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The Circulatory System
The Heart and Blood Vessels
Main Function
 To transport blood around the body
along with the nutrients contained
within the blood
 Example: oxygen
Three Main Parts
 The Heart
 The Blood Vessels
 The Blood within
the vessels
Size and Location of Heart
 Avg size: 15 cm long, 9 cm wide
 Bordered laterally by lungs,
posteriorly by spinal column,
anteriorly by sternum
 Covered on surface by visceral
pericardium which turns back on itself
and becomes the parietal pericardium
 Made of dense CT, attaches to
diaphragm, sternum, vertebral column,
and large blood vessels emerging from
Wall of the Heart
 Three distinct layers:
 Epicardium – outer layer that protects
heart by reducing friction
 Serous membrane
 Myocardium – thick middle layer used
to pump blood out of heart chamber
 Cardiac muscle tissue
 Endocardium – inner layer containing
many elastic and collagenous fibers
 Also contains some blood vessels
Chambers of the Heart
 Four chambers
 Two upper chambers: right and left ATRIA
 Thin walls, receive blood from returning to the
 Two lower chambers: right and left
 Receive blood from atria, then contract to force
blood out of the heart into arteries
 Septum – solid wall like structure that
separates the right from the left side 
blood from right will never mix w/ blood
from left
Valves of the Heart
 Tricuspid valve – three cusps, lies
between right atrium and right ventricle
preventing backflow
 Strong fibrous strings attach to cusps and
papillary muscles that are used to keep cusps
from swinging back into atrium
 Pulmonary valve – allows blood to leave
right ventricle and enter pulmonary trunk
and prevents backflow
 Semilunar in shape
Valves of the Heart cont.
 Bicuspid valve – two cusps, lies
between left atrium and left ventricle
preventing backflow
 Aortic valve – opens to allow blood
to leave left ventricle and enter aorta
 Semilunar in shape
Path of Blood Flow
 Heart Diagram
Vena Cava
Pulmonary Artery
Right Atrium
Pulmonic Valve
Tricuspid Valve
Right Ventricle
Oxygenation of Blood in Lungs
 HEMOGLOBIN is a molecule in red
blood cells that binds to oxygen
 Deoxygenated blood becomes
oxygenated when hemoglobin picks
up (binds to) oxygen in the lungs
 Oxyhemoglobin is bright red
Vena Cava
Pulmonary Vein
Pulmonary Artery
Left Atrium
Right Atrium
Bicuspid Valve
Aortic Valve
Pulmonary Valve
Tricuspid Valve
Left Ventricle
Right Ventricle
So to review:
Vena Cava  Right Atrium 
Tricuspid Valve  Right Ventricle 
Pulmonary Valve Pulmonary
Artery  Lungs  Pulmonary Vein
 Left Atrium  Bicuspid Valve 
Left Ventricle  Aortic Valve 
Aorta  Body