* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
ClimDev-Africa ISACIP VIGIRISC RAZAFINDRAKOTO Léon Guy 11 May 2012 1 Contents 24/11/10 2 A BRIEF ON ACMAD 1) 1987 :UN ECA & WMO 2) Mandate covers the 53 African States. Niamey NIGER since 1992. 3) 4) Run by a team of experts from all sub regions 24/11/10 Making weather, climate and environment resources for sustainable development 1. Enhance African countries / SNMHs capability to understand, anticipate and manage the impacts of weather and climate fluctuations to support the achievement of sustainable development and poverty reduction 2. Provide advanced notice on potential weather and climate related hazards and information for the implementation of policies for vulnerability reduction and adaptation to climate variability and change 3. Improve forecasts and information & products 4. Consolidate weather / climate monitoring efforts in Africa better understand the African weather systems (monsoon) 5. Facilitate exchange of information, experience and expertise; and strength sustainable institutional mechanisms provide user oriented 3 1- Objectives: • Challenge of Climate Change & Development • Climate resilience 24/11/10 4 ClimDev-Africa components • Climate Change and Desertification Unit, • African Climate Policy Centre, • ClimDev Special Fund 24/11/10 5 Expected results • solid science and observational infrastructure • strong working partnerships • knowledge frameworks 24/11/10 6 Areas of activities • Climate information, • Quality analysis for decision support, • Informed decision-making 24/11/10 7 2- Institutional Support to African Climate Institution Project ISACIP (AfriClimServ) Coordinated by ACMAD, Objective : to strengthen the Operational African Regional Climate Institutions 24/11/10 8 ISACIP: Institution beneficiaries WIFA ACMAD AGRHYMET ICPAC DMC 24/11/10 9 ISACIP: Project components 1. Production of climate related information 2. Institutional Strengthening 3. Project Coordination 24/11/10 10 ISACIP – Component 1 1. Production of climate related information a. Observation networks b. Climate Information Systems c. Downscaling d. Dissemination strategy 24/11/10 Regional National Local/Community Site-Specific 11 ISACIP – Component 2 2. Institutional Strengthening a. Enhancement of capacity b. Climate Impacts Assessment c. Training 24/11/10 12 Vigilance et Gestion Intégrée du Risque Climatique ( ViGIRisC Afrique ) Objective : Support for the implementation of systems of vigilance facing the climate variability and change in Africa. 24/11/10 13 VIGIRISC Sectors of intervention 1. Water resources, 2. Food security, 3. Health, 4. Civil protection, 5. Severe weather or extreme events 24/11/10 14 VIGIRISC Results: 1. Assessment and Analysis of the state of the art of Warning Systems and vigilance products in Africa 2. Scoping studies of needs in Warning Systems and vigilance products in Africa 24/11/10 15 VIGIRISC Need Assessment study Identification of the opportunities Risk Identification Risk Reduction Survey conducted among development actors and decision makers Historical hazard data analysis and changing hazard trends. Exposed asset and vulnerability. Risk quantification. Preparedness Early warning systems, emergency planning and response capacities. Mitigation and prevention Medium to long term sectoral planning. 24/11/10 Risk Transfer Insurance Alternative risk transfer mechanisms Other emerging products 16 Thanks you for your attention 17 24/11/10 18 1. La maîtrise d’ouvrage et la maîtrise d’œuvre du projet sont confiées à l’ACMAD 2. Comité de pilotage : Autour du CA de l’ACMAD et la participation de UA, UNECA, Bailleurs du projet, Commissions régionales de développement et d’autres invités permanents ; 3. Comité Scientifique : Experts dans les thématiques ciblées 4. Coordination du projet à l’ACMAD 24/11/10 19 FACTEURS DE QUALITÉ DU PROJET stimuler et nourrir le dialogue entre : Décideurs politiques et les communautés en charge du développement économique durable ; Services opérationnels Nationaux ; Société Civile ; Institutions Nationale et régionales de recherche. Etre démonstratif : Actions démonstratives développées par thématique et par zone géographique. 24/11/10 20 FACTEURS DE QUALITÉ DU PROJET Etre basé sur la solidarité : Les pays africains les plus avancés et les institutions du Nord devront fournir les expertises requises en coordination avec ACMAD. Etre basé sur la subsidiarité : Donner la responsabilité aux niveaux et acteurs adéquats, en particulier au niveau national afin de développer et maintenir les produits et services d’alerte précoce. 24/11/10 21