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* In Spanish there are two verbs that mean “to be”:
and ESTAR.
* Each verb has distinct uses.
* They are not interchangeable.
* SER is used to:
* Express a trait or characteristic, where
someone/something is from, nationality, tell time
* ESTAR is used to:
* Express a temporary condition or state, where
someone/something is located
ESTAR = To be
Remember that ESTAR is irregular
* Here is an acronym to help you remember when
to use which verb:
D escription
O rigin
N ationality
T ime
H ealth
E motion
L ocation
P resent progressive
*The present progressive is a verb tense.
Complete each sentence with the correct form
of either SER or ESTAR.
1. Yo _____________ de Nueva York.
2. Fernando y yo ___________ alumnos en una
escuela secundaria.
3. Anita _______ contenta. ________ de buen
4. Los muchachos ______________ graciosos.
5. La casa ___________ muy grande.
6. Yo ____________ enfermo(a). Tengo fiebre.