Download medication ex.) antibiotics (to kill the bacteria)

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• Infection and
inflammation of the
•Alveoli fill with
fluids and mucus
resulting in coughing
and difficulty
medication ex.)
(to kill the bacteria)
• Allergic reaction
• Bronchioles become narrow
• Causes wheezing, coughing,
and difficulty breathing
• Treatment – Inhaler (usually
contains steroids)
•is an inflammation of
the bronchi.
•Symptoms include:
Coughing up extra
mucus sometimes with
Difficulty breathing
Runny Nose
• Air sacs lose their elasticity and
• Resulting in a loss of
respiratory surface in the lungs
 less gas exchange
• Leads to shortness of breath
• Caused by smoking
Lung Cancer
is a disease of
uncontrolled cell growth
in tissues of the lung
The most common
symptoms are shortness
of breath, coughing
(including coughing up
blood), and weight loss.
The main causes of lung cancer include:
•carcinogens (such as those in tobacco smoke)
•ionizing radiation
•viral infection
Common treatments
include surgery,
chemotherapy, and
radiation therapy
is a common and often
deadly infectious disease
caused by bacteria
The classic symptoms of
tuberculosis are a chronic
cough with blood-tinged
sputum, fever, night
sweats, and weight loss.
Tuberculosis is spread through the air,
when people who have the disease
cough, sneeze, or spit
Treatment for TB uses
antibiotics to kill the