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 A preposition is a word that shows the relationship
of a noun or a pronoun, called the object of the
preposition, to another word.
 Ex: The book is on the table.
 On is the preposition and table is the object of the
 A preposition, its object, and any modifiers of the
object form a prepositional phrase.
 The prepositional phrase in the sentence above is
on the table.
 A preposition is a part of speech that can describe:
Location (on, under, in)
Timing (before, after, during)
Direction (from, toward, to)
A preposition that consists of two or more words is called a
compound preposition.
Some commonly used compound prepositions are:
about, above, across, after, against, along, among, around, at, before, behind,
below, beneath, beside, besides, between, beyond, but (when it means
except), by, concerning, down, during, except, for, from, in, inside, into,
like, near, of, off, on, out, outside, over, past, since, through, to, toward,
under, until, up, upon, with, within, and without.
Adverb or Preposition
 Many of the common words used as prepositions can be used as
adverbs. Words are prepositions if they have an object to
complete them. To decide which it is say the preposition followed
by whom or what. If a noun or a pronoun answers the question,
the word is a preposition.
 Example: The boy stood up and ran down the street. Up what?
There is no object; therefore up is not a preposition. Down what?
Street answers the question; therefore, down is a preposition. Down
the street is the prepositional phrase starting with the preposition
down and ending with the object street with a modifier the in
Do Now: Prepositions
Write sentences using each of the following
words as a preposition. Underline the
prepositional phrase.
6. Below
7. Outside
8. Past
9. By
10. aboard
Exit Ticket: Prepositions
 Instructions: Find the prepositional phrases in the following
sentences. Number your paper and write the phrases, circling the
preposition in each phrase.
 1. Jim painted a picture on the wall of the house.
 2. I like to lie in the shade of the apricot tree and think of the jobs
for the day.
 3. The dog jumped over the mound behind the barn and ran into
the street.
 4. Come in and sit down with me.
 5. He climbed up on the ladder and through the window.
Direct Objects
 A direct object receives the action performed by the
subject, i.e. the subject does the verb to the direct object.
 The verb used with a direct object is always an action
 Example: The car hit the tree. To find the direct object,
say the subject and verb followed by whom or what. The
car hit whom or what? Tree answers the question so tree
is the direct object.
 If nothing answers the question whom or what, you
know that there is no direct object. Example: The car
sped past. The car sped whom or what? Nothing answers
the question so the sentence has no direct object.
Direct Objects
 The direct object must be a noun or pronoun.
 A direct object will never be in a prepositional phrase.
 A direct object may be compound. Ex: The cat said
“good morning” and “Cat free to good home.” [The
parrot said what? “Good morning” and “Cat free to
good home.”]
 A D.O. may precede the subject and verb. Ex: What
remarkable tricks the illusionist performed! [The
illusionist performed what? Tricks.]
Practice: Direct Objects
 Instructions: Find the subjects, verbs, and direct
objects in the following sentences.
 1. Paul built a doll house for Hayley.
 2. The club members held a party in the park.
 3. The audience cheered their favorite actors during the
 4. Tiny children prefer short stories.
 5. Terri really dialed a wrong number last night.
 Answers:
 1. Paul = subject / built = verb / house = direct object
 2. members = subject / held = verb / party = direct object
 3. audience = subject / cheered = verb / actors = direct object
 4. children = subject / prefer = verb / stories = direct object
 5. Terri = subject / dialed = verb / number = direct object
Practice: Direct Objects
 Instructions: Find the subjects, verbs, and direct
objects in these sentences.
 1. The students of these lessons have studied subjects
and verbs.
 2. The hungry man ate cake, pie and rolls continually.
 3. John wants a bicycle and a wagon for Christmas.
 4. Everyone at the party enjoyed the hamburgers, hot
dogs, potato chips and drinks.
 5. Grandma left her umbrella and coat at our house.
 Answers:
 1. students = subject / have studied = verb / subjects, verbs =
direct objects
 2. man = subject / ate = verb / cake, pie, rolls = direct objects
 3. John = subject / wants = verb / bicycle, wagon = direct objects
 4. Everyone = subject / enjoyed = verb / hamburgers, hot dogs,
potato chips, drinks = direct objects
 5. Grandma = subject / left = verb / umbrella, coat = direct