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Intro to Greek Mythology
Intro to Lit
Ms. Neill
Entrance Ticket
What do you know about the Greek gods and
goddesses and myths? List up to 5 things you
can think of, including:
Names of Greek gods and goddesses and what
they're gods/goddesses of
Names of other famous ancient people
If you don't know anything about Greek
gods/goddesses, make up a name and
personality for an all-powerful figure and tell me
what they can do.
As promised, a pic of Ms. Neill's
Plan for This Week and On
This week:
Intro to Greek mythology and argument
Survey + PARTY Friday for my last day
Next week and moving forward:
Mrs. Healy
The Odyssey, Greek myth, and how to make a
really good argument (writing and speaking)
Circle up! → “Human Atom”
Presentation on Greek myths
Quiz game
Drawing Greek gods and goddesses
Tea Party as Greek gods and goddesses
[If we have time: improv game]
ET and snaps!
Circle up!
Be ready to become Greek gods and
Presentation on Greek Gods and
Goddesses and Mythical Figures
Take notes on this presentation.
You'll be able to use your notes in the quiz
Quiz game winners get first pick of which
god/goddess they want to be later on.
“Greek Myth”
Traditional stories from the 8th century B.C.E.
About 3 types of beings:
Gods/goddesses who lived on Mount
Lesser gods/sorceresses/monsters
Mortal heroes
Gods and Goddesses
King of the gods
Controls lightning bolts (god of sky)
Married to his sister Hera but is unfaithful
Gods and Goddesses
Queen of the gods
Goddess of marriage
Cunning and powerful
Married to her brother Zeus
Gods and Goddesses
God of the sea
Carries a trident (pitchfork)
Zeus' brother
Gods and Goddesses
Goddess of the hearth (home)
Every city had a public fireplace kept burning in
her honor
Zeus' sister
Gods and Goddesses
God of the underworld and the dead
Zeus' brother
Kidnaps the half-mortal Persephone and forces
her to marry him
Gods and Goddesses
Goddess of harvest
Zeus' sister
Gods and Goddesses
Goddess of wisdom and war
A fierce warrior
Zeus' daughter
Gods and Goddesses
God of war
Had an affair with his sister Aphrodite
Son of Zeus and Hera
Gods and Goddesses
Goddess of the hunt
Also associated with the moon
Zeus' daughter
Gods and Goddesses
God of music and poetry
Also associated with the sun
Zeus' son
Artemis' twin brother
Gods and Goddesses
Goddess of love
Married to Hephaestus; affair with Ares
Zeus' daughter
Has a son, Eros (Cupid)
Gods and Goddesses
Blacksmith of the gods (makes things)
Son of Zeus and Hera
Born lame (one leg hurt)
Married to Aphrodite
Gods and Goddesses
Messenger god
Escorts dead to Hades
Zeus' son
Other Gods and Mythical Beings
9 Muses: 9 women who inspire all music, poetry
and dance in the world
3 Fates: 3 women who control mortals' lives (1
gives life, 1 says how long you live, and 1 cuts
the thread of your life
Mortals (Humans)
Hero of the Trojan War
Very cunning and independent
Was away from home for 10 years at war
Takes him another 10 years to get home
Homer's Odyssey → his journey
Mortals (Humans)
Clever and resourceful
Odysseus' wife
Stuck at home dealing with people who want to
marry her
Mortals (Humans)
Son of Odysseus and Penelope
Determined to find his father
Helps his mother dissuade the people who
want to marry her
Other Gods and Mythical Beings
Circe: sorceress who takes Odysseus prisoner
Scylla: giant whirlpool that kills some of Odysseus'
Charbydis: giant monster that kills some of
Odysseus' sailors
Other Gods and Mythical Beings
Sirens: Sing sailors to their deaths
Cyclops: one-eyed giant who takes Odysseus
prisoner and kills his men
Calypso: nymph who falls in love with Odysseus
Quiz Game!
Each pair gets 1 whiteboard
Quickest and most correct complete answer(s)
Winners get first pick of gods/goddesses later
Who is the goddess of war?
Who is the goddess of war?
What is Hermes god of?
What is Hermes god of?
Messenger god
Who is Odysseus?
Who is Odysseus?
Greek hero
Won the Trojan War
A mortal on a journey
Name 3 of Zeus' brothers and
Name 3 of Zeus' brothers and
Who is Aphrodite?
Who is Aphrodite?
Goddess of love
Who is Circe?
Who is Circe?
A sorceress who captures Odysseus
What is Odysseus' son's name?
What is Odysseus' son's name?
Who is the goddess of the harvest?
Who is the goddess of the harvest?
Who is Penelope and what
annoying situation is she in?
Who is Penelope and what
annoying situation is she in?
Odysseus' wife, not sure if her husband is alive,
stuck at home fending off people who want to
marry her
What do Scylla, Charbydis, and
Circe have in common?
What do Scylla, Charbydis, and
Circe have in common?
They stop Odysseus from getting home
Where do the gods and goddesses
Where do the gods and goddesses
Mount Olympus
Congratulations to our winners!
Winners get first pick of which goddesses/gods
they want to focus on today.
Everyone will pick one.
Draw your god/goddess!
Imagine what the god/goddess of __________
might look like, and draw it.
A drawing of the person/being
A symbol that represents them
3 labels containing information about them
Something you think they might say
Tea Party!
Now that you've imagined your god/goddess... it's
time to introduce them to everyone else!
When I say go... take your drawing and...
Find a partner who isn't sitting with you
Introduce your god/goddess to them and meet
Use the script I'll post up here to guide your
Write down what they tell you
Exit Ticket
The Greek goddesses and gods tend to get
involved with human fights and take sides. Do
you think this is a good idea, or not? Why or
why not? (2 sentences)
Write a specific, positive snap for someone for
their work in class today. (1 sentence)
Circle up for snaps!
“X drew a cool and specific picture of Athena”
“Y was really on point with the notes and
answered my question about them”
“I met Z in the Tea Party and she did an
awesome job explaining her god to me”