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What is a sentence?
• A complete sentence has a subject
and a verb AND expresses a
complete thought.
• Every sentence must have a
subject and a verb
What is a simple
• The word or group of words
that tells who or what the
sentence is about
• Always a noun or pronoun
• Can be compound (more
than one)
What is a verb?
• Also called the predicate
• Tells what the subject does,
what is done to the subject, or
what the condition of the
subject is
• Can be action or linking
• Can be a verb phrase: a helping
verb followed by another verb
• Can be compound
Complete Subjects and
Complete Predicates
• Complete subject
–The subject and any words
related to it (modifiers)
• Complete predicate
–The verb and any words
related to it (objects,
modifiers, etc.)
The Complement
• A word or group of words that
completes the meaning of a
• May be a noun, pronoun, or
• Adverbs are NEVER complements
• Complements are NEVER part of a
prepositional phrase
• Four types: direct object, indirect
object, predicate nominative,
predicate adjective
The Direct Object
A noun or pronoun that follows
an ACTION verb
Receives the action of the verb or
shows the result of the action
Tells what after the action verb
Can be compound
Never an adverb or in a
prepositional phrase
Steps for Finding a
Direct Object
Find the subject.
Find the verb. Determine if it’s
action or linking.
If it’s an action verb, ask “what”
after the subject and verb.
The answer is the direct object.
The dog carried the bone to its owner.
Step 1: What is the subject?
Step 2: What is the verb?
Carried Is it an action verb?
Step 3: The dog carried what?
Answer: Bone is the direct object.
The Indirect Object
• A noun or pronoun that comes
after an action verb and before a
direct object; receives the direct
• Tells to who/what or for
• There CANNOT be an indirect
object without a direct object
• Can be compound
• Never an adverb or in a
prepositional phrase
Steps for Finding an
Indirect Object
Follow the steps for finding a
direct object.
Next ask “to who or what” or “for
who or what”.
The answer is the indirect object.
Subject + AV + IO + DO
The student gave her teacher the assignment.
Step 1: What is the subject?
Step 2: What is the verb?
Gave Is it an action verb? Yes
Step 3: The student gave what?
Assignment (So assignment is the direct
Step 4: The student gave the assignment to
Answer: Teacher is the indirect object.
• Subject complements follow
LINKING verbs (remember that
direct and indirect objects followed
ACTION verbs)
• Subject complements are nouns,
pronouns, and adjectives that
follow linking verbs and tell
something about the subject
• Nouns or pronouns that follow linking verbs
and rename or identify the subject
• Called predicate nouns and predicate
pronouns in your book
• Linking verb acts as an equal sign between
the subject and predicate nominative
• Can be compound
• Never in a prepositional phrase
• Hint: Predicate nominates tell what the
subject is. The subject and the predicate
nominative can be linked together with an
equal sign…see example.
Julie is a nice girl.
1. What is the subject?
2. What is the verb? Is it action or linking?
Is—Linking verb
3. Is there a word in the predicate that renames
or further identifies the subject?
4. Is that word a noun or pronoun?
Yes—girl is a noun, which makes it a
predicate nominative
Hint: Julie=girl
• Follow linking verbs and
describe/modify the subject of the
• Considered part of the predicate but
does not describe words in the
• Can be compound
• Never in a prepositional phrase
• Hint: While it may sound awkward,
predicate adjectives can trade places
with the subject in a sentence.
Julie is nice.
1. What is the subject?
2. What is the verb? Is it action or
Is—Linking verb
3. Is there a word in the predicate that
describes the subject?
Yes—nice describes the subject, Julie,
which makes it a predicate adjective
Hint: Nice is Julie.
Steps for Finding Subject
Find the subject.
Find the verb. Determine if it’s
action or linking.
If the verb is linking, find the word
that renames or identifies the
subject OR the word that describes
the subject. (in the predicate of the
If the word is renaming or
identifying the subject and it’s a
noun or pronoun, it is a PN. If the
word is describing the subject and
it’s an adjective, it is a PA.
The baby is cranky.
Step 1: What is the subject?
Step 2: What is the verb?
Is Is it action or linking? Linking
Step 3: What word is renaming or
describing the subject?
Step 4: Is it a noun, pronoun, or adjective?
Answer: Cranky is the predicate adjective.
The baby is a boy.
Step 1: What is the subject?
Step 2: What is the verb?
Is Is it action or linking?
Step 3: What word is renaming or
describing the subject?
Step 4: Is it a noun, pronoun, or adj?
Answer: Boy is the predicate nominative.