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CTI Side Event, SBSTA 18, 6 June 2003
• Mr. William Kojo Agyemang-Bonsu
Chairman of the Expert Group on
Technology Transfer and Senior Programme
Officer with the Environmental Protection
Agency of Ghana
• Mr. Florin Vladu, Programme Officer,
Technology with the UNFCCC Secretariat
(Father of TT:CLEAR)
• Ms. Susan Wickwire, Chief, Climate
Change Capacity Building Unit with the US
Environmental Protection Agency
• Mr. Kishan Kumarsingh, EGTT Member,
Technical Coordinator, Environmental
Management Authority of Trinidad and
Tobago, and Co-Chair of the Informal
Consultation Group on Technology Transfer
• Mr. Rawleston Moore, EGTT Member and
Consultant to the Barbados Ministry of
Physical Development and Environment
• Mr. Alan Miller, Team Leader Climate Change and
Ozone, Global Environment Facility
• Mr. Ajay Mathur, Team Leader for Climate Change
with the World Bank
• Mr. Ronald C. Shiflett, Jr., Executive Director with
the International Utility Efficiency Partnerships
group within the Edison Electric Institute