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Liste complète d’articles publiés entre 2008 - 2015
Aglietta M., Hourcade J-C., Jaeger C., Perrissin Fabert B. Financing transition in an adverse
context: climate finance beyond carbon finance, International Environmental Agreements:
Politics, Law and Economics November 2015, Volume 15, Issue 4, pp 403-420
Aubertin C., Damian M., Magny M., Millier C., Theys J. et Treyer S., Les enjeux de la
conférence de Paris. Penser autrement la question climatique. (Eds.) Natures Sciences
Sociétés, Vol. 23 Supplément, juillet 2015
Bauer N., Bosetti V., Hamdi-Cherif M., Kitous A., Mccollum D-L., Méjean A., Rao S., Turton
H., Paroussos L., Ashina S., Calvin K., Wada K., Van Vuuren D-P., CO2 emission mitigation and
fossil fuel markets : Dynamic and international aspects of climate policies, Technological
Forecasting and Social Change, Elsevier, 2015, 90 (A), pp.243-256
Boucher O., Dufresne J-L., Vial J., Brun E., Cattiaux J., Chauvin F., Salas y Mélia D., Voldoire
A., Bopp L., Braconnot P., Ciais P., Yiou P., Guilyardi E., Mignot J., Guivarch C., Projection des
changements climatiques futurs, La Météorologie - N°88 - Spécial "Climat" - Février 2015 Texte
en libre accès, p. 56
Branger F., Giraudet L-G., Guivarch C., Quirion P. Global sensitivity analysis of an energy economy model of the residential building sector. FAERE Working Paper, 2015.06
Brunelle T., Dumas P., Souty F., Dorin B., Nadaud F., Evaluating the impact of rising fertilizer
prices on crop yields, Agricultural Economics, Volume 46, Issue 5, pages 653–666, September
Courtois P., Nessah R., Tazdaït T., How to play games ? Nash versus Berge behaviour rules,
Economics and Philosophy, Volume 31, Issue 01, 2015, pp 123-139
Frolova M., Prados M-J., Nadaï A., Renewable Energies and European Landscapes. Lessons
from Southern Europeans Cases, (Eds). Springer, 2015
Gasser, T., Guivarch C., Tashiiri K., Jones C-D., Ciais P. 2015. Negative emissions physically
needed to keep global warming below 2°C. Nature Communications 6, 7958
Giraudet, L.-G, Finon D. European experiences with white certificate obligations : A critical
review of existing evaluations, Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy, 2015, 4(1):113130
Guivarch C., Cassen C., L’atténuation du changement climatique : retour sur le 5e rapport du
Giec, La Météorologie - N°88 - Spécial "Climat" - Février 2015, Texte en libre accès, p. 97
Guivarch C., Monjon S., Rozenberg J., Vogt-Schilb A. : Would climate policy improve the
European energy security ? Climate Change Economics, Volume 06, Issue 02, May 2015
Hourcade J-C., Financer la transition bas carbone dans une économie mondiale fragilisée,
Annales des Mines - Responsabilité et environnement, 2015/1 (N° 77)
Hourcade J-C., P.-R. Shukla, Cassen C. Cancun’s paradigm shift and COP 21: to go beyond
rhetoric. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics November
2015, Volume 15, Issue 4, pp 353-367
Langlais A., Ragot L., Benzada K., Camproux-Duffrene M-P., Lecocq F., Maljean-Dubois S.,
Martinet V., Morlon H., Salanié F., Schubert K., Modélisation, Scénarisation et aide à la
décision, in Prospective, Droit, Ecologie & Economie de la Biodiversité, Les cahiers
Prospectives, CNRS, 2015, pp.49-57
Levrel H., Frascaria-Lacoste N., Hay J., Martin G., Pioch S. Edition 2015, Restaurer la nature
pour atténuer les impacts du développement. Analyse des mesures compensatoires pour la
biodiversité, Quae Edition 2015
Martin E., Salas y Mélia D., Badeau V., Delire C., Gattuso J-P., Lemonsu A., Masson V., Pigeon
G., Regimbeau M., Viguié V., Impacts, adaptation et vulnérabilité des systèmes naturels et
humains en Europe, La Météorologie - N°88 - Spécial "Climat" - Février 2015, Texte en libre
accès , p. 83
Nadai A., Labussiere O., Debourdeau A., Yannick R., Laure D., French policy localism : Surfing
on ‘Positive Energie Territories’ (Tepos), Energy Policy, Volume 78, March 2015, Pages 281–
Nauleau M-L., Giraudet L-G., Quirion P., Energy efficiency subsidies with price-quality
discrimination, Energy Economics, Volume 52, Supplement 1, December 2015, Pages S53–S62
Ndiaye M., Maitre d’Hôtel E., Le Cotty T. Maize Price Volatility Does Market Remoteness
Matter ? Policy Research Working Paper 7202, February 2015
Nessah R., Larbani M., Tazdaït T. Coalitional ZP-Equilibrium in Games and its Existence.
International Game Theory Review, Volume 17, Issue 03, September 2015
Neverre N., Dumas P., Projecting and valuing domestic water use at regional scale : A generic
method applied to the Mediterranean at the 2060 horizon, Water Resources and Economics,
Volume 11, July 2015, Pages 33–46
Nguyen H-N., Ha-Duong M., Van de Steene L, A critical look at rice husk gasification in
Cambodia : technology and sustainability, Journal of Science and Technology, 2015, pp.247252 Responsabilité et Environnement n° 77 - Annales des Mines
Riahi K., Kriegler E., Johnson N., Bertram C., Den Elzen M., Eom J., Schaeffer M., Edmonds J.,
Isaac M., Krey V., Longden T., Luderer G., Méjean A., McCollum D-L., Mima S., Turton H., van
Vuuren D-P., Wada K., Bosetti V., Capros P., Locked into Copenhagen pledges. Implications of
short-term emission targets for the cost and feasibility of long-term climate goals,
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Elsevier, 2015, 90 Part A, pp.8-23
Rohde, C., Rosenow J., Eyre N., Giraudet L-G., Energy Saving Obligations : Cutting the Gordian
Knot of leverage ? Energy Efficiency, 2015, 8(1):129-140
Vaissière A - C, Levrel H. Biodiversity offset markets : What are they really ? An empirical
approach to wetland mitigation banking, Ecological Economics, Volume 110, February 2015,
Pages 81–88
Audoly R., Vogt-Schilb A., Guivarch C. Pathways toward Zero-Carbon Electricity Required for
Climate Stabilization. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2014, pp.7075
Avner P., Rentschler J., Hallegatte S. Carbon Price Efficiency Lock-in and Path Dependence in
Urban Forms and Transport Infrastructure. World Bank Policy Research Working Papers, 2014,
pp.1 – 26
Barraqué B. Discussion Author response to right of reply by Anne Le Strat, deputy Mayor of
Paris, to the article ‘Return of Drinking water supply in Paris to public control ; Water Policy,
IWA Publishing, 2014, 16 (2), pp.422-424
Barraqué B. The common property issue in Flood control through land use in France, Journal
of Flood Risk Management, 2014, The European Flood Risk Management Plan
Barraqué B., Isnard L. The sustainability of the water services in big metropolises : Lessons
learnt from the EAU&3E research project, Techniques - Sciences - Méthodes, 2014, pp.48-60
Bibas R., Méjean A. Potential and limitations of bioenergy for low carbon transitions, Climatic
Change, Springer Verlag (Germany), 2014, 123 (3-4), pp.1-31
Bielicki J., Calas G., Middleton R., Ha-Duong M. National corridors for climate change
mitigation : managing industrial CO2 emissions in France, Greenhouse Gases : Science and
Technology, 2014, 3 (4), pp.262-277
Boucher O., Forster P-M., Gruber N., Ha-Duong M., Lawrence M-G. et al. Rethinking climate
engineering categorization in the context of climate change mitigation and adaptation, WIREs
Climate Change, 2014, 5 (1), pp.23-25
Brunelle T., Dumas P., Souty F. The Impact of Globalization on Food and Agriculture : The Case
of the Diet Convergence, Journal of Environment and Development, 2014, 23 (1), pp.41-65
Brunette M., Costa S., Lecocq F. Economics of species change subject to risk of climate change
and increasing information : a (quasi-)option value analysis, Annals of Forest Science, Springer
Verlag (Germany), 2014, 71 (2), pp.279-290
Capelle-Blancard G., Monjon S. The Performance of Socially Responsible Funds : Does the
Screening Process Matter ? European Financial Management, 2014, pp.1-27
Courtois P., Tazdaït T. Bargaining over a climate deal : deadline and delay, Annals of
Operations Research, Springer Verlag (Germany), 2014, 220 (1), pp.205-221
Ebi K-L., Hallegatte S., Kram T., Arnell N.W., Carter T.R. et al. A new scenario framework for
climate change research : background, process, and future directions, Climatic Change, 2014,
122 (3), pp.363-372.
Espagne E., Dumas P., Pottier A., Perrissin-Fabert B., Nadaud F. Why are climate policies of
the present decade so crucial for keeping the 2 °C target credible ? Climatic Change, 2014, 126
(3-4), pp.337-349
Ha-Duong M., Journé V. Calculating nuclear accident probabilities from empirical frequencies,
Environment Systems and Decisions, 2014, 34 (2), pp.249-258
Kriegler E., Edmonds J., Hallegatte S., Ebi K-L., Kram T. et al. A new scenario framework for
climate change research : the concept of shared climate policy assumptions, Climatic Change,
2014, 122 (3), pp.401-414
Kriegler E., Riahi K., Bauer N., Schwanitz V-J., Peterman N. et al. Making or breaking climate
targets : The AMPERE study on staged accession scenarios for climate policy, Technological
Forecasting and Social Change, Elsevier, 2014
Kristie L. Ebi, Hallegatte S., Kram T., Arnell N-W., Timothy R. Carter, et al. A new scenario
framework for climate change research : background, process, and future directions. Climatic
Change, Springer Verlag (Germany), 2014, 122 (3), pp.363-372
Labussiere O., Nadai A. Unexpected Wind Power ’Potentials’ : The Art of Planning with
Inherited Socio-Geographical Configurations (France), Scottish Geographical Journal, Taylor &
Francis (Routledge) : SSH Titles, 2014, Special Issue : Geography, Communities and Energy
Futures : Alternative Research Paths, 130, pp.1-15
Leblois A., Quirion P., Alhassane A., Traoré S. Weather Index Drought Insurance : An Ex Ante
Evaluation for Millet Growers in Niger, Environmental and Resource Economics, Springer,
2014, 57 (4), pp.527-551
Leblois A., Quirion P., Sultan B. Price vs. weather shock hedging for cash crops : ex ante
evaluation for cotton producers in Cameroon, Ecological Economics, Elsevier, 2014, pp.42
Lecocq F., Shalizi Z. The economics of targeted mitigation in infrastructure, Climate Policy,
2014, 14 (2), pp.187-208
Lecuyer O., Vogt-Schilb A. Optimal Transition from Coal to Gas and Renewable Power under
Capacity Constraints and Adjustment Costs, World Bank Policy Research Working Papers,
2014, pp.6985
Nadai A., Labussiere O. Communs paysagers et devenirs éoliens opposés, Projets de paysage,
2014, Le paysage à l’épreuve de la transition énergétique
Nadai A., Labussiere O. Moving offshore, recomposing the sea : wind power in Veulettes-surMer (France), Nature, Sciences, Sociétés, 2014, Dossier « Territoires en transition
environnementale », 2014, 204-218
Nadai A., Labussiere O., Debourdeau A., Régnier Y., Dobigny L. French policy localism : Surfing
on ‘Positive Energie Territories’ (Tepos), Energy Policy, Elsevier, 2014
Pottier A. Comment la poursuite de l’abondance annihile la culture, Cahiers d’Economie
Politique, L’Harmattan, 2014, Varia, 66 (1), pp.7-33
Pottier A., Hourcade J-C., Espagne E. Modelling the redirection of technical change : The
pitfalls of incorporeal visions of the economy, Energy Economics, Elsevier, 2014, 42, pp.213218
Pottier A., Nessah R. Berge–Vaisman and Nash equilibria : transformation of games,
International Game Theory Review, World Scientific Publishing, 2014, pp.1-8
Rozenberg J., Guivarch C., Lempert R., Hallegatte S. Building SSPs for climate policy analysis :
a scenario elicitation methodology to map the space of possible future challenges to mitigation
and adaptation, Climatic Change, Springer Verlag (Germany), 2014, 122, pp.509 - 522
Ürge-Vorsatz D., Tirado Herrero S., Dubash N-K., Lecocq F. Measuring the Co-Benefits of
Climate Change Mitigation, Annual Review of Environment and Resources, Annual Reviews,
2014, 39 (1), pp.549-582
Van Vuuren D.P., Kriegler E., O’Neill B.C., Ebi K.L., Keywan Riahi et al. A new scenario
framework for Climate Change Research : scenario matrix architecture, Climatic Change,
Springer Verlag (Germany), 2014, 122 (3), pp.373-386
Viguié V., Lecocq F., Touzard J-M. Viticulture and Adaptation to Climate Change, Journal
International des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin, 2014, pp.55-60
Vogt-Schilb A., Hallegatte S. Marginal abatement cost curves and the optimal timing of
mitigation measures, Energy Policy, Elsevier, 2014, 66, pp.645-653
Waisman H-D., Cassen C., Hamdi-Chérif M., Hourcade J-C. Sustainability, Globalization, and
the Energy Sector Europe in a Global Perspective, Journal of Environment and Development,
SAGE Publications (UK and US), 2014, 23 (1), pp.101-132
Allio C., Waisman H., Hourcade J.-C. (2013) Actions locales et mesures globales dans la
transition post-carbone, Futuribles, 392, p 61-76
Avner P., Viguié V., Hallegatte S. (2013) Modélisation de l’effet d’une taxe sur la construction
- Le Versement pour Sous-Densité, Revue de l’OFCE, 2(128), p 341-364
Barraqué B. (2013) Le compteur d’eau : enjeux passés et actuels, Revue SET, (10), p 98-109
Barraqué B. (2013) Géopolitique d’une ressource ... locale : l’eau (surtout quand elle coule dans
des tuyaux), La Houille Blanche, Revue Internationale de l’Eau, 2, p 12-15.
Benito Garzon M., Ha-Duong M., Frascaria-Lacoste N., Juan Fernandez M. (2013) Habitat
Restoration and Climate Change : Dealing with Climate Variability, Incomplete Data, and
Management Decisions with Tree Translocations, Restoration Ecology, 21(5), p 530-536
Benito Garzon M., Ha-Duong M., Frascaria-Lacoste N., Juan Fernandez M. (2013) Extreme
climate variability should be considered in forestry-assisted migration, BioScience, 63, p
Benito Garzon M., Ruiz Benito P., Zavala M. A. (2013) Interspecific differences in tree growth
and mortality responses to environmental drivers determine potential species distributional
limits in Iberian forests, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 22(10), p 1141-1151
Branger F., Lecuyer O., Quirion P. (2013) Le système européen de quotas de CO2 : faut-il jeter
le "navire-amiral" avec l’eau du bain ?, Economies et Sociétés, Série Economie de l’Energie,
n°12 (02/2013), pp 299-318
Brunette M., Costa S., Lecocq F. (2013) Economics of species change subject to risk of climate
change and increasing information : a (quasi) option value analysis, Annals of Forest Science,
Mars 2013, p 1286-4560
Caparrós A., Péreau J.-C., Tazdaït T. (2013) Emission trading and international competition :
The impact of labor market rigidity on technology adoption and output, Energy Policy, 55, p
Cepeda M., Finon D. (2013) How to correct for long-term externalities of large-scale wind
power development by a capacity mechanism? Energy Policy, 61, p 671-685
Combet E. (2013) La transition énergétique comme solution, Projet, 3(334), p 59-67
Dorin B., Petit M., François J.L. (2013) Agricultures, alimentations et mondialisation :
paradoxes et controverses, Natures Sciences Sociétés, 21(1), p°56-59
Dumas P., Ha-Duong M. (2013) Optimal growth with adaptation to climate change, Climate
Change, 117(4), p 691-710
Dumas P., Hallegatte S., Quintana-Seguí P., Martin E. (2013) The influence of climate change
on flood risks in France - first estimates and uncertainty analysis, Natural Hazards and Earth
System Sciences, 13(3), p 809-821
Finon D. (2013) The transition of the electricity system towards decarbonization : the need for
change in the market regime, Climate Policy, 13(S01), p 131-146
Finon D. (2013) La substitution de la Main Visible au marché : l’effet des politiques de
décarbonation des systèmes électriques européens, Economies et Sociétés, Série "Economie
de l’Energie"n°12 (02/2013), p 253-273
Finon D., Keppler J., Geoffron G. (2013) Sept propositions pour améliorer le fonctionnement
de l’espace électrique européen, Revue de l’Energie, p 5-15
Finon D., Roques F. (2013) European Electricity Market Reforms : The "Visible Hand" of Public
Coordination, Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy 2(2)
Genovese E., Przyluski V. (2013) Storm Surge Disaster Risk Management : Xynthia Case Study
in France, Journal of Risk Research
Ghersi F., Mcdonnell S., Sassi O. (2013) Do overarching mitigation objectives dominate
transport-specific targets in the EU? Energy Policy, 55, p 3-15
Giraudet L.-G., Houde S. (2013) Double moral hazard and the energy efficiency gap, IAEE
Energy Forum, p 29-31
Guivarch C., Hallegatte S. (2013) 2°C or Not 2°C ?, Global Environmental Change, 23(1), p 179192
Guivarch, C., Rozenberg, J. (2013). Les nouveaux scénarios socio-économiques pour la
recherche sur le changement climatique. Pollution Atmosphérique. Climat, santé, société.
Numéro spécial “adaptation au climat et maîtrise de la qualité de l’air” (juin)
Hallegatte S., Green C., Nicholls R., Corfee-Morlot J. (2013) Future flood losses in major
coastal cities, Nature Climate Change, (3), p 802-806
Hourcade J.-C., Shukla P. (2013) Triggering the low carbon transition in the aftermath of the
financial crisis, Climate Policy, 13(Suppl. 1), p 22-35
Lampin L., Nadaud F., Grazi F., Hourcade J.-C. (2013) Long-term fuel demand : Not only a
matter of fuel price, Energy Policy 62, pp 780-787
Leblois A., Quirion P. (2013) Agricultural insurances based on meteorological indices :
realizations, methods and research challenges, Meteorological Applications, 20(1), p 1-9
Lecuyer O., When should green technology support policies supplement the carbon price?
The case of the electricity sector. Economies and finances. Ecole des Hautes Etudes en
Sciences, Sociales (EHESS), 2013.
Lecuyer O., Quirion P. (2013) Can Uncertainty Justify Overlapping Policy Instruments to
Mitigate Emissions?, Ecological Economics, 93, p 177-191
Méjean, A., Hope, C. (2013). Supplying synthetic crude oil from Canadian oil sands : A
comparative study of the costs and CO2 emissions of mining and in-situ recovery, Energy
Policy, 60, 27–40
Meunier G., Finon D. (2013) Option value in low-carbon technology policies, Climate Policy,
13(1), p 1
Nadaï A., Labussière O. (2013) Wind power and the emergence of the Beauce landscape (Eureet-Loir, France), Landscape Research
Nadaï A., Labussière O. (2013) Playing with the Line, Channelling Multiplicity - Wind Power
Planning in the Narbonnaise (France, Aude), Environment and Planning D : Society and Space,
31(1), p 116-139
Nessah R., Tazdaït T. (2013) Absolute optimal solution for a compact and convex game,
European Journal of Operational Research, 224(2), p 353-361
Pottier A. (2013) Le discours climato-sceptique : une rhétorique réactionnaire, Natures
Sciences Sociétés, 21(1), 105–108
Pottier A., Giraud G. (2013) Krachs financiers ou trappe à liquidité, Revue Economique, 64(3),
p 485-496
Rozenberg J., Hallegatte S., Perrissin-Fabert B., Hourcade J.-C. (2013) Financing low-carbon
investments in the absence of a carbon tax, Climate Policy, 13(1), p 134-141
Skea J., Hourcade J.-C., Lechtenboehmer S. (2013) Climate policies in a changing world
context: is a paradigm shift needed ?, Climate Policy, 13(SI), p 1-4
Sultan B., Roudier P., Quirion P., Alhassane A., Muller B., Dingkuhn M., Ciais P., Guimberteau
M., Traore S., Baron C. (2013) Assessing climate change impacts on sorghum and millet yields
in the Sudanian and Sahelian savannas of West Africa, Environmental Research Letters, 8(1),
p 014040
Traoré A., Maître D’hôtel E., Le Cotty T., Guissou R., Thoyer S. (2013) Caractérisation de la
volatilité des prix des céréales : application au cas du maïs au Burkina Faso, Journal des
Etudiants en Développement International
Vogt-Schilb A., Guivarch C., Hourcade J.-C. (2013) Les véhicules électrifiés réduiront-ils les
émissions de carbone ? Revue de l’Energie, 611, p 5—11
Waisman H., Guivarch C., Lecocq F. (2013) The transportation sector and low-carbon growth
pathways : modeling urban, infrastructure and spatial determinants of mobility, Climate
Policy, 13(1), p 106-129
Aglietta M., Hourcade J.-C. (2012) Can Indebted Europe Afford Climate Policy ? Can It Bail Out
Its Debt Without Climate Policy? Intereconomics, 47(3), p 159-164
Ayouz M., Alary V., Mekersi S. (2012) Analysis of the place and role of Opuntia (Opuntia ficusindica) in the semiarid agrarian systems of Algeria through surveys and modeling, Cahiers
Agricultures, 21(6), p 438
Barraqué B. (2012) Return of drinking water supply in Paris to public control, Water Policy,
14(6), p 903-914
Benoit-Cattin M., Dorin B. (2012) Disponible alimentaire et productivité agricole en Afrique
subsaharienne, Cahiers Agricultures, 21(5), p 337-347
Boroumand R. H., Zachmann G. (2012) Retailers’ risk management and vertical arrangements
in electricity markets, Energy Policy, 40, p 465-472
Böttcher H., Freibauer A., Scholz Y., Gitz V., Ciais P., Mund M., Wutzler T., Schulze E.-D.
(2012) Setting priorities for land management to mitigate climate change, Carbon Balance and
Management, 7(1), p 5
Bouleau N. (2012) Le nouveau passage du Nord-Ouest, Esprit, 389, p 52-70
Bouleau N. (2012) Limits to growth and stochastics, Real World Economics, 60, p 92-106
Bouleau N. (2012) Crise écologique : Vers un jardin des pays riches, Esprit, 389, p 52
Cabon-Dhersin M.-L., Etchart-Vincent N. (2012) The puzzle of cooperation in a game of
chicken: An experimental study, Theory and Decision, 72(1), p 65-87
Capelle-Blancard G., Monjon S. (2012) The Performance of Socially Responsible Funds : Does
the Screening Process Matter ? European Financial Management, p 1-27
Capelle-Blancard G., Monjon S. (2012) Trends in the literature on socially responsible
investment : Looking for the keys under the lamppost, Business Ethics, 21(3), p 239-250
Cepeda M., Finon D. (2012) Les externalités de long terme du développement imposé de la
production éolienne dans un marché électrique, Revue de l’Energie, 605, p 120-139
Colombier M., Li J. (2012) Shaping climate policy in the housing sector in northern Chinese
cities, Climate Policy, 12(4), p 453-473
Courtois P., Tazdaït T. (2012) Learning to trust strangers : an evolutionary perspective, Journal
of Evolutionary Economics, 22(2), p 367-383
Courtois P., Tazdaït T. (2012) Coopération sur le climat : le mécanisme de négociations jointes,
Négociations, 18(2), p 25-42
Edenhofer O., Carraro C., Hourcade J.-C. (2012) On the economics of decarbonization in an
imperfect world, Climatic Change, 114(1), p 1-8
Finon D. (2012) Efficiency of policy instruments for CCS deployment, Climate Policy, 12(2), p
Finon D. (2012) L’économie du nucléaire revisitée - Leçons de l’apprentissage d’une
technologie complexe par des accidents majeurs, Revue de l’Energie, 607, p 165-191
Garin P., Barraque B. (2012) Why are there so few cooperative agreements between farmers
and water services in France ? Water policies and the problem of land use rights, Irrigation and
Drainage, 61, p 95-105
Giraudet L.-G., Bodineau L., Finon D. (2012) The costs and benefits of white certificates
schemes, Energy efficiency, 5(2), p 179-199
Giraudet L.-G., Guivarch C., Quirion P. (2012) Exploring the potential for energy conservation
in French households through hybrid modeling, Energy Economics, 34(2), p 426—445
Guivarch C., Mathy S. (2012) Energy-GDP decoupling in a second best world—a case study on
India, Climatic Change, 113(2), p 339-356
Hallegatte S. (2012) A framework to investigate the economic growth impact of sea level rise,
Environmental Research Letters, 7(1), p 015604
Henriet F., Hallegatte S., Tabourier L. (2012) Firm-network characteristics and economic
robustness to natural disasters, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 36(1), p 150-167
Hourcade J.-C. (2012) La taxe carbone, post-mortem, Projet, 2012/5(330), p 23-31
Hourcade J.-C., Perrissin Fabert B., Rozenberg J. (2012) Venturing into uncharted financial
waters : an essay on climate-friendly finance, International environmental agreements-Politics
law and economics, 12(2), p 165-186
Jakob M., Luderer G., Steckel J., Tavoni M., Monjon S. (2012) Time to act now ? Assessing the
costs of delaying climate measures and benefits of early action, Climatic Change, 114(1), p 7999
Journé V. (2012) Climate negotiations from 1992 to 2011 : changing issues and new stakes,
Atoms for Peace : an International Journal, 3(3), p 206-218
Kriegler E., O’neill B. C., Hallegatte S., Kram T., Lempert R. J., Moss R. H., Wilbanks T. (2012)
The need for and use of socio-economic scenarios for climate change analysis : A new approach
based on shared socio-economic pathways, Global Environmental Change, 22(4), p 807-822
Le Cotty T., Dorin B. (2012) A global foresight on food crop needs for livestock, Animal, 6(9), p
Lecocq F., Hourcade J.-C. (2012) Unspoken ethical issues in the climate affair : Insights from a
theoretical analysis of negotiation mandates, Economic Theory, 49(2), p 445-471
Luderer G., Bosetti V., Jakob M., Leimbach M., Steckel J. C., Waisman H., Edenhofer O. (2012)
The economics of decarbonizing the energy system-results and insights from the RECIPE model
intercomparison, Climatic Change, 114(1), p 9-37
Luderer G., Decian E., Hourcade J.-C., Leimbach M., Waisman H., Edenhofer O. (2012) On the
regional distribution of mitigation costs in a global cap-and-trade regime, Climatic Change,
114(1), p 59-78
Mathy S. (2012) Le changement climatique mérite débat, Projet, 330(5), p 32-36
Musy O., Pottier A., Tazdaït T. (2012) A new theorem to find berge equilibria, International
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