of water make it essential
for life:
High surface tension
Water molecules stick to each other via hydrogen bonds.
Capillary action moves water through streams, soil, animals
and plants.
High heat of vaporization
A lot of heat is required to break the hydrogen bonds holding
water together.
Large bodies of water absorb a lot of heat.
Temperate climates
– Evaporative cooling
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Water and Life
Unusual density properties
The universal solvent
Ice is less dense than water, so ice floats.
Allows aquatic life to survive in cold climates.
Water can form hydrogen bonds with any polar or
ionic compound.
Therefore, many things can be dissolved in water.
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Introduction to Life Science
Chapter 1
Begin 1/20/2011
Mixtures and Solutions
Homogeneous mixture
Components are distributed equally throughout.
Heterogeneous mixture
Matter that contains two or more substances
Components are not distributed equally throughout.
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Mixtures vs. Pure Substances
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Mixtures and Solutions
– Homogeneous mixture of ions or molecules of two
or more substances.
– The solvent is the substance present in the largest
– The solutes are the substances present in smaller
Aqueous solutions
– water is the solvent
– solid, liquid or gas solutes dissolved in water.
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Concentration of Solutions
Molarity (M) is the unit for concentration
Amount of solute measured in moles
M= Amount of solute
Liters of solution
1 mole = 6.022x1023 particles (atoms, molecules)
of substance
Atomic mass on the periodic table is
measured in grams/mole (g/mol)
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Chemical Reactions
A chemical change:
Bonds between atoms are made or broken to
make new materials with new properties
Happens via chemical reactions.
In a chemical reaction the elements remain
the same, but the compounds they form and
their properties are different.
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Five Important Chemical Reactions in
Oxidation–Reduction (Redox Reactions)
Dehydration Synthesis Reactions
Hydrolysis Reactions
Phosphorylation Reactions
Acid–base Reactions
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Chemical Reactions and Energy
Chemical reactions produce new compounds
with less or more potential energy.
Catabolic Reactions
Anabolic Reactions
Breakdown large molecules into smaller ones
Release energy
Build larger molecules from smaller ones
Require energy
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Chemical Equations
A chemical equation describes what
happens in a chemical reaction.
Photosynthesis is described by the following
6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6H2O
Reactants substances that are changed, usually on the
left side of the equation.
Products new chemical substances formed, usually on
the right side of the equation.
Chemical equations must be balanced
They must have the same number of atoms of each
element on both sides of the equation
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Five Important Chemical Reactions in
Dehydration synthesis
Acid–base reactions
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Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
Reactions in which electrons (and their energy)
are transferred from one atom to another.
Redox Reactions are very important in
biological processes
Oxidation - an atom loses an electron.
Reduction - an atom gains an electron.
Cellular Respiration, Photosynthesis
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Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
LEO the lion says GER
If it Looses Electrons, it’s Oxidized
If it Gains Electrons, it’s Reduced
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Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
Oxidation and Reduction reactions always
occur in pairs:
If a an atom or molecule is reduced, then another
atom or molecule must have been oxidized
If a an atom or molecule is oxidizied, then
another atom or molecule must have been
For this reason Oxidation and Reduction
Reactions are known as Redox Reactions
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Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
In Biology, hydrogen atoms are commonly
transferred during redox reactions.
Cellular Respiration
The sugar glucose is oxidized to form carbon
dioxide and oxygen is reduced to form water.
Energy is released in the process.
+ 6O2 → 6H2O + 6CO2+ Energy
Sugar + oxygen → water+ carbon dioxide + energy
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Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
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Dehydration Synthesis Reaction
Biological molecules are typically
Macromolecules are Polymers assembled
from smaller Monomers
very large molecules with high molecular weights
DNA over a meter long
Monomers - small, identical or similar subunits
Polymers - covalently bonded monomers
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Dehydration Synthesis Reaction
Nucleotide monomers polymerize to form DNA
and RNA Macromolecules
Amino Acid monomers polymerize to form
Simple sugar monomers polymerize to form
complex sugars
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Dehydration Synthesis Reaction
Two small molecules are joined to form a larger
Joining amino acids to form proteins.
amino acid 1
+ amino acid 2
= protein
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Dehydration Synthesis Reaction
Dehydration Synthesis - the chemical
reaction for how living cells synthesize
A covalent bond is formed between
monomers and water is produced as a
product of the reaction
As the name implies, water is lost during the
reaction - dehydration
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Dehydration Synthesis
• Monomers covalently bond together to
form a polymer with the removal of a
water molecule
– A hydroxyl group is removed from one monomer
and a hydrogen from the next
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Monomer 1
Monomer 2
H+ + OH–
(a) Dehydration synthesis
Figure 2.15a
Dehydration Synthesis Reaction
A hydroxyl (-OH) group is removed from one
monomer, and a hydrogen (H+) from another
A new covalent bond is formed between the
 -OH
and H+ come together to form water (H2O)
Water is released as a by-product
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Hydrolysis Reactions
When a larger molecule is broken down into is
smaller smaller subunits
Opposite of a dehydration synthesis
Digesting proteins into amino acids.
+ water = amino acid 1 + amino
acid 2
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Hydrolysis Reactions
The reaction for the separation of joined
“Splitting with water”
Opposite of dehydration synthesis
a water molecule ionizes into –OH and H+
the covalent bond linking one monomer to the
other is broken
the –OH is added to one monomer
the H+ is added to the other
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Hydrolysis Reactions
• Splitting a polymer (lysis) by the addition of a water
molecule (hydro)
– a covalent bond is broken
• All digestion reactions consists of hydrolysis reactions
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Monomer 1
Monomer 2
H+ + OH–
(b) Hydrolysis
Figure 2.15b
Biological Molecules
Phosphorylation Reactions
The addition of phosphate groups to other
Phosphate groups (P) are clusters of oxygen and
phosphate atoms.
Functions of Phosphorylation:
Phosphorylation is used to turn enzymes on or off
Phosphorylation is used to transfer energy
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Phosphorylation Reactions
Bonds between phosphate groups and other
molecules contain high potential energy.
When these bonds are broken, the energy that is released can
be used by the cell to do work.
Phosphorylation reactions are commonly used to transfer
potential energy.
Q-P + Z  Q + Z-P
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Acids and Bases
An acid
A base
Compounds that release hydroxide ions (OH-) into a solution or
accept hydrogen ions (H+) from solution
Sodium hydroxide, ammonia
Acids and Bases react to neutralize each other producing
water and salts
Ionic compounds that release hydrogen ions (H+) into a solution
Phosphoric acid, hydrochloric acid
The -OH from bases are negatively charged, they will react with a
positively charged H+ from an acid to produce water.
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Acids and Bases
Acid: a chemical that releases H+ ions
- Hydrochloric acid, HCl
 HCl  H+ + Cl-
- Sulfuric acid, H2SO4
H2SO4  2H+ + SO4-2
- Carbonic acid, H2CO3
H2CO3  H+ + HCO3-
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Acids and Bases
Base: a chemical that releases -OH ions or
accepts H+1 ions
 Sodium Hydroxide, NaOH
NaOH  Na+1 + OH-1
 OH-1 + H+1  H2O
 Bicarbonate, HCO3
HCO3- + H+  H2CO3
carbonic acid
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Acid-Base Reactions
Occurs when ions from an acid interact with
ions from a base.
 This type of reaction allows harmful acids
and bases to neutralize one another.
 HCl
+ NaOH → NaCl + HOH
 H+ Cl+ Na+ OH- → Na+ Cl- + H+ OH
Hydrocloric +
+ Water
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Usually formed when acids and bases react
The dissociated hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions join to
form water.
The remaining ions form ionic bonds, creating a salt.
This is an example of neutralization:
H+Cl- + Na+OH- →
Hydrocloric +
Na+Cl- + H+OHSodium
+ Water
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Acid-Base Reactions
 Acids and Bases come in pairs:
H2CO3  H+1 + HCO3Carbonic acid
HCO3- + H+  H2CO3
Carbonic acid
H+1 + HCO3-
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Acids and Bases
The strength of an acid or base is
determined by how completely it will
dissociate in water.
Strong acids release almost all of their
hydrogen ions into water.
Strong bases release almost all of their
hydroxide ions into water.
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Some Common Acids, Bases and Salts
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Acids and Bases
The acidity/basicity of a solution is measured
in terms of the pH Scale
pH is a measure of hydrogen ion
concentration [H+] in a solution
Solutions with high hydrogen ion
concentrations are acidic
Solutions with low hydrogen ion
concentrations are basic (alkaline)
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The pH Scale
 Hydrogen ion concentration [H+1] is
the basis of the pH scale:
pH = -log [H+]
pH =
log [H+]
 Greater H+1 concentration = lower pH
 Lower H+1 concentration = higher pH (basic)
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The pH Scale makes large numbers easier to use
Log Function:
– The Log of 10000000 = 7
– The Log of 0.0000001 = -7
There is a 10-fold difference in hydrogen ion
concentration between solutions that differ by one
pH unit.
A solution with pH 4 has ten times as many hydrogen ions
as a solution with pH 5.
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The pH Scale
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The pH Scale
 Hydrogen ion concentration [H+1] of
pure water is 10-7 moles [H+] / L
pH =
log [H+]
pHwater =
pHwater = 7
 The pH scale is based on the pH of
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The pH Scale
Is water an acid or a base?
H2O  OHH 2O
H+ 
H 3O +
 Water acts as an acid and a base
 Pure water exists as a balance of H2O,
OH-1, and H3O+1
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The pH Scale
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