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Logic gate delay.
 Logic gate power consumption.
 Driving large loads.
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 2
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Logic levels
Solid logic 0/1 defined by VSS/VDD.
 Inner bounds of logic values VL/VH are not
directly determined by circuit properties, as
in some other logic families.
logic 1
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 2
logic 0
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Logic level matching
Levels at output of one gate must be
sufficient to drive next gate.
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 2
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Transfer characteristics
Transfer curve shows static input/output
relationship—hold input voltage, measure
output voltage.
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 2
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Inverter transfer curve
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 2
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Logic thresholds
Choose threshold voltages at points where
slope of transfer curve = -1.
 Inverter has a high gain between VIL and
VIH points, low gain at outer regions of
transfer curve.
 Note that logic 0 and 1 regions are not equal
sized—in this case, high pullup resistance
leads to smaller logic 1 range.
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 2
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Noise margin
Noise margin = voltage difference between
output of one gate and input of next. Noise
must exceed noise margin to make second
gate produce wrong output.
 In static gates, t= voltages are VDD and
VSS, so noise margins are VDD-VIH and VILVSS.
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 2
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Assume ideal input (step), RC load.
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 2
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Delay assumptions
Assume that only one transistor is on at a
time. This gives two cases:
– rise time, pullup on;
– fall time, pullup off.
Assume resistor model for transistor.
Ignores saturation region and
mischaracterizes linear region, but results
are acceptable.
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 2
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Current through transistor
Transistor starts in saturation region, then
moves to linear region.
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 2
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Resistive model for transistor
Average V/I at two voltages:
– maximum output voltage
– middle of linear region
Voltage is Vds, current is given Id at that
drain voltage. Step input means that Vgs =
VDD always.
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Resistive approximation
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 2
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Ways of measuring gate delay
Delay: time required for gate’s output to
reach 50% of final value.
 Transition time: time required for gate’s
output to reach 10% (logic 0) or 90% (logic
1) of final value.
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 2
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Inverter delay circuit
Load is resistor + capacitor, driver is
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 2
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Inverter delay with t model
t model: gate delay based on RC time
constant t.
 Vout(t) = VDD exp{-t/(Rn+RL)/ CL}
 tf = 2.2 R CL
 For pullup time, use pullup resistance.
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 2
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
t model inverter delay
90 nm process:
– Rn = 11.1 kW
– Cl = 0.12 fF
– tf = 2.2 x 11.1E3 x 0.12E-15 = 2.9 ps.
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Quality of RC approximation
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 2
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Quality of step input
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 2
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Results of using small pullup
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 2
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Other models
Current source model (used in power/delay
– tf = CL (VDD-VSS)/Id
– = CL (VDD-VSS)/0.5 k’ (W/L) (VDD-VSS -Vt)2
Fitted model: fit curve to measured circuit
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 2
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Body effect and gates
Difference between source and substrate
voltages causes body effect.
 Source for gates in middle of network may
not equal substrate:
Source above VSS
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 2
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Body effect and gate input
To minimize body effect, put early arriving
signals at transistors closest to power
Early arriving signal
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 2
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Power consumption analysis
Dynamic power consumption comes from
switching behavior.
 Static power dissipation comes from
leakage currents.
 Surprising result: dynamic power
consumption is independent of the sizes of
the pullups and pulldowns.
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 2
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Power consumption circuit
Input is square wave.
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 2
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Power consumption
A single cycle requires one charge and one
discharge of capacitor: E = CL(VDD - VSS)2 .
 Clock frequency f = 1/t.
 Energy E = CL(VDD - VSS)2.
 Power = E x f = f CL(VDD - VSS)2.
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 2
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Observations on power
Resistance of pullup/pulldown drops out of
energy calculation.
 Power consumption depends on operating
– Slower-running circuits use less power (but not
less energy to perform the same computation).
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 2
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Speed-power product
Also known as power-delay product.
 Helps measure quality of a logic family.
 For static CMOS:
– SP = P/f = CV2.
Static CMOS speed-power product is
independent of operating frequency.
– Voltage scaling depends on this fact.
– Considers only dynamic power.
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 2
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Sources of leakage
Weak inversion current (subthreshold current)
Gate-induced drain leakage at the gate/drain
Drain-induced barrier lowering of the source.
Punchthrough currents.
Reverse-biased pn junctions.
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 2
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Subthreshold leakage current
Strong function of the threshold voltage Vt.
 Important in 90 nm and below technologies.
 Can adjust threshold by changing substrate
 Leakage through a chain of transistors is
lower than leakage through a single
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 2
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Driving large loads
Sometimes, large loads must be driven:
– off-chip;
– long wires on-chip.
Sizing up the driver transistors only pushes
back the problem—driver now presents
larger capacitance to earlier stage.
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 2
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Cascaded driver circuit
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 2
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR
Optimal sizing
Use a chain of inverters, each stage has
transistors a larger than previous stage.
 Minimize total delay through driver chain:
– ttot = n(Cbig/Cg)1/n tmin.
Optimal number of stages:
– nopt = ln(Cbig/Cg).
Driver sizes are exponentially tapered with
size ratio a.
FPGA-Based System Design: Chapter 2
Copyright  2004 Prentice Hall PTR