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Anatomy & Physiology
Mid Term Review
Reviewing Units 1-4
Chapters 1-6
The scapula is part of the
 Skull
 upper extremity
 pelvis
 sternum
 lower extremity
Which of the following is the most serious
type of burn?
First degree
Second degree
Third degree
TRUE OR FALSE. Most feedback loops
in the body are positive feedback loops.
TRUE OR FALSE. Homeostasis is the balance the
body tries to maintain by keeping its internal
environment relatively constant.
TRUE OR FALSE. The legs are part of the
axial division of the body.
TRUE OR FALSE. The supine position is a
position in which the body is lying face down.
TRUE OR FALSE. The thoracic duct is the
largest lymphatic vessel in the body.
Which of the following is an example of a
positive feedback loop?
restoring body temperature when a person
becomes chilled
excretion of larger than normal amounts of
urine when the volume of fluid in the body is
greater than the normal, ideal amount
decreased appetite when stomach is full
Which of the following is NOT a component of a
feedback loop?
 Control
 center
 effector
 sensor
 target
The smallest "living" unit of structure and
function in our body is:
 the organelle
 the cell
 the organ
 the organ system
 the organism
Which of the following is true of the brain?
It is located in the ventral and cranial cavities.
It is located in the ventral and spinal cavities.
It is located in the dorsal and spinal cavities.
It is located in the dorsal and cranial cavities.
It is located in the ventral and pelvic cavities.
Glycogen is an example of a:
nucleic acid
Which of the following orientation and
directional terms have the same meaning (in
 superior and caudal
 inferior and cranial
 inferior and cephalad
 anterior and ventral
 anterior and dorsal
The skin in most individuals makes up
approximately what percent of the individual's
total body weight?
 5%
 15%
 30%
 50%
 75%
All of the following are functions of the skeletal
system EXCEPT:
 protection
 movement
 calcium storage
 blood cell formation
 all the above
Which of the following orientation terms have
the opposite meanings in humans:
 superficial and proximal
 distal and proximal
 medial and distal
 medial and anterior
 posterior and intermediate
The word derived from two Greek words
meaning “a cutting up” is:
The study of how the body functions is called:
The relationship between the knee and the ankle
can be described as:
 a.the knee is inferior to the ankle
 b.the knee is distal to the ankle
 c.the knee is proximal to the ankle
 d.both A and B above
The relationship between the skin and the
muscles can be described as:
 a.the skin is superficial to the muscle
 b.the muscle is superficial to the skin
 c.the muscle is deep to the skin
 d.both A and C above
The spinal cavity is part of the:
 a.dorsal cavity
 b.ventral cavity
 c.cranial cavity
 d.none of the above
A frontal section through the head would divide:
 a.the forehead from the chin
 b.the nose from the back of the head
 c.the right eye from the left eye
 d.none of the above
The relationship between an organ and organ
system is similar to the relationship between a
cell and:
 organism
 b.the cellular level of organization
 c.a tissue
 d.none of the above
Which of the following is not controlled by a
negative feedback loop?
 a.body temperature
 b.blood oxygen concentration
 c.fluid levels of the body
 d.blood clot formation
The cell is the smallest living structural unit of
the body.
Because humans walk upright, superior and
superficial mean the same thing.
Because humans walk upright, dorsal and
posterior mean the same thing.
The skin is superficial to the ribs.
The arms and legs are part of the appendicular
body portion.
Explain the concept of homeostasis. Why is this
so important to the survival of the body?
The red bone marrow is important in the
skeletal function of:
The strong fibrous membrane covering the shaft
of the long bone is called the:
 a.diaphysis
 b.epiphysis
 c.periosteum
 d.endosteum
Trabeculae are:
a.needlelike threads of spongy bone
b.the basic structure of cartilage
c.the basic structure of compact bone
d.the basic structure of bone marrow
The bone cells in the Haversian system are found
in little spaces called:
 a.central canal
 b.canaliculi
 c.lacunae
 d.none of the above
Cartilage cells are called:
 a.osteoclasts
 b.osteocytes
 c.osteoblasts
 d.chondrocytes
The bone-resorbing cells are called:
 a.osteoclasts
 b.osteocytes
 c.osteoblasts
 d.chondrocytes
The section of the vertebral column that contains
the most vertebrae is the:
 a.cervical section
 b.thoracic section
 c.lumbar section
 d.sacrum section
The metacarpals are the bones of the:
 a.wrist
 b.foot
 c.ankle
 d.none of the above
The tarsals are the bones of the:
 a.wrist
 b.foot
 c.ankle
 d.none of the above
The knee is an example of a(n):
 a.amphiarthritic joint
 b.synarthrotic joint
 c.diarthrotic joint
 d.none of the above
Which bone is not part of the coxal bone?
 a.sacrum
 b.pubis
 c.ischium
 d.ilium
Straightening a bent elbow is:
 a.flexion
 b.rotation
 c.abduction
 d.extension
 e.adduction
 f.circumduction
Moving part of the body toward the midline of
the body is:
 a.flexion
 b.rotation
 c.abduction
 d.extension
 e.adduction
 f.circumduction
Explain the function of the following cells:
osteoblast, osteoclasts, and epiphyseal plates.
What is osteoporosis? How can it be prevented
or treated?
The membrane covering the lungs is called the:
 a.visceral pleura
 b.visceral peritoneum
c.parietal pleura
 d.parietal peritoneum
Which of the following is not a mucous
 a.Lining of the respiratory tract
 b.Lining of the blood vessels
 c.Lining of the digestive tract
 d.All of the above are examples of mucous
The outermost layer of the epidermis is called
 a.dermal papillae
 b.stratum germinativum
 c.stratum corneum
 d.subcutaneous layer
The upper region of the dermis containing
parallel rows of tiny bumps is called the:
 a.dermal papillae
 b.stratum germinativum
 c.stratum corneum
 d.subcutaneous layer
The small muscle attached to the hair is called
 papilla
 b.lanugo
 c.arrector pili
 root
The receptor in skin that detects pressure is the:
 a.Krause’s end bulb
 b.pacinian corpuscle
 c.Meissner’s corpuscle
 nerve endings
The glands of skin that produce a thin, watery
secretion are the:
 a.sebaceous glands
 b.eccrine glands
 c.apocrine glands
 d.endocrine glands
Which of the following is not a function of skin?
 a.Protection
 b.Temperature regulation
 c.Sense organ for the body
 d.All of the above are functions of skin
Which of the following is not an accessory
structure of the integumentary system?
 a.Hair
 b.Skin
 c.Nails
 d.All of the above are appendages
Which of the following is true of the epidermis?
 a.It is the outermost layer of skin.
 b.It is thicker than the dermis.
 c.It is made up of connective tissue.
 d.All of the above are true of the epidermis.
Chapter 4 lists two organ systems important in
the regulation of the acid-base balance. Name
the two organ systems.
The skeletal system contains about:
 a.157 bones
 b.326 bones
 c.411 bones
 d.206 bones
The accessory structures of the skin include all
of the following except:
 a.teeth
 c.nails
 d.sweat glands
The DNA replicates itself during:
 a.interphase
 b.prophase
 c.anaphase
 d.telophase
Protein synthesis consists of the process of:
 a.mitosis
 b.translation
 c.transcription
 d.both B and C above
The main difference between active and passive
transport is:
 a.the amount of material moved
 b.the direction in which the material is moved
 c.whether cell energy is required
 d.the type of cell involved
If a 5% glucose solution were separated from a 10%
glucose solution by a membrane that was permeable
to both water and glucose:
 a.glucose would move from the 5% solution to the
10% solution
 b.water would move from the 5% solution to the 10%
 c.the movement of glucose between the two solutions
would be equal
 d.water would move from the 10% solution to the 5%
The ideal body-fat percentage is considered to
 a.8% to 12% for men and 12% to 15% for
 b.12% to 18% for men and 25% to 30% for
 c.12% to 18% for men and 18% to 24% for
 d.18% to 24% for both men and women
What type of tissue is cardiac tissue?
 a.epithelial tissue
 b.connective tissue
 c.muscle tissue
 d.nervous tissue
Name and describe the phases of mitosis.