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Actuated Systems
CSE 495/595: Intro to Micro- and Nano- Embedded Systems
Prof. Darrin Hanna
Ink Jet Printer Head
• Hewlett-Packard, Inc., Palo Alto, California
• Early inkjet heads used electroformed nickel nozzles
• More recent use nozzle plates drilled by laser ablation
• silicon micromachining more expensive
• High resolution printing – micromachined nozzles
• 1,200 dots per inch (dpi)
• spacing between adjacent nozzles is 21 µm
• cheaper using micromachining
Ink Jet Printer Head
• well contains a small volume of ink
• surface tension
• droplet propelled using thin-film resistor made of tantalumaluminum alloy
• locally heats water-based ink to over 250ºC
• within 5 µs, a bubble forms
• peak pressures reach 1.4 MPa
(200 psi)
• expels ink out of the hole
• after 15 µs, the ink droplet is ejected
from the nozzle
• volume on the order of 10-10 liters
Ink Jet Printer Head
• within 24 µs of the firing pulse, the tail of the ink droplet
• bubble collapses inside the nozzle
• results in high cavitation pressure
• within less than 50 µs, the chamber refills
• ink meniscus at the hole settles
Ink Jet Printer Head
Sample Fabrication
• oxidize silicon wafer for thermal and electrical isolation
• sputter 0.1 µm of tantalum-aluminum alloy
• TaAl is resistive, near-zero thermal coefficient of
• sputter aluminum containing a small amount of copper
• aluminum and TaAl are patterned leaving an Al/TaAl
“sandwich” to form conductive traces.
Ink Jet Printer Head
Sample Fabrication
• remove aluminum from the resistor location leaving TaAl resistors
• resistors and conductive traces are protected by layers of PECVD
silicon nitride and silicon carbide
• SiN -- electrical insulator
• SiC -- electrically conductive at elevated temperatures but more
chemically inert than SiN
Ink Jet Printer Head
Sample Fabrication
• bilayer passivation with appropriate thermal properties and
needed chemical protection reduces pinholes
• SiC/SiN layers are patterned to make openings over the bond
• tantalum sputtering is followed by gold sputtering
• Ta acts as an adhesion layer for the Au
• Au and Ta remain only on the contact pads and resistor
• Au etched off of the resistor
Ink Jet Printer Head
Sample Fabrication
• spin on polyimide and partially cure
• patterned to leave a channel through which ink flows
to the resistor
• fabricate nickel orifice plate separately using electroforming
or laser ablation
• aligned and bonded to silicon structure by the polyimide
• Applications
• difficult to compete with traditional valves (price and
performance) – more of a niche product
Micromachined Valve from Redwood
• Membrane is heated to either open or close the valve
• Fluorinert perfluorocarbon from 3M
Micromachined Valve from Redwood
• Membrane is heated to either open or close the valve
Micromachined Valve from Redwood
• boiling point ranges from 56° to 250ºC
• large temperature coefficients of expansion (~ 0.13% per degree
• electrically insulating
• control liquid choice determines:
• actuation temperature
• power consumption
• switching times
Micromachined Valve from Redwood
• NO-1500 Fluistor normally open gas valve
• control of the flow rate for noncorrosive gases
• flow rate ranges from 0.1 sccm up to 1,500 sccm
• maximum inlet supply pressure is 690 kPa (100 psig)
• switching time is typically 0.5s
• average power consumption is 500 mW
Micromachined Valve from Redwood
• The NC-1500 Fluistor normally closed gas valve
• similar pressure and flow ratings as NO-1500
• switching response is 1s and it consumes 1.5W
• measures approximately 6 mm × 6 mm × 2 mm
• Fluistor relies on the absolute temperature
• valve cannot operate at elevated ambient temperature
• rated for operation from 0° to 55ºC
Micromachined Valve from Redwood
• fluid flow through an ideal orifice depends on the differential
pressure across it
• volume flow rate
 CD A0 2P / 
ΔP is the difference in pressure
ρ is the density of the fluid
A0 is the orifice area
CD is the discharge coefficient
0.65 for a wide range of orifice
Micromachined Valve from Redwood
• intermediate silicon layer etched using KOH
• both sides of the wafer
• front-side etch forms the cavity to be filled with liquid
• bottom side forms the fulcrum as well as the valve plug
• timed etch rate of both etches form thin diaphragm
Micromachined Valve from TiNi Alloy
• very different
• actuation mechanism is titanium-nickel (TiNi)
• a shape-memory alloy
• very efficient actuators
• can produce a large volumetric energy density
• approximately five to 10 times higher than other methods
• TiNi processing is not easily integrated in regular MEMS
Micromachined Valve from TiNi Alloy
• three silicon wafers
• one berylliumcopper spring
• maintain a closing force on the valve poppet (plug)
• one wafer incorporates an orifice
• second wafer is a spacer
• third wafer contains the poppet suspended from a spring structure
made of a thin-film titaniumnickel alloy
Micromachined Valve from TiNi Alloy
• sapphire ball
• between a beryllium-copper spring and third wafer
• pushes the poppet out of the plane of the third wafer through the
spacer of the second wafer to close the orifice in the first wafer
• normally closed
Micromachined Valve from TiNi Alloy
• current flow through the titanium-nickel alloy heats the spring above
its transition temperature (~ 100ºC)
• contracts and recover its original undeflected position
• pulls the poppet back from the orifice - opens
Micromachined Valve from TiNi Alloy
• thin-film deposition and anisotropic etching
• form the silicon elements of the valve
• orifice and the spacer wafers is simple
Micromachined Valve from TiNi Alloy
• third wafer containing the poppet and the titanium-nickel spring
• SiO2 is deposited on both sides of the wafer
• back side -- timed anisotropic etch using the SiO2 as a mask
defines a silicon membrane.
• TMAH because of its extreme selectivity to SiO2
Micromachined Valve from TiNi Alloy
• sputter titanium-nickel film, a few micrometers thickness on front
• pattern
• this film determines the transition temperature
• double-sided lithography ensures that the TiNi pattern aligns with the
cavities on the back side
Micromachined Valve from TiNi Alloy
• evaporation and pattern Au
• defines the bond pads and the metal contacts to the TiNi actuator
• wet or plasma etch from the back side to remove thin Si membrane
• frees the poppet
Micromachined Valve from TiNi Alloy
• bond the three wafers together using glass thermo-compression
• Si fusion bonding not practical since TiNi rapidly oxidizes at
temperatures above 300ºC (that would be a bad thing)
• assembling valve elements is manual
• list price for one valve is about $200
Sliding Plate Microvalve
• many micromachined valves use a vertically movable diaphragm or
plug over an orifice
• diaphragm or plug sustains a pressure difference across it
• pressure difference x area = force that must be overcome for the
diaphragm to move
• high pressures and flow rates  large forces for a tiny device
Sliding Plate Microvalve
low power consumption
fast switching speeds
consumes less than 200 mW
switches on in about 10 ms and off in about 15 ms
maximum gas flow rate & inlet pressure 1,000 sccm and 690 kPa
valve measures 8 mm × 5 mm × 2 mm
Sliding Plate Microvalve
• intended for use in such automotive applications
• braking and air conditioning
• require ability to control liquids or gases at high pressures
• ~2,000 psi (14 MPa)
• wide temperature range
• –40°C to +125°C
Sliding Plate Microvalve
• a plate, or slider, moves horizontally across the vertical flow
from an orifice
• forces due to pressure can be balanced to minimize the force
that must be supplied to the slider
Sliding Plate Microvalve
once again, three layers of Si
inlet and outlets ports formed in the top and bottom layers
normally open valve
One of the two paths of fluid flow
• past the top orifice between the slider and the top wafer
• through the second layer of Si
• down out of the outlet port formed in the bottom wafer
Sliding Plate Microvalve
• A second path of the two paths of fluid flow
• through the slot in the slider
• under the slider
• through the lower controlling orifice
• out of the outlet port.
Sliding Plate Microvalve
• reduce or turn off the flow
• actuator moves the slider to the right
• reduces the area of the two controlling orifices
• pressure inside the slot = the inlet pressure pin
• horizontal pressure forces on internal surfaces of the
slot are equal and opposite (balanced)
• horizontal pressure forces on external surfaces of the
slot balance each other because the pressure outside the
slot is equal to the outlet pressure pout.
Sliding Plate Microvalve
• pressure forces also balanced vertically
• pressures on the top and bottom surfaces of the slider are
equal to the inlet pressure
• not perfect, but good
• operation is few MPa (hundreds of psi).
Sliding Plate Microvalve
Physical Desc
• actuator is entirely in the middle Si
• a small gap above and below all
moving parts to allow motion
• approximately .5 to 1 µm
• thermal actuator - mechanically
flexible “ribs” suspended in middle and
anchored at edges
• electrically resistive
Sliding Plate Microvalve
Physical Desc
• current flow through ribs heats them
• expand
• centers of ribs push movable pushrod
to the left
• torque about the fixed hinge
• moves slider tip in the opposite
• after current stops ribs cool down
• mechanical restoring force of the
hinges and ribs returns the slider to its
initial position
Sliding Plate Microvalve
Physical Desc
• depending on the geometry of the
actuator ribs the actuation response
time can vary
• few to hundreds of ms
• depth of recesses above and below
ribs can be increased to lower the heatflow rate
• reduces power consumption
• slows the response when cooling
Sliding Plate Microvalve
• shallow recess cavities are etched in
top and bottom
• KOH etch creates the ports, deep
recess, and through hole for electrical
• actuator in the middle wafer is etched
using DRIE
• Si fusion bonding to stack wafers
• metal for electrical contacts in
middle wafer
• ports are protected with dicing tape
to keep them clean
Sliding Plate Microvalve
• typical design includes ten or more
rib pairs
• each rib is approximately 100 µm
wide, 2,000 µm long, and 400 µm
thick, and is inclined at an angle of a
few degrees
• water at pressures reaching 1.3 MPa
(190 psig) and flows of 300 ml/min
• does not match automotive
requirements yet 
• must compete with traditional small pumps
• Lee Company of Westbrook, Connecticut, manufactures a
family of pumps
• 51 mm × 12.7 mm × 19 mm (2 in × 0.5 in × 0.75 in)
• weigh only 50g (1.8 oz)
• dispense up to 6 ml/min with a power consumption of
2W from a 12-V dc supply
• micromachined pumps can be readily integrated along with
other fluidic components
• automated miniature system
• four wafers!
• bottom two wafers - two check valves at inlet and outlet
• top two wafers - the electrostatic actuation unit
• voltage applied between the top two wafers actuates the pump
• expands the volume of the inner chamber
• draws liquid through the inlet check valve to fill the
additional chamber volume
• when applied ac voltage goes through 0
• diaphragm relaxes
• pushes the liquid out through the outlet check valve
• flap can each move only in a single direction
• inlet valve flap moves only as liquid enters to fill the pump
inner chamber
• outlet valve is opposite
• So, is this bidirectional or will this only pump fluid in one
• So, is this bidirectional or will this only pump fluid in one
• as long as pump diaphragm displaces liquid at a frequency
lower than the natural frequencies of the two valve flaps
• at higher actuation frequencies—above the natural frequencies
of the flap—the response of the two flaps lags the actuation drive
• when pump diaphragm draws liquid into the chamber
• inlet flap can’t respond instantaneously
• remains closed for a moment longer
• outlet flap is still open from previous cycle and does not
respond quickly to closing
• the outlet flap is open and the inlet flap is closed
• draws liquid into the chamber through the outlet
• phase difference between the flaps and the actuation must
exceed 180º
• pump rate rises with frequency
• peak flow rate of 800 µl/min at 1 kHz
• at exactly the natural frequency of the flaps (1.6 kHz)
• pump rate rapidly drops to zero
• phase difference is precisely 180º
• both valves are simultaneously open— no flow
• after natural frequency the pump reverses direction
• further increase in frequency reaches a peak backwards flow
rate of –200 µl/min at 2.5 kHz
• at ~10 kHz actuation is much faster than the flaps’ response
• flow rate is zero
• peak actuation voltage is 200V
• power dissipation is less than 1 mW
• rectangular trenches in a substrate with cap covers on top,
capillaries, and slabs of gel
• cross-sectional dimensions on the order of 10 to 100 µm
• lengths of tens of micrometers to several centimeters
• fluid drive or pumping methods
• applied pressure drop (common)
• capillary pressure (common)
• electrophoresis (common)
• electroosmosis (common)
• electrohydrodynamic force
• magnetohydrodynamic force
• pressure drive
• apply positive pressure to one end of a flow channel
• negative pressure (vacuum) can be applied to the other end
• Electrophoretic flow can be induced only in liquids or gels with
ionized particles
• apply voltage across the ends of the channel
• produces an electric field along the channel that drives positive
ions through the liquid toward the negative terminal and the
negative ions to the positive terminal
• velocity of the ions is proportional to the electric field and charge
and inversely related to their size
• in liquids
• velocity is also inversely related to the viscosity
• in gels
• velocity depends on porosity.
• Electroosmotic flow occurs because channels in glasses and plastics
tend to have a fixed charge on their surfaces
• in glasses silanol (SiOH) groups at walls lose the hydrogen as a
positive ion, leaving the surface with a negative charge
• negative ions attract a layer of + ions forming a double layer
• layer of positive ions not tightly bound
• can move under an applied electric field
• moving ions drag the rest of the channel volume along creating
electroosmotic flow
• velocity at the center of the channel is about the same or slightly
less, giving the fluid a flat velocity profile