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Neuromuscular Adaptations to
Resistance Training
Chapter 19
 Strength
 Power
 Endurance
 Muscular
strength is the maximum
amount of force a muscle or group of
muscles can generate.
 Muscular
power is the product of
strength and the speed of movement.
 Though
two individuals may have the
same strength, if one requires less time
than the other to move an identical load the
same distance, the first individual has
more power.
Muscular Endurance
 Muscular
endurance is the ability of
your muscles to sustain repeated
muscle actions or a single static action.
Neural adaptations
 Neural
adaptations always accompany
the strength grains that result from
resistance training, but hypertrophy
might or might not be present.
Neural adaptations
 Neural
mechanisms leading to strength
gains can include recruitment of more
motor units to act synchronously and
decreases in autogenic inhibition from
Golgi tendon organs.
Neural adaptations
 When
the tension on a muscle’s tendons
and internal connective tissue
structures exceeds the threshold of the
imbedded Golgi tendon organs, motor
neurons to that muscle are inhibited.
 This
reflex is called autogenic inhibition.
Muscle adaptations
 Transient
muscle hypertrophy is the
pumped-up feeling you get
immediately after an exercise bout.
It results from edema and is short-lived.
Muscle adaptations
 Chronic
muscle hypertrophy occurs
from repeated resistance training and
reflects actual structural changes in the
Steroid Induced Hypertrophy
Muscle adaptations
 Although
most muscle hypertrophy
probably results from an increase in the
size of individual muscle fibers (fiber
hypertrophy), some evidence suggests
that an increase in the number of
muscle fibers (hyperplasia) might also
be involved.
Muscle adaptations
 Muscles
will atrophy, meaning they
decrease in size and strength, when
they become inactive, such as with
injury or disuse.
Muscle adaptations
 Atrophy
begins very quickly if training
is stopped.
 Training
can be reduced, as in a
maintenance program, without
resulting in atrophy or loss of strength.
Fiber adaptations
 One
fiber type can take on
characteristics of the opposite type in
response to training.
Fiber adaptations
 Evidence
indicates that one fiber type
might actually be converted to the other
type as a result of cross-innervation or
chronic stimulation.
Muscle Soreness
 Acute
muscle soreness occurs late in an
exercise bout and during the immediate
recovery period.
Muscle Soreness
 Delayed-onset
muscle soreness (DOMS)
occurs a day or two after the exercise
Muscle Soreness
 Eccentric
action seems to be the
primary instigator of this type of
Muscle Soreness
 Proposed
causes of DOMS include
structural damage to muscle cells and
inflammatory reactions within the
Muscle Soreness
 Armstrong’s
proposed model of the
sequence of events that cause DOMS
structural damage
 impaired calcium availability leading to
 accumulation of irritants
 increased macrophage activity
Muscle Soreness
 Muscle
soreness can be prevented or
minimized by:
reducing the eccentric component of
muscle action during early training
 starting training at a low intensity and
gradually increasing it, or,
 beginning with a high-intensity,
exhaustive bout, which will cause much
soreness initially but will decrease future
Resistance Training
 Resistance
training actions can use
static or dynamic actions.
 Dynamic
actions include the use of free
weights, variable resistance, isokinetic
actions, and plyometrics.
Resistance Training
needs analysis should be completed
before designing a training program to
tailor the program to the exerciser’s
specific needs.
Resistance Training
 Low-repetition,
high-resistance training
enhances strength development
 High repetition, low-intensity training
optimizes muscular endurance
Resistance Training
 Periodization,
through which various
aspects of the training program are
varied, is important to prevent
overtraining or burnout.
 Typically
the goal is to gradually decrease
volume while increasing intensity.
typical cycle has four phases, each
emphasizing a different muscle fitness
component, plus an active recovery
Resistance Training
 Strength
gains are highly specific to the
speed of training and the movement
patterns used in training.
Resistance Training
 For
maximum benefit, a resistance
training program must include
activities quite similar to those
experienced by the athlete in actual
Age-related Resistance
 Resistance
training can benefit almost
everyone, regardless of a person’s
gender, age, or athletic involvement.
Age-related Resistance
 Most
individuals can benefit from
resistance training if an appropriate
program is designed for them.
Age-related Resistance
 But
to ensure that the program is
working, performance should be
assessed periodically and adjustments
made to the training regime as needed
Considerations for Special
 1.
 2. Older.
 3. Cardiac patients.