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The functions of the
muscular system
are to:
1. Provide movement
2. Maintain posture
Muscles can be divided
in two major groups:
Are muscles a person
can control.
An example of voluntary muscles are the
muscles in your legs that help you walk.
Are muscles that function without
a person’s control.
Muscles in your stomach are involuntary
because you do not control your stomach’s
churning action.
Your body has 3 types of
1. Smooth Muscle
2. Skeletal Muscle
3. Cardiac Muscle
Smooth Muscle
Is an involuntary muscle
that is found in many
internal organs.
For example in
the stomach.
Skeletal Muscle
Is the muscle that is attached
to bone.
It is a voluntary muscle.
Cardiac Muscle
Is muscle that is only
found in the heart.
Are tough tissue fibers
that connect muscle
to bones.