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The bird flu
What’s BIRD FLU?
Avian influenza
influenza A virus(H5N1 strain)
Brief Overview of Life Cycle
Bird Flu, a Threat to Human Health
1918-19 Spanish flu
1957-58 Asian flu
1968-69 Hong Kong flu
1997 Hong Kong flu
Where are the birds flying to?
effective vaccines and antiviral
drugs ?
To lessen your risk of becoming
infected with bird flu:
Avoid contact with live chickens and ducks - even ones
that appear healthy.
Avoid contact with dead birds.
Avoid contact with items or surfaces
that may have been contaminated with
excrement from an infected bird.
All foods from poultry, including eggs,
should be thoroughly cooked.
As with other infectious illnesses, one of the most
important preventive practices is careful and frequent
hand washing.
Watch for symptoms such as a fever, difficulty
breathing, cough, or any illness that requires prompt
medical attention.
Since December 2003, highly pathogenic H5N1
avian influenza viruses have swept through poultry
populations across Asia and parts of Europe. The
outbreaks are historically unprecedented in scale
and geographical spread. Their economic impact on
the agricultural sector of the affected countries has
been large. From December 2003 to mid-July 2005,
outbreaks of avian influenza A(H5N1) in poultry
occurred in nine countries (Cambodia, China,
Indonesia, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Lao
People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Thailand
and Viet Nam).
Since late July 2005, outbreaks in domestic poultry
as well as wild birds have been reported in the
Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and Mongolia.
Outbreaks have recurred despite aggressive control
measures, including the culling of more than 140
million poultry as of September 2005.
Human cases, with an overall fatality rate
around 50%, have been reported in
Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand and Viet
Nam. The majority of human infections
occur sporadically. Increased infection of
humans comes in winter months, November
to March, with a smaller increase around
July to September. Almost all human
infections can be linked to contact with
infected poultry, but isolated instances of
inefficient human-to-human transmission
may have occurred in Viet Nam in 2004,
and possibly in Thailand and Indonesia.