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1. Comma’s
7. Adverbs
10. Proper nouns
3. Colons
12. Bibliography
2. Semi colons
8. Nouns
11. Proper adjectives
9. Pro nouns
5. Adjectives
6. Verbs
13. Apostrophize
1. Comma’s
For my birthday I want a
cat ,a dog ,a gorilla, 20
bucks, a tamed tiger,
and a cookie cake.
Comma’s explain were
breaks in sentences,
or it’s the spots were
the ideas of the
sentence changes.
2. Semicolons
Some people write on
prefer chalkboards.
Semicolons are used to
show relation
between two ideas
3. Colons
I’ll tell you what I’m
going:to do I’m going
to quit.
Colons are used to
show the start of a
list, or before an
explanation. Also,
colons are used for
time signatures.
4. “Quotes”
“ Run as fast as you can
through the woods
and over the bridge,”
said Billy.
Quotes are used to
show speech. The
words that are inside
the marks are the
words that the
character said. You
will see a tag before
after most quotes,
they tell who is
5. Adjectives
The brown dog walked
sleepily to his dog
The big dog ate his
breakfast quickly.
Adjectives are words
used to describe a
noun in the sentence.
There are often more
than one adjectives in
a sentence.
6. Verbs
The brown dog walked
verb sleepily to his dog
The dog ate his
breakfast quickly.
A verb is a type of word
used to show action
or movement in a
7. Adverbs
The brown dog walked
sleepily to his dog
The big dog ate his
breakfast quickly.
Adverbs are words used
to describe verbs, like
walked slowly, slowly
would be the adverb.
8. Nouns
The brown dog walked
sleepily to his dog
The big dog ate his
breakfast quickly.
Nouns can be three
things a person, a
place, or thing, nouns
are usually
9. Pronouns
“You sure are in a good
mood this morning.”
He ate his breakfast
A pronoun is used to
replace a noun or another
pronoun. There are two
types of pronouns
personal pronouns such
as person, number,
gender, case. Then
there's subjective
personal pronouns such
as you, he, she, it, we, I,
you, they.
Regular noun
10. Proper nouns
Proper noun
My dog Pete is a
German Shepherd
A noun is a person,
place, or thing. A
proper noun is the
name of that person,
place, or thing.
11. Proper adjectives
My friend is a Canadian.
He likes Canadian
A proper adjective is like
a noun with a add on.
Proper Adjective