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Heart Problems
Heart Disease
Electrical Issues
Heart Disease
Symptoms of a heart attack:
 Discomfort, pressure, heaviness, or
pain in the chest, arm, or below the
 Discomfort radiating to the back, jaw,
throat, or arm
 Fullness, indigestion, or choking
feeling (may feel like heartburn)
 Sweating, nausea, vomiting, or
 Extreme weakness, anxiety, or
shortness of breath
 Rapid or irregular heartbeats
Scientists Induce Heart Stem Cells
Repair Damage After a Heart Attack
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the
single leading cause of death.
There are over 1.2 million heart
attacks in the United States every year
and about 34% will die of it.
Cancer (Brain or Heart)
Location and size of the tumor.
Increased intracranial or Cardio thoracic
pressure as the growing tumor affects
surrounding structures:
Frequent headaches
Blurry vision
Nausea and/or vomiting
Personality or cognitive changes
Speech impairment, weakness or
numbness on one side and problems
with coordination, balance or mobility.
Heart Rhythm Disorders
Tachycardia (tachy=fast) is a too-rapid heartbeat.
Bradycardia describes a heartbeat that is too slow.
Premature heartbeat occurs when the heart's
regular rhythm is interrupted by early or premature
 Fibrillation describes a heartbeat that
is chaotic, or irregular, and may seem to
skip beats or beat out of rhythm. This
occurs when a chamber of the heart
goes into spasm and fails to pump.
In atrial fibrillation, electrical signals
circulate rapidly in the upper chambers
of the heart.
Two Types of AFib
Sporatic - Occassional fast beats. One
to five occurrances per year. Easy fix –
called Ablation. Local hospital can do
Persistent – Stays is Afib for weeks and
months. Very serious. Best solution is
a Thoracoscopic Maze procedure at
Ohio State University Hospital, Dr. John
See 95% cure rate.
Vescell Therapy
Heart stem cell treatment centers: 5 hospitals in
Bangkok, Thailand, one in Singapore, China, and
Athens, Greece.
Ejection fraction is a test that determines how
well your heart pumps with each beat. Normal
50%, less than 30% problem
Dr. Zannos Grekos is the Director of Cardiology
and Vascular Diseases/Regenocyte, Bonita
Springs, FL.
Dr. Grekos is using Adult Stem Cell Therapy to
treat Congestive Heart Failure, Cardiomyopathy,
Peripheral Artery Disease, Coronary Artery
Disease, Ischemic Heart Disease, Pulmonary
Disease, Early Senile Dementia, Macular
Degeneration(Eyes), and other conditions.
Brain Problems
Right vs Left
Problem Solving
Stem Brain
Spinal Cord
Gamma Knife Surgery - Archbold in Thomasville
Archbold using daVinci Surgical System for lung
cancer August 13, 2011
Capital Regional uses Tomography (CTA):
Views blood vessels throughout the body. Brain,
heart, lungs, kidneys, legs or arms.
Right vs Left Brain
Right Brain Inventory
• Visual,
focusing on images
Left Brain Inventory
Verbal, focusing on words
• Intuitive, led by feelings
Analytical, led by logic
• Process ideas simultaneously
Process ideas sequentially
• 'Mind photos' used to remember Words used to remember things,
• Make lateral connections
Make logical deductions
• First big picture, then the details Focus on details, then the big picture
Right vs. Left
Organization lacking
Highly organized
• Free association
Like making lists and planning
• Challenge rules
Follow rules without questioning
• No sense of time
Good at keeping track of time
• Trouble with spelling
Spelling easily memorized
• Enjoy feeling objects
Enjoy observing
• Often late, impulsive
Plan ahead
Problem Solving
Brain Injury
Right side malfunction
Stem Brain
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Impaired brain stem conduction
Ventilatory effects of impaired glial
function in brain stem
Spinal Cord
Impaired physical mobility
Impaired Limbs
Impaired spinal cord re-myelination
Impaired Urinary elimination
Impaired spinal cord glutamate
transport capacity
Epilepsy is one of the most common
neurological disorders, affecting up to
1 percent of the population in the U.S.
Stick-on wireless patch. Any place on the body.
The Best Doctors
Dr. Crooms TMH Prostate/hemorrhoids
Dr. Ann Carr TMH NeuroSurgeon
Dr. Charles Maitland TMH Neurologist
Dr. Albert Lee TMH Cervical Surgeon
Dr. John Sirak Columbus, Ohio Persistent Afib
Dr. Zannos Grekos Bonita Springs, FL
Stem Cell Specialist
Heart, Eyes, Brain, & Body
Better Brain Care, LLC
Dr. Jack Golden & Barry Jones, LCSW
NeuroFeedback Training
Neuronal regulation-low and high arousal
>>Brain training, pills, TT
>>Brain training, pills, TT
Sleep problems >>Brain training, pills, TT
Chronic pain
>>Brain training, pills, TT
>>Brain training, pills, TT