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Pre Assessment
Answers on the Left
What are the 5 components of fitness?
When doing the pacer what component
are we working on?
When performing curl ups what
component are we working on?
What is cardiovascular endurance?
What does F.I.T.T stand for?
The number of cans of soda the average
male teenager drinks each year
The larger chair in a New
York hospital provides more
room for an obese person.
Obesity: having a very high amount of body fat
in relation to lean body mass, or Body Mass
Index (BMI) of 30 or higher.
Body Mass Index (BMI): a measure of an adult’s
weight in relation to his or her height,
specifically the adult’s weight in kilograms
divided by the square of his or her height in
The heart on the top is
from a healthy human
being while the bottom
heart is from a human
who is overweight?
Are you in-taking enough
nutrients and working out
enough to keep your heart
The 5 Components
of Fitness
FITT Guidelines
Frequency- how often the activity occurs
Intensity- how much effort to put in
Time- how long the activity occurs
Type- what kind of activity will take place
Think of your pre-assessment. When
watching this video…did you answer
all questions correctly?
Components of Fitness
1. Muscular Strength
2. Muscular Endurance
3. Flexibility
4. Body Composition
Cardiorespiratory Endurance
The ability to perform exercise at
moderate to high intensity for 20-60
Cardiorespiratory Endurance
Benefits include:
Strengthens the heart (lower resting and
working heart rate, faster recovery)
Decreases blood pressure
Strengthens muscles and bones
Increases energy (for work or leisure activity)
Reduces stress and tension (get along better
with others)
Cardiorespiratory Endurance
Benefits include (continued):
Enhances appearance and feeling of well-being;
improves quality of life
Improves ability to learn
Promotes healthy body composition
Increases self-confidence and self-esteem (greater
social opportunities)
Enhances sleep
Improves lipid profile (increase HDL/good cholesterol,
decreases triglycerides)
Helps weight control
Cardiorespiratory Endurance
FITT Guidelines
High School Youth
5-6 days/week
60-90% of maximum heart rate
Find MHR by subtracting age from 220
20-60 minutes
Activities that use large muscles are
used in a rhythmical fashion.
Examples: brisk walking, jogging,
basketball, racket sports, soccer,
dance, lap swimming, skating, cycling,
The ability of a muscle or muscle group to
exert a maximum force against a
resistance ONE TIME through the full
range of motion. Range of motion (ROM)
is the degrees through which a joint can
The ability of a muscle or muscle group to
exert a sub-maximal force REPEATEDLY
over a period of time.
Muscular Strength and
Muscular Endurance
Benefits include:
Increased muscular strength (everyday
activities become easier)
Increased muscular endurance (able to
participate in leisure activity without having
sore or tired muscles)
Improvement in aerobic fitness
Prevention of musculoskeletal injury (will not
get hurt as easily or often)
Muscular Strength and
Muscular Endurance
Benefits include (continued):
Improved sports performance (become a
better player)
Reduced risk of fractures in adulthood (builds
stronger bones)
Exercise during the skeletal growth period is
better for bone development, increasing bone
strength and bone growth (reduced risk of
Muscular Strength & Endurance
FITT Guidelines
High School Youth
2-3 days/week
Light to heavy weight (based on type
At least 1 set, 8-12 reps/set
Major muscle groups, 8-10 exercises;
select muscular strength, power, or
endurance (lifting weights,
The ability to move a joint through its
complete range of motion (ROM)
Benefits include:
Decreased muscle tension and increased
relaxation ( I can sleep better)
Greater ease of movement
Improved coordination
Increased ROM
Reduced risk of injury
Better body awareness and postural
Improved circulation and air exchange
Benefits include (continued):
Smoother and easier contractions (muscles
work better)
Decreased muscle soreness
Possible prevention of low back pain and
other spinal problems
Improved personal appearance and selfimage
Facilitates the development and maintenance
of motor skills (I can participate in a variety of
FITT Guidelines
High School Youth
3x/week, preferably daily and AFTER
warm-up to raise muscle temperature
Slow elongation of the muscle to the
point of mild discomfort and back off
Up to 4-5 stretches per muscle/muscle
group. Hole each stretch 10-30 sec.
Always warm-up prior to stretching
Slow static stretching (hold and
stretch), yoga may incorporate
stretches as well
Body Composition
The amount of lean body mass (all tissues
other than fat, such as bone, muscle,
organs, and body fluids) compared with
the amount of body fat.
Body Composition
Benefits include:
All of the following listed for each of the other
fitness components
Body Composition
There are not FITT guidelines for this
particular component; however, a healthy
body composition can be attained largely
from physical activity in all of the other
fitness components
Proper nutrition also is an important role
in having a healthy body composition
Body Composition
The human body was designed to have all 6
classes of nutrients:
Carbohydrates (4Kcal/g) which provide energy
and can be chosen from whole grains, cereals,
vegetables, and fruits
Protein (4Kcal/g) which provides repair for
tissue and can be chosen from meats, nuts,
and dairy products
Fat (9Kcal/g) which provides additional energy
and insulation for organs and other tissues
Body Composition
4. & 5. Vitamins and minerals which are
essential for good health and contain no
6. Water is also essential for good health
and also does not contain any caloric
Body Composition
Input > output = weight gain
Input < output = weight loss
Eat more calories than exert
Exert more calories than eat
Input = output = maintains weight
Balances exercise and eats in moderation